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[v3.4] Aura, a gnome artificer NPC for BG:EE + SoD



  • Shrimpboy107Shrimpboy107 Member Posts: 13
    AionZ wrote: »

    I believe this issue has come up once before but since I have no way of reproducing it especially without owning the GOG version I can't give you any assured solutions, so I can only give suggestions on what might work. First off, make sure it's the latest version because I use a ton of resources from the most recent updates in my mods. Also, if I'm not mistaken the GOG version requires modmerge/DLC Merger before installing any mods. Try starting with those solutions.

    Thank you so much! I was unaware of the DLC Merger issue. I installed it and it worked like a charm. The only issue I see after reloading the games is that Aura's name was changed to "You're hard to forget, Skie Silvershield. But I'm trying." and her biography to "With a Flaming Fist escort, of course."

    Not a huge issue as I can EEKeeper her name back. I noticed it before with my previous install as well, the Ninjas that attacked us in the Undercellar and in the streets of Baldur's Gate were named after one of their dialogues, I can't remember what it said exactly though. If you know how to fix that, you would be my total hero but since it isn't game breaking I can deal.

    Thank you again for your help and producing such fun mods!
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    edited June 2019
    Did you load your old save after running modmergr And reinstalling the mod? I ask became we if sounds like the dialogue strings no later no longer match up. I've no idea how to solve this unfortunately.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Any chance of making Aura's bow unepqipable? I love the character, but she only has two weapon slots and that bow is incredibly annoying.

    I like it myself. However, if you don't like it you could always use keeper to get rid of it altogether or delete it and create another in your inventory.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited June 2019
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Any chance of making Aura's bow unepqipable? I love the character, but she only has two weapon slots and that bow is incredibly annoying.

    I like it myself. However, if you don't like it you could always use keeper to get rid of it altogether or delete it and create another in your inventory.

    That would be bad since you still can’t move the bow and it would just be stuck in your inventory slot.

    This is a weird case for me in that I could technically do it and while it might muck up a script or two there’s nothing that would break the mod, but I’m extremely hesitant to for somewhat self-centered reasons.

    ...I’ll think about it. Maybe just attach some .itm files with the droppable flag and not make it part of the core package. Can’t right now though.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    To me, the bow is so much part of her that it seems sacrilege to drop it.
  • Shrimpboy107Shrimpboy107 Member Posts: 13
    southfla79 wrote: »
    Did you load your old save after running modmergr And reinstalling the mod? I ask became we if sounds like the dialogue strings no later no longer match up. I've no idea how to solve this unfortunately.

    Yeah. I reinstalled BGEE and SoD using GOG Downloader, installed DLC Merger, installed Artisan's Kit pack for just Arcane Archer and then installed Aura. Between each step I launched the game to see if it worked. After Aura installed, I loaded up the save file from my old game that I had right before fighting Sarevok. I noticed the issue on Aura.

    Like I said not a big deal but a slight nuisance. As long as it only affects the mod relevant NPCs and not everyone in the game, I can deal with it.
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
    southfla79 wrote: »
    Did you load your old save after running modmergr And reinstalling the mod? I ask became we if sounds like the dialogue strings no later no longer match up. I've no idea how to solve this unfortunately.

    Yeah. I reinstalled BGEE and SoD using GOG Downloader, installed DLC Merger, installed Artisan's Kit pack for just Arcane Archer and then installed Aura. Between each step I launched the game to see if it worked. After Aura installed, I loaded up the save file from my old game that I had right before fighting Sarevok. I noticed the issue on Aura.

    Like I said not a big deal but a slight nuisance. As long as it only affects the mod relevant NPCs and not everyone in the game, I can deal with it.

    Something similar happened with me and the Sirene mod. But, i haven't tried what you did though @Shrimpboy107.
  • Shrimpboy107Shrimpboy107 Member Posts: 13
    Saber83 wrote: »
    southfla79 wrote: »
    Did you load your old save after running modmergr And reinstalling the mod? I ask became we if sounds like the dialogue strings no later no longer match up. I've no idea how to solve this unfortunately.

    Yeah. I reinstalled BGEE and SoD using GOG Downloader, installed DLC Merger, installed Artisan's Kit pack for just Arcane Archer and then installed Aura. Between each step I launched the game to see if it worked. After Aura installed, I loaded up the save file from my old game that I had right before fighting Sarevok. I noticed the issue on Aura.

    Like I said not a big deal but a slight nuisance. As long as it only affects the mod relevant NPCs and not everyone in the game, I can deal with it.

    Something similar happened with me and the Sirene mod. But, i haven't tried what you did though @Shrimpboy107.

