Item modding question

in BG:EE Mods
Hello all. Having seen that SoD adds Stalker Gauntlets as a magic item, and that there's a mod that allows you to take them into BG2EE, I was wondering if anyone can tell me how complicated it will be to make a mod to have this item in BGEE (before SoD content). I've never modded before and have no programming experience, but I'd really like my stalker to be able to use this item so that he isn't restricted to a x2 backstab for the entirety of the first game. Cheers

cheat them into your inventory.
You may want to create yourself a small weidu mod that
1. adds the SoD item to BGEE
2. adds the item to the inventory of a foe of your choice, e.g Greywolf(?)
3. For that you need to export the SoD item to your mod, also the animation files and the item description.
4. write a tp2 that a) puts the item into BGEE and b) adds it to a creature file
Alternative to 3, you can just create a similar item for your BGEE game and just put it onto a cre.
It is a bit of effort but it can be done, depending on your modding experience.