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  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    Kristie83 said:

    Its not a reward for pre-ordering, its a reward because of the unexpected and last-minute delay for the pre-orderers.

    To be more exact, it's not a reward; it's a compensation and a 'we apologize for inconvenience' token for the last minute delay, delivered to those who already showed their support in shiny digital coin. :)

  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Syntia13 said:

    Kristie83 said:

    Its not a reward for pre-ordering, its a reward because of the unexpected and last-minute delay for the pre-orderers.

    To be more exact, it's not a reward; it's a compensation and a 'we apologize for inconvenience' token for the last minute delay, delivered to those who already showed their support in shiny digital coin. :)

    Yes! You've articulated this point much more eloquently than I! :)
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