An adventure through Dark Sun: Shattered Lands

in Off-Topic
Before there was the IE engine creating 2nd edition masterpieces, there was SSI creating 2E games for worlds from Spelljammer to DragonLance. Here i'm going to post some of my playthrough from one of my personal favorites.
First, introducing the party, from left to right.

1) Zeke
Half Elf True Neutral Fighter/Druid/Preserver
Elemental Sphere: Water
Psionic School: Kinetics
Additional Comments: For RP reasons, I don't venture forth into the desert wastelands without one who worships the Water elemental sphere, despite the few and not very useful unique spells. A former member of the Veiled Alliance before being made a slave.
2) T'kir'taap
Neutral Good Thri-Kreen Fighter/Psion/Cleric
Elemental Sphere: Fire
All Psionic Schools
Additional Comments: Thri Kreen are a trade off. While they get a glorious 5 unarmed attacks per round, and an additional paralyzing bite even if equipped with a weapon, they can not equip almost any items. But considering this is the only game which allows them as a playable race, how could you pass it up? A wise and benevolent elder for her tribe before their capture by slavers.
3) Ester
Lawful Good Half Giant Gladiator
Psionic School: Telepathy
Additional Comments: Half Giants have terrific STR and CON scores. As such, they are the best candidate for melee damage dealer. Born into captivity.
4) Zertus
Chaotic Good Elf Ranger/Preserver
Elemental Sphere: Air
Psionic School: Metabolic
Additional comments: Rangers get no dual wield penalty and minor access to a few useful elemental spells, so it's not a bad tradeoff for a little extra XP. Also, two arcane casters are always better than one. Also a former member of the Veiled Alliance.
First, introducing the party, from left to right.