    @Saber83 Did you do/find anything to fix it? Like I said, it happened on my original Beamdog BGEE too where I installed it normally, just that and AionZ's other mod.
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
    No. Used DLC/Mod merge as mentioned earlier, but in my case i had so many other mods installed, it could just as easily have been a problem with one of them.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @southfla79 The only way to fix it is to reset to a fresh install. You use the Beamdog launcher to "verify game files". This will wipe all your mods and give you a fresh install to reapply mods too. As a general rule, adding or removing mods during a playthrough is a bad idea.

    @AionZ I've never been a fan of stuck weapons on characters. Especially not in games that have so many cool weapons to choose from. Her bow lacking echantment also hurts her viability.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @southfla79 The only way to fix it is to reset to a fresh install. You use the Beamdog launcher to "verify game files". This will wipe all your mods and give you a fresh install to reapply mods too. As a general rule, adding or removing mods during a playthrough is a bad idea.

    @AionZ I've never been a fan of stuck weapons on characters. Especially not in games that have so many cool weapons to choose from. Her bow lacking echantment also hurts her viability.

    The Drizzt Saga had major problems with stuck weapons on characters. When they died you couldn't give them their weapons back after resurrection. When I mentioned it to the modder, he/she decided to unstick them. By all means have them only useable by the character ( or someone very similar). That is fair enough, but sticking them causes all sorts of unintended problems.

    I actually like it if it is possible to create a character who can use an NPC's equipment. It used to be possible to create a character who could use Xan's Moonblade. He had to be called Xan, be a lawful neutral elf, and have all stats the same or higher than Xan's. That was cool. :)
  • Shrimpboy107Shrimpboy107 Member Posts: 13
    @AionZ So I started up SoD with my new save file after manually changing Aura's name back with EEKeeper. She repeatedly initiates conversation with me until I tell her we need to stop talking. Her Muffy and Rune Book are missing and her go here command dialogue is "Safana and Coran."

    Do you think the order of the install matters? Or is it something else? Like I said, the only mods I have installed are DLC Merger, your Arcane Archer and Aura. I initially did DLC Merger, then Arcane Archer, then Aura. I could change the order to put Aura first and see if that works?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I would reinstall Aura. The issue is your TLK file. The strings Aura is trying to pull from are set incorrectly. A reset of this should correct it.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited June 2019

    That would not solve the issue as the what's important is the mod install order. It also sounds like you opened a game from after the mod was no longer installed then saved, which is why the items disappeared. Aura does come with a string fixer script - if you talk to her and ask about her voice, it will correct her name and soundset for you.

    I can't really do much about the items issue. If you have mod items, uninstall the mod they came from then save, the items are permanently gone even if you reinstall the mod afterwards. You can console them back in.
  • Shrimpboy107Shrimpboy107 Member Posts: 13
    @AionZ It seemed to be an issue with importing the save from the Beamdog save. When I beat the game and let it progress itself with the GOG BGEE + SoD, it seemed to transition without a hitch! I had to use the script correct and EEKeeper her back to Artificer kit after the reinstall of the GOG client. But everything looks good as of now!

    Thank you for your help! I look forward to seeing the SoD content and what you have in store for her in BG2. Sorry about all the issues and pestering! I just really wanted it to work!
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Yeah... don't worry, we've all been there. I'm just happy that my modding experience gives me a clue on what issues exist and how to fix them.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    AionZ wrote: »
    • Rebalanced explosive weapons
    • Increased Artificer Lore bonus to 30
    • Aura's Quest ends if she dies permanently

    Does that mean that you stop getting attacked by the ninjas once she is dead?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Uh, well... that shouldn’t have been happening in the first place but I’m assuming with the quest script shut down after Aura’s death there won’t be any more quest events occurring anymore.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    v2.21 is a very minor update that changes how the automaton handles area transitions. If you've used the automaton before you may notice that Ctrl+J no longer makes the automaton teleport with you and it may do some weird jumps when moving between areas. This change may be rolled back depending on how many problems I find with it.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Reverted the v2.21 changes. It was just too buggy and didn't improve the automaton mechanics much.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited June 2019
    The REAL update, v2.3, merely contains a few changes to the artificer kit:

    Healing Arrows, instead of providing a one-shot 1d6+1 heal, now provides a non-stacking regeneration buff of 1d2 hit points per (2 + Aura's level) seconds. This means that the effectiveness of healing arrows scale with level but no longer with APR. The advantage is that the total heal value scales much better with levels and there's no longer a need to spend time sticking allies full of arrows to heal them. The downside is that the average healing per round is much lower.

