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[v3.4] Aura, a gnome artificer NPC for BG:EE + SoD



  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 64
    I wonder, is there any chance:
    1) Aura would be bi? She seems right up my male charname street
    2) Any chance of bg2ee content?

    it's a pressureless (is that even a word?) comment of course :)
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    ErykEryk wrote: »
    I wonder, is there any chance:
    1) Aura would be bi? She seems right up my male charname street

    If you can live with the odd pronoun, this is *very* easy to implement with most NPC mods (at your own risk, of course, and don't pester the author with bugs): Simply search the .d and .baf files for gender checks acivating the romance and remove them before installing the mod. If everything still compiles well in WeiDU afterwards, you're usually good to go.
  • RigelRigel Member Posts: 256
    Hi, first thank you for the wonderful mod. Truly amazing and fun to play.
    I would have two questions:
    - First from an RP point of view, what do you think Aura should be ? Just Artificer, or Muti-Class ?
    - As I mentioned in another thread, I try to have Finch and Aura in the same group, but have problem with their google of identification, which do not seem to work together. Have someone already encountered the same problem ?
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 147
    What do you mean with „work together“? Finchs doesn‘t work, because they‘re bugged.
    Auras glasses do work, as far as I remember.
  • WorldsOnwardWorldsOnward Member Posts: 1
    edited January 6
    Hey, I've tried out this mod just recently and Aura asked to uncurse the Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity. That was a seven days in-game ago and she is still working on it. How long does it take to finish? Is their a console command to speed it up?

    Edit: Nevermind, just needed to sleep one more day in an inn and she's done
    Post edited by WorldsOnward on
  • JanWJanW Member Posts: 26
    Is it something with my install? But I'm getting this when clicking "set alchemical trap" then right clicking any of them:

  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 724
    JanW wrote: »
    Is it something with my install? But I'm getting this when clicking "set alchemical trap" then right clicking any of them:

    Probably yes.
    Are you playing on BGEE or EET?
    Which others mods did you installed?

  • JanWJanW Member Posts: 26
    And a typo:

  • JanWJanW Member Posts: 26
    edited January 17
    Trouveur wrote: »
    JanW wrote: »
    Is it something with my install? But I'm getting this when clicking "set alchemical trap" then right clicking any of them:

    Probably yes.
    Are you playing on BGEE or EET?
    Which others mods did you installed?

    Latest BGEE on Windows.

