Your three most favourite keepering about

As the title says.
Here goes mine;
1. Boiling Rain Storm (innate ability lvl 1)
Deals 2D6 no save poison damage and stuns for 1 round unless save vs breath attack.
Pros: Fast cast AOE spell, great for clearing out mobs of weaker critters without feeling supercheaty like granting yourself dragon disciple breath attack. Well one dragons breath is fine...
Cons: Since there is no save for the dmg and it is so fast, does feel cheaty if used to interrupt enemy spellcasters (so I try ti avoid that.) Accessed through spell button, so non-casters cannot use.
2. Setting your kit as wild mage or shadowdancer.
ALL spells and even some (or is it all?) innate abilities are subject to wild surge. So yes, even priests will every 20 spells have zany side effects, if kitted to wild mage. Likewise, ALL sneaking classes, even monks, will get hide in plain sight if kitted to shadowdancers. That makes wild mage and shadowdancer kits rather unique, because their special stuff is hardcoded, whereas most kits special stuff can be added as innate abilities or effects. I only wish I could chose both
3. Adding backstab 2x (effect)
In my mind, ALL classes should get backstab bonuses, because anyone can aim for a more tender area and put all his force behind the blow, if the opponent will not block. Sure sure, thieves might be better at it - but they also do get larger backstab bonuses, while I always put my non-thieves at x2.
Con: Adding backstab is tricky, you need a lot of testing different values before it works - in fact, all my latest builds have been multiclass thieves, so I have forgotten how to do it.
Here goes mine;
1. Boiling Rain Storm (innate ability lvl 1)
Deals 2D6 no save poison damage and stuns for 1 round unless save vs breath attack.
Pros: Fast cast AOE spell, great for clearing out mobs of weaker critters without feeling supercheaty like granting yourself dragon disciple breath attack. Well one dragons breath is fine...
Cons: Since there is no save for the dmg and it is so fast, does feel cheaty if used to interrupt enemy spellcasters (so I try ti avoid that.) Accessed through spell button, so non-casters cannot use.
2. Setting your kit as wild mage or shadowdancer.
ALL spells and even some (or is it all?) innate abilities are subject to wild surge. So yes, even priests will every 20 spells have zany side effects, if kitted to wild mage. Likewise, ALL sneaking classes, even monks, will get hide in plain sight if kitted to shadowdancers. That makes wild mage and shadowdancer kits rather unique, because their special stuff is hardcoded, whereas most kits special stuff can be added as innate abilities or effects. I only wish I could chose both

3. Adding backstab 2x (effect)
In my mind, ALL classes should get backstab bonuses, because anyone can aim for a more tender area and put all his force behind the blow, if the opponent will not block. Sure sure, thieves might be better at it - but they also do get larger backstab bonuses, while I always put my non-thieves at x2.
Con: Adding backstab is tricky, you need a lot of testing different values before it works - in fact, all my latest builds have been multiclass thieves, so I have forgotten how to do it.
The goal is to allow some faster casting of low level spells and trail off in power once the druid becomes wiser. It also fills up the level 2 which is not overly special for them. I have some extra level 1-3 spells but this one sticks out.
2. I once made a bard/thief duo kit called, the switch, which gave an innate to switch class, so bard to thief and thief back to bard. I played it to death because I wanted a bard that could pick locks and find traps and still sing and cast spells. No thief needed in that party! I still have it for nostalgia reasons and I think it was at some point even in one of those mega mod combiners.
3. Ruby ring of reversal. An upgrade to the normal ruby ring with a scroll of ruby ray of reversal to give the user a once per day dispel.
Dltcep-ing though, not keepering.
I an busy with realism concepts in my spare time such as replacing the random treasures with purses, or changing scrolls to need lore to decipher and then changing lore to scale with caster level (but that means redoing lore for all items as well), or dynamic ability scores dependent on behaviour of the character (long time encumbrance gives bonus to strength. Using light weapons gives bonus to dexterity but in long term may decline in strength or constitution, fatigue decreases constitution, picking stupid dialogue decreases charisma wisdom or intelligence, etcetera), but bonuses do not become godlike (past 19/20). The latter is conceptual still.
2. Re-creating a charname in bg2 to match bg1 because mod classes don't transfer.
3. Testing different builds at various level ranges to see what feels more fun for my next run.
2: Add kits to MC, usually for flavour and RP rather than for power, but they often go hand in hand. My latest dwarf shadowdancer/fighter is very strong and got great RP value for me.
3: Change proficiency points on NPCs. If I haven't used halberds in a long time I might add it to Shar'teel or whatever fits my current party.
Why 42 and not some other number? Well, I figured that you will want at least 1/3 of spells to actually work, or wild surge quickly becomes frustrating, not to mention old and dull. However, the rolls between and including 32-42 are all kind of meh (see link for chart below), so no loss in pumping it from 34 to 42.
Now you can kit yourself to shadowdancer, because wild mage is already covered. The big drawback with this solution is that roll 1 to 31 contain most of the zanyest rolls, like 13 and 31. But, I think it is a fair compromise considering you get HIPS.
In case anyone wonders, my build is a summoner used for solo* play; kit effect barb (for some extra speed needed to avoid getting mobbed) a couple of innate ability improved invisibility and a shitton of totemic druid spirit animals. Hide, cast imp inv, summon critters, hope critters are summoned faster than the enemy kills them, oh fuck! wild surge hold cast on self
*Or rather semi-solo; rest of party camps until they are needed, for instance because I wild surge hold myself.