    Set Alchemical Snare can now be cast without taking an action (so you can immediately cast another spell afterwards) allowing you to set multiples more quickly. Since this spell can't be used in combat, the only thing this should do is save time. The traps themselves have been made significantly less unwieldy - now they can only be triggered by enemies allowing you to more easily bait enemies into them without setting them off with your own party. The explosion when triggered still affects everyone, though. The explosion radius of all traps have also been increased slightly.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Fixed an issue that caused Alchemical Traps to never scale past level 1.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited June 2019
    • Rebalanced Alchemical Traps
    • Improved Visuals
    • Added elemental immunity-based protection from secondary effects

    New effects for Alchemical Traps:
    Set Alchemical Snare
    Set a trap in the targeted location when no hostile creatures are in sight. Traps deal 2d4 (+1d4 extra damage per 3 levels) fire, cold, acid or electrical damage of the artificer's choice in a 10' radius, inflicting additional effects that last for 2 rounds + 1 round per 3 levels of the artificer. Effects are dependent on the chosen element. Alchemical Snares can only be set off by enemies, but affect all within its area of effect.

    ALCHEMIST'S FIRE: Trap damage increases to d6 and sets targets Aflame, dealing an additional 1d4 fire damage per round.
    RAPID FREEZE: Targets become Slowed, suffering a -4 penalty to THAC0 and Armor Class.
    ACIDIC COMPOUND: Targets are afflicted with Corrosion, suffering a -25% penalty to Physical Resistance and Damage.
    ELECTRIC CHARGE: Targets become Shocked, suffering a 10% chance every round to become Paralyzed for 1 round.

    The secondary effects on the traps are stronger overall, but average damage is somewhat lower. Except the fire trap. It does a lot more damage. A LOT. They also are slower to scale up since they only improve per 3 levels instead of every level, and effect duration is much lower. Also, creatures with immunity to an element are now immune to all effects by traps of that element. This also applies for a few of the fire and poison element explosives.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    • Reworked Craft Rune
    Craft Rune
    Artificers that have knowledge of magic are capable of creating and using runes charged with arcane energy. When the Craft Rune ability is used, a rune may be chosen from a selection that may be expended to cast a powerful arcane spell.

    1st level: Igneus Blaze, Cryoshock, Energy Barrage
    10th level: Lunar Butterfly
    12th level: Aerial Judgment

    Runes may not be crafted during combat, and lose their potency if not used within 24 hours. From 20th level onward, two runes are created per use of the ability.
    I think I've mentioned before how I didn't like the way the Craft Rune ability worked and it was mostly there as a placeholder until I made something better. The new Craft Rune, which grants several unique spells, stands out a bit more and is hopefully more balanced as well. The new spells... well, I won't spoil what they do. It's a fairly small pool right now but the 10th and 12th level spells match the level caps of BG1 and SoD respectively, so these are just the ones you can get at the moment, and there will be more in BG2 at higher levels. The process of creating runes is a little more tedious than the previous spell, and I'm working on improving that.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Cool updates. I'm actually planning on giving Aura a full playthrough into SoD once I'm all done.

    I did find another minor bug:

    Global("C0AuraDorn1","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BDORN C0AuraDorn1
    ~Out of my way, runt.~
    DO ~SetGlobal("C0AuraAura1","GLOBAL",1)~

    This conversation will repeat as the Global is never turned off, due to the misnaming.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Ah... yes, that needs to be fixed, thank you. I've added it into the most recent mini-update along with a fix to the Sunshooter arrows not striking as magical weapons and a new sequencer-like interface for Craft Rune.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    edited June 2019
    Skitia wrote: »
    Cool updates. I'm actually planning on giving Aura a full playthrough into SoD once I'm all done.

    I did find another minor bug:

    Global("C0AuraDorn1","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BDORN C0AuraDorn1
    ~Out of my way, runt.~
    DO ~SetGlobal("C0AuraAura1","GLOBAL",1)~

    This conversation will repeat as the Global is never turned off, due to the misnaming.

    I noticed Dorn having that conversation with Aura repeatedly in my campaign (I'm running version 1.94 of Aura). Is there any way to fix the continuous occurring of said banter in an ongoing campaign?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Is there a reason you need to use an outdated version? C:SetGlobal(“C0AuraDorn1”,”GLOBAL”,1) and C:SetGlobal(“C0AuraDorn2”,”GLOBAL”,) will handle the repeating banters.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    edited June 2019
    AionZ wrote: »

    Is there a reason you need to use an outdated version?

    I don't want to change my mod setup midgame, as it might break a lot more. Reinstalling Aura using WeiDU means all subsequent mods installed will get reinstalled by WeiDU and that creates the possibility of a lot more bugs than just Dorn's repeated banter.

    But thanks for the CLUA codes, I will apply them.
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