    My install order:
    A7-DLCMERGER-MERGE_SOD;DLC Merger - Merge "Siege of Dragonspear" DLC
    EEex:0;EEex - EEex
    EEex:2;EEex - Enable effect menu module - LShift-on-hover to view spells affecting creature
    EEex:3;EEex - Enable empty container module - Highlight empty containers in gray instead of cyan
    dragonspear_ui++:0;Dragonspear UI++ - Backup M_BG.lua file
    dragonspear_ui++:1;Dragonspear UI++ - Install SoD GUI Overhaul Core Component
    dragonspear_ui++:2;Dragonspear UI++ - Add Transparent Tooltip Background
    dragonspear_ui++:3;Dragonspear UI++ - Update several strings in Dialog.tlk
    dragonspear_ui++:10;Dragonspear UI++ - Update portrait Picker
    dragonspear_ui++:11;Dragonspear UI++ - Fix Blurry Portraits
    B3-BubbsSpellMenuExtended-Main;Bubb's Spell Menu Extended - Bubb's Spell Menu Extended
    AY-ChattyImoen-CharSnds;Chatty Imoen - Chatty Imoen: Expanded Character Sounds
    AY-ChattyImoen-NPCInteractions;Chatty Imoen - Chatty Imoen: Add NPC Interactions
    NTotSC_MainComponent;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC) for BGT-Weidu, BG:EE, and EET
    NTotSC_LessMonsters;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Spawn less Monsters depending on Game Difficulty
    NTotSC_KeelortheDwarf;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Keelor the Dwarf
    NTotSC_LlindellynsLuckyArrow;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Llindellyn's Lucky Arrow
    NTotSC_NimFurlwing;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Nim Furlwing's Hunting Hounds
    NTotSC_PilarandGeldehar;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Pilar and Gheldehar
    NTotSC_SvlastsTorment;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Svlast's Torment
    NTotSC_FightingEncounters;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Fighting Encounters
    NTotSC_TacticalChallengesFiends;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Improved Lesser Fiends
    NTotSC_TacticalChallengesHaeball;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Improved Haeball
    NTotSC_TacticalChallengesGhotal;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Improved Ghotal
    NTotSC_RemoveShamanCloaks_Completely;Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - Remove Cloaks from generic Orc Priests
    bgqe_slimequest;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Slime Quest
    bgqe_familyquest;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Beregost Family Quest
    bgqe_babysitting;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Babysitting Quest, including the Carnival Encounter...
    bgqe_nashkelmonster;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Nashkel Monster Quest
    bgqe_fallenpaladin;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Fallen Paladin Quest
    bgqe_undyinglove;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Undying Love Quest
    bgqe_orclover;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Lovesick Half-Orc
    bgqe_unexpectedhelp;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Unexpected Help Quest
    bgqe_manypaws;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Many Little Paws
    bgqe_drunk;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Drunk near Beregost Temple
    bgqe_noober;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - A Warm Place for Noober
    bgqe_bragesword;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Brage's Sword
    bgqe_seacharts;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Legal Sea Charts Sources
    bgqe_waterqueentemple;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Additions to the Lady's Hall and the Bitch Queen's Temple
    bgqe_worriedfarmer;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - A Worried Farmer
    bgqe_bodiesforgoodcause;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Bodies for a Good Cause
    bgqe_cordyrnokillingsil;Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification - Finish Cordyr's Quest without killing Sil
    bg1re-required-adult_bgstyle_all;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - BG-style Version [Adult content] and Show/Install all Components with Warnings.
    bg1re_bardolans_briefing;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Bardolan's Briefing, by berelinde
    bg1re_scars_spare_time;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Scar's Spare Time, by jastey
    bg1re_kims_preoccupation;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Kim's Preoccupation, by jastey (WARNING - refer to the readme!)
    bg1re_extention_of_bjornin_encounter;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Extension of Bjornin Encounter (Personal Wound Treatment), by jastey
    bg1re_no_starch_in_maypole;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - No Starch in the Maypole
    bg1re_duke_eltans_spare_minute;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Duke Eltan's Spare Minute, by jastey