1) Zeke
Half Elf True Neutral Fighter/Druid/Preserver
Elemental Sphere: Water
Psionic School: Kinetics
Additional Comments: For RP reasons, I don't venture forth into the desert wastelands without one who worships the Water elemental sphere, despite the few and not very useful unique spells. A former member of the Veiled Alliance before being made a slave.
2) T'kir'taap
Neutral Good Thri-Kreen Fighter/Psion/Cleric
Elemental Sphere: Fire
All Psionic Schools
Additional Comments: Thri Kreen are a trade off. While they get a glorious 5 unarmed attacks per round, and an additional paralyzing bite even if equipped with a weapon, they can not equip almost any items. But considering this is the only game which allows them as a playable race, how could you pass it up? A wise and benevolent elder for her tribe before their capture by slavers.
3) Ester
Lawful Good Half Giant Gladiator
Psionic School: Telepathy
Additional Comments: Half Giants have terrific STR and CON scores. As such, they are the best candidate for melee damage dealer. Born into captivity.
4) Zertus
Chaotic Good Elf Ranger/Preserver
Elemental Sphere: Air
Psionic School: Metabolic
Additional comments: Rangers get no dual wield penalty and minor access to a few useful elemental spells, so it's not a bad tradeoff for a little extra XP. Also, two arcane casters are always better than one. Also a former member of the Veiled Alliance.
Let the games begin!"
We start our journey inside of the slave pens, awaiting our first battle in the arena. The lowly sligs and screamer beetles quickly go down. Unsatisfied with the spectacle, the announcer decides to throw yet another group of monsters against us, and we find ourselves assaulted by a pack of thri kreen.
After a more intense battle, in which Ester nearly fell, our group finds itself victorious in it's first arena bout.
Up next: Back to the slave pens we go...
Eventually, we are called back to fight in the arena, and have another victorious match against Muls and wild halflings. Untying Seymon and offering water to him, he freely divulges the location of the gem, convinced we are members of the Veiled Alliance.
Next up, the great escape.
Yet we were yet again misdirected. The head templar led us straight into an ambush with several guards and half giants. Thanks to T'kir'taap's furious assault we were able to swiftly take down the Templar and press the attack on the squad of guards. Making it out of the battle with few injuries, we obtain our first magic weapon off of the templar's body, the obsidian sword Bloodwrath +1.
Searching high and low all the while being attacked by guards, we come across a sewer grate that Ester rips open with her immense strength. Freedom awaits...
Also, you get a bigger quest XP prize for escaping without triggering the alarm (12000 opposed to 8000 - go straight to the sewer entrance after delivering the gem, but you need a thief to pick the lock) but I haven't sat down to count out if that outscores a genocidal escape. It's almost worth your time to fight your way out like you did just so that you have a full compliment of arrows and bows for the bulk of the game anyway (all of your characters can use them because they've all got a warrior class).
If you missed the Bloodwrath +1 from Pehtucl, in the southwest of the 'Pens, he shows up at the main sewer exit later.
There is also a preserver scroll in a bag in the northern part of the 'Pens, but I can't remember what scroll it is and scrolls are only used for learning spells in Shattered Lands anyway so if you already know the spell it's vendor trash.
There's also a small cache of gems and magical arrows in the 'Pens that you can nab before you break out;
they're guarded by a ghoul and a sealed secret door. There's another secret door on the western side of the 'Pens over near the Mountain Stalkers, but it's only useful if you escaped through Dinos' room and managed to not set off the alarm.
Our party goes back to confront Churr over this kidnapping, and he reveals he handed her over to a human known as Mikqueztel, and the Tari he has converted to the worship of the Sorcerer-King Tectuktitlay.
Off our party goes to rescue the Chief's daughter...
Almost as soon as we get back, a battle ensues among the Tari and we must defend the temple as well as the chieftan's daughter in the attack. Few are able to even set foot in the temple as they were picked off by arrows, magic missles, and psionic attacks as they charged in from across the hall.
Finally finished with our mission, the Chief gives us a powerful item, the Helm of Contemplation, which prevents psionic attack. Zeke's druidic abilities increased after the battle and he was able to cure Ester of her blindness.
Next up, consulting the Tari Elders for wisdom...
Our party now has a choice. We can explore Dagolar's lair, or we can try to seek our freedom. Not wanting to linger in the area any more than we have to, we decide to seek the exit, for now.
It is an easy task to get past the few guards, and we are quickly outside. There he parts ways with us, telling us he is more than capable of surviving, and he would give us a few tips, but we are too barbaric to understand it.
A few steps later, the sands move and a massive Bulette appears, devouring him. Before it can reach us, T'kir'taap lets off a psionic Disintegrate, stopping it in it's tracks.
Also having psychoportation would have probably broken the game into itty bitty bits, but m'eh.
It's probably wise to come back to Dagolar's Tunnels later; while it's possible to complete them before reaching Open Air, it's a pain in the ass at lower levels and/or without bladed weapons on everyone.
(also I'm reading through The Complete Psionics Handbook and now I want to incorporate the Psionic mechanics into a new system as the primary metaphysical power)
Thanks for the playthrough, Zeke! I bought this game to play on my girlfriend's mom's packard bell. I played it so much I blew out the power supply :-). This also forced me to buy my first PC. Good times.
Anyway, as our party tasted it's first steps of freedom, we did not have to go far to discover a fallen messenger amidst the sands. Taking a look at the note he held, we discover that he intended to warn the free villages of a growing effort from the city of Draj, where we had just escaped, to destroy all free villages nearby. Nearby, a person camping alone calls out to us. He tells us he hails from the city of Teaquetzel, a short distance to the north, but he fled after reading the note himself, fearing the villages have no hope. Deciding to carry this message for ourselves, we head into Teaqueztel.
There we meet with the mayor of the town, who is delighted to see us, as he believes us to be the group that the visionary spoke of that will save the free villages. We speak to this visionary, but the sun-blasted halfling does little more than rant and rave like a madman, and little sense can be made of it.
Not wanting to dissapoint the people of the free villages, and fearing for our own well being as well, we agree to the mayor's proposal to journey to all of the free villages and seek to form a united army against them. As a reward for agreeing to this task, we are given our own home within the village, as well as a few magical items. Among these is the bone sword, Swiftbite +2, which Zertus equips.
Off to find the villages!
Apparently, we were being watched, as in response to this, a fellow druid appears and thanks us! He seems a kind enough sort and offers any help he can give. At the moment, we ask for nothing, and continue on.
If you look at the old guide for the game, there are screenshots of an earlier version, where you can see Psychoportation was meant to be included in the Psionic schools. Wonder how much of that code was left in the game. Kinetics is really the best for non-Psionic classes though, since in Wake of the Ravager you get access to Disintegrate as a wild talent if you have the points to cast it. Which IIRC fits PnP rules as well.
Anyway, after our rest in the Oasis and our meeting with the kind druid, our party gathers and ventures forth once again. Who did we run into shortly after leaving the place than the old announcer of the gladiator pits! Probably off to buy more slaves to replace his escaped ones. Terrified in our presence, he asks us to spare him in exchange for knowledge of some treasure. We happily let him go on his way.
Which since that still includes Control Body and Inertial Barrier, it's still probably the best one (I prefer Metabolics for melee characters because Biofeedback, but having four characters that can usurp an enemy in some way is really nice, plus Kinetics meshes really well with Half-Giant stats)
I am curious please share. I have played the game through many times 1998 and now; my last playthough was in 2015
The Baldur's Gate series is well known for snarkiness, but almost never do you get to
seecommit outright blasphemy like this.