New area maybe? Or possibly an exclusive item? Or like the collecters edition of bg2, maybe there is a new merchant which sells several exclusive items?
Personally, I hope it is not anything that effects gameplay. I use a Mac, and I would have preordered it if I could. Having additional preorder only gameplay boosts in this case will punish non PC users.
@revaar I think a great deal of the BG PC population just sees it as a privilege that we even get to have the game and that we should be thankful for that. But I agree with you, the PC gamers getting a reward for pre ordering is stupid.
Or like the collecters edition of bg2, maybe there is a new merchant which sells several exclusive items?
*that expired in August. (It's the thought that counts.)
(I'm kidding, in case it wasn't obvious)
Edit: I could see them doing it anyway and just making some other way for mac / tablet users to get it because that's just how Overhaul rolls.
It has been replaced for all those that pre-ordered with the video "Il Pulcino Pio".