    bg1re_husams_personal_preparation;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Husam's Personal Preparation, by jastey
    bg1re_laurels_post_hunting;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Laurel's Post-Hunting, by jastey
    bg1re_bartus_seduction;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Bartus' Seduction, by jastey
    bg1re_linas_massage;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Lina's Massage, by jastey
    bg1re_bg1re_first_night_quentin;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - First Night with Quentin, by Kulyok
    bg1re_chatting_niklos_up;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Chatting Niklos Up, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!)
    bg1re_slythe_and_kristin;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Slythe and Krystin, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!)
    bg1re_no_regrets;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - No Regrets
    bg1re_purchased_love;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Purchased Love, by Thimblerig
    bg1re_hull_heavy_duty;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Hull: Heavy Duty, by Lava
    bg1re_late_night_jaheira;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Late Night with Jaheira, by Kulyok
    bg1re_sils_blessing;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Sil's Blessing, by Lava
    bg1re_melicamp_poultry_boy;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Melicamp: The Poultry Boy, by Lava
    bg1re_reading_with_rinnie;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Reading with Rinnie, by Western Paladin
    bg1re_molly_husband_grabber;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Molly the Husband-Grabber, by Kulyok
    bg1re_mourning_of_centeol;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Mourning of Centeol, the Spider Lady, by Lava
    bg1re_essential_end;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Essential End, by Lava (WARNING - refer to the readme!)
    bg1re_harvestmen_lair;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Harvestmen Lair, by Lava (mature content)
    bg1re_great_zudini;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Great Zudini, by Kulyok (mature content)
    bg1re_messenger;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Messenger, by Thimblerig
    bg1re_ender_sai_heros_reward;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Ender Sai, the Hero's Reward, by Thimblerig (WARNING - refer to the readme!)
    bg1re_the_novellists;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Novelists, by Thimblerig
    bg1re_honest_lies_of_two_riversides;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Honest Lies of Two Riversides, By Lava
    bg1re_necromancers_trouble;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Necromancer's Trouble, by jastey
    bg1re_dinner_with_thalantyr;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Dinner with Thalantyr, by jastey
    bg1re_gender_girdle_reactions;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Girdle of Gender Reactions, by Thimblerig, Kulyok, Domi, Lava, Lastknightleft, Twani, Jastey, Daisy Ninja Girl
    bg1re_surgeons_dream;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Surgeon's Dream, by Kulyok
    bg1re_what_left_was;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - All That Left Was, by Lava and Thimblerig
    bg1re_childhood_friend;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - A Childhood Friend, by Kulyok
    bg1re_arlene_working_girl;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Arlene the Working Girl, by Kulyok
    bg1re_della_may_from_thay;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Della May from Thay, by Kulyok
    bg1re_dirty_guard_candlekeep;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - A Dirty Guard in Candlekeep, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!)
    bg1re_phoenix_flame;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Phoenix Flame, by Kulyok (mature content)
    bg1re_mikala_the_monk;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Mikala the Monk, by Twani
    bg1re_the_messenger_2;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - The Messenger 2: Rain or Snow or Gloom of Night, by Thimblerig and tibicina
    bg1re_camryn_and_tamah;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Camryn and Tamah, by tibicina
    bg1re_minor_disclosures;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Minor Disclosures, by jastey
    bg1re_cloakwood_lovers;Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) - Cloakwood Lovers, by tibicina
    AWizardDidIt-Blackhearts_BG1;Blackhearts - Install Blackhearts for "BGEE only" or "EET including BGEE and BG2EE"
    SirinesCall-Main;The Lure of the Sirine's Call - The Lure of the Sirine's Call
    bg1npc_project-main;The BG1NPC Project - The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications
    bg1npc_project-banters_quests_interjections;The BG1NPC Project - The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections
    bg1npc_project-ajantisromance_1h;The BG1NPC Project - Speed: 1 hour real time (standard) minimum between LoveTalks
    bg1npc_project-branwenromance_1h;The BG1NPC Project - Speed: 1 hour real time (standard) minimum between LoveTalks
    bg1npc_project-coranromance_1h;The BG1NPC Project - Speed: 1 hour real time (standard) minimum between LoveTalks
    bg1npc_project-dynaheirromance_1h;The BG1NPC Project - Speed: 1 hour real time (standard) minimum between LoveTalks
    bg1npc_project-sharteelromance_1h;The BG1NPC Project - Speed: 1 hour real time (standard) minimum between LoveTalks
    bg1npc_project-xanromance_1h;The BG1NPC Project - Speed: 1 hour real time (standard) minimum between LoveTalks
    bg1npc_project-romancechallenge;The BG1NPC Project - The BG1 NPC Project: Female Romance Challenges, Ajantis vs Xan vs Coran
    bg1npc_project-portraits_nonjoinable;The BG1NPC Project - The BG1 NPC Project: Add Non-Joinable NPC portraits to quests and dialogues
    bg1npc_project-pid;The BG1NPC Project - The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues
    bg1npcmusic:3;bg1npcmusic - Install All Audio - Short versions
    bg1ub:0;BG1 Unfinished Business - Ice Island Level Two Restoration
    bg1ub:1;BG1 Unfinished Business - The Mysterious Vial
    bg1ub:2;BG1 Unfinished Business - Additional Elminster Encounter
    bg1ub:3;BG1 Unfinished Business - Angelo Notices Shar-teel
    bg1ub:4;BG1 Unfinished Business - Finishable Kagain Caravan Quest
    bg1ub:5;BG1 Unfinished Business - Coran and the Wyverns
    bg1ub:6;BG1 Unfinished Business - Kivan and Tazok
    bg1ub:7;BG1 Unfinished Business - Branwen and Tranzig
    bg1ub:8;BG1 Unfinished Business - Safana the Flirt
    bg1ub:9;BG1 Unfinished Business - Appropriate Albert and Rufie Reward
    bg1ub:10;BG1 Unfinished Business - Place Entar Silvershield in His Home
    bg1ub:11;BG1 Unfinished Business - Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter
    bg1ub:12;BG1 Unfinished Business - Quoningar, the Cleric
    bg1ub:13;BG1 Unfinished Business - Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi
    bg1ub:14;BG1 Unfinished Business - Edie, the Merchant League Applicant
    bg1ub:15;BG1 Unfinished Business - Flaming Fist Mercenary Reinforcements
    bg1ub:16;BG1 Unfinished Business - Creature Corrections
    bg1ub:17;BG1 Unfinished Business - Creature Restorations
    bg1ub:18;BG1 Unfinished Business - Creature Name Restorations
    bg1ub:19;BG1 Unfinished Business - Minor Dialogue Restorations
    bg1ub:20;BG1 Unfinished Business - Audio Restorations
    bg1ub:21;BG1 Unfinished Business - Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations
    bg1ub:22;BG1 Unfinished Business - Item Corrections and Restorations
    bg1ub:23;BG1 Unfinished Business - Area Corrections and Restorations
    bg1ub:24;BG1 Unfinished Business - Permanent Corpses
    bg1ub:25;BG1 Unfinished Business - Elven Charm and Sleep Racial Resistance
    bg1ub:26;BG1 Unfinished Business - The Original Saga Music Playlist Corrections
    bg1ub:27;BG1 Unfinished Business - Sarevok's Diary Corrections
    bg1ub:28;BG1 Unfinished Business - Prism and the Emeralds Tweak
    bg1ub:29;BG1 Unfinished Business - Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building
    bg1ub:30;BG1 Unfinished Business - Nim Furlwing Encounter
    bg1ub:31;BG1 Unfinished Business - Restored Elfsong Tavern Movie
    bg1ub:32;BG1 Unfinished Business - Svlast, the Fallen Paladin Encounter
    bg1ub:33;BG1 Unfinished Business - Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost
    bg1ub:34;BG1 Unfinished Business - Chapter 6 Dialogue Restorations
    ThalantyrItemUpgrade-Main;Thalantyr Item Upgrade - Thalantyr Item Upgrade
    Loretakers:0;Loretakers - Loretakers V 1.4
    ja#InnsStoresTaverns:1;ja#InnsStoresTaverns - Restrict 'Identify' to special stores (in the BGEE-part of the game)
    ja#InnsStoresTaverns:2;ja#InnsStoresTaverns - Restrict 'Identify' to special stores (in the SoD-part of the game)
    ja#InnsStoresTaverns:3;ja#InnsStoresTaverns - Make the merchant in the Elfsong Tavern's 2nd floor a 'fence'
    ja#InnsStoresTaverns:4;ja#InnsStoresTaverns - Rogue-merchants and fences ignore the party's reputation (only BGEE/SoD)
    SotSC:0;Shades of the Sword Coast - Shades of the Sword Coast - Expansion Pack for BGEE
    L#-THEVANISHINGOFSKIESILVERSHIELD;The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield - The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield – a new quest for BGEE that lets Eldoth and Skie join your party sooner
    C#AnotherFineHell-Main;Another Fine Hell for SoD - Another Fine Hell - Optional Ending for SoD and BGII Closure
    C#AnotherFineHell-Extended;Another Fine Hell for SoD - Get the Hells Out - Quest Option with Extended BGII Content
    C#AnotherFineHell-ImoensChest;Another Fine Hell for SoD - PC's and Imoen's chest in Palace should have their content
    c#sodboabri_AcknowledgeSceneBoareskyrBridge;The Boareskyr Bridge Scene - Scene at Boareskyr Bridge will be Acknowledged: Add NPC Reactions
    c#sodboabri_TescriptionText;The Boareskyr Bridge Scene - Add Description Text to Original Scene at Bridge
    c#sodboabri_DifferentChoices;The Boareskyr Bridge Scene - Bridge Scene has Different Choices
    c#sodboabri_StatChanges;The Boareskyr Bridge Scene - Add Stat Changes to Choices at Bridge
    #L-SOD-STAT_BASED_OPTIONS;Road to Discovery for SoD - SoD - Stat-based observations and quest options from Lauriel's Themed Tweaks Mod
    SoDRoadToDiscovery-main;Road to Discovery for SoD - Main Component: Tracking System
    SoDRoadToDiscovery-consistency;Road to Discovery for SoD - Consistency Changes to Game Dialogues
    SoDRoadToDiscovery-aware_officers;Road to Discovery for SoD - Officers Are Aware
    SoDRoadToDiscovery-consistency_reply_options;Road to Discovery for SoD - Give PC Informed Reply Options
    SoDRoadToDiscovery-PC_tells_officers;Road to Discovery for SoD - PC Can Tell the Officers
    SoDRoadToDiscovery-officers_reactions;Road to Discovery for SoD - Add Officers Reactions
    SoDRoadToDiscovery-additional_infopoints;Road to Discovery for SoD - Additional Info Points
    SoDRoadToDiscovery-additional_communication_officers;Road to Discovery for SoD - Add Additional Communication with Officers
    Aura_BG1:0;Aura NPC for BG:EE and EET - Aura NPC for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
    Aura_BG1:2;Aura NPC for BG:EE and EET - Illusionist / Artificer (Mage / Thief)
    Aura_BG1:5;Aura NPC for BG:EE and EET - Default Portrait (The Artisan)
    PPE:0;PPE - Portraits Portraits Everywhere (PPE) - core component
    PPE:150;PPE - Random
    PPE:10;PPE - Isandir's CHARNAME Portraits
    PPE:20;PPE - Replace Low Quality TOB & SOA Portraits
    PPE:25;PPE - Edwin/Edwina
    PPE:311;PPE - SOD Portrait
    PPE:322;PPE - BG2 Portrait
    KLATU-DROP-EQUIPMENT-ON-DISINTEGRATION;klatu Tweaks and Fixes - Drop Equipment on Disintegration
    KLATU-DROP-EQUIPMENT-ON-PETRIFICATION;klatu Tweaks and Fixes - Drop Equipment on Petrification
    KLATU-DROP-EQUIPMENT-ON-IMPRISONMENT;klatu Tweaks and Fixes - Drop Equipment on Imprisonment
    KLATU-TREAT-INNATES-NONMAGICAL;klatu Tweaks and Fixes - Treat all Innate Abilities as Non-Magical (Unaffected by Wild/Dead Magic and Silence)
    KLATU-TREAT-PSIONICS-NONMAGICAL;klatu Tweaks and Fixes - Treat all Psionic Abilities as Non-Magical (Unaffected by Wild/Dead Magic and Silence)
    KLATU-TREAT-BARDSONGS-NONMAGICAL;klatu Tweaks and Fixes - Treat all Bardsong Effects as Non-Magical (Unaffected by Wild/Dead Magic)
    stratagems:2010;Sword Coast Stratagems - Core Stratagems spell-system changes (installed by default by any AI component)
    stratagems:2030;Sword Coast Stratagems - Changes to Restoration
    stratagems:2040;Sword Coast Stratagems - Changes to shapeshift spells
    stratagems:2050;Sword Coast Stratagems - Icewind Dale-inspired tweaks to Baldur's Gate/Baldur's Gate II spells
    stratagems:2060;Sword Coast Stratagems - Rebalancings of slightly-too-powerful spells
    stratagems:2070;Sword Coast Stratagems - Spell school changes
    stratagems:2080;Sword Coast Stratagems - Spells increased in power
    stratagems:3010;Sword Coast Stratagems - Replace +1 arrows and other projectiles with nonmagical "fine" ones
    stratagems:3020;Sword Coast Stratagems - Replace many +1 magic weapons with nonmagical "fine" ones
    stratagems:3021;Sword Coast Stratagems - Fine weapons are immune to the iron crisis
    stratagems:3041;Sword Coast Stratagems - Stores sell a maximum of 5 Arrows of Dispelling
    stratagems:3505;Sword Coast Stratagems - Wider selection of random scrolls
    stratagems:3540;Sword Coast Stratagems - Inquisitors dispel at 1.5 x their level (not twice their level)
    stratagems:4000;Sword Coast Stratagems - More Appropriate-Speed Bears
    stratagems:4020;Sword Coast Stratagems - More realistic wolves and wild dogs
    stratagems:4030;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved shapeshifting
    stratagems:4050;Sword Coast Stratagems - Reputation increases at about 2/3 the normal rate
    stratagems:4115;Sword Coast Stratagems - Thieves assign skill points in multiples of five
    stratagems:4135;Sword Coast Stratagems - Revised resting: resting in the wild uses up provisions
    stratagems:4140;Sword Coast Stratagems - Revised inn rooms: more expensive, more benefits
    stratagems:4145;Sword Coast Stratagems - Remove the tutorial NPCs from Candlekeep
    stratagems:4150;Sword Coast Stratagems - Allow the Cowled Wizards to detect spellcasting in most indoor, above-ground areas in Athkatla
    stratagems:4161;Sword Coast Stratagems - License costs 15,000 gp
    stratagems:4173;Sword Coast Stratagems - Gaelan wants 100,000 gold pieces
    stratagems:4215