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Changing NWN's main menu theme

TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
I just did something really awesome with my NWN that I thought I would share with all of you. I figured out a way to change the music that plays on the main menu of the game!

I had always liked the menu music that plays when HotU is not installed more than the HotU menu theme. Unfortunately the game appears to be hard coded to use the HotU menu theme if HotU is installed, and this means that the NWN menu theme is pretty much not used anywhere once HotU is installed. Today I decided to try fooling around with a the filenames in the games music directory. First, I removed the file named "mus_x2theme.bmu" from the music folder in the game's directory. Then I made a copy of the file named "mus_theme_main.bmu" and renamed it to "mus_x2theme.bmu". Viola! The game now plays the NWN menu theme on the main menu!

There are only a few problems with doing this:
1. The HotU theme is no longer able to be used by the game.
2. There is an area in the HotU campaign that uses this theme.
3. The movies probably use the theme too; I don't remember. (I play with movies disabled because they cause SERIOUS issues with the game.)

While I am not overly concerned with problem 1, problem 2 did concern me a bit. All I had to do, though, was edit the area in question with the Aurora Toolset. I opened the "XP2_Chapter1" module and then opened the "Undermountain Level 3 - Central" area and looked at the area properties. I then changed the day/night music from "XP2 - Theme" to "XP2 - Undermountain" to make it fit better with the rest of the module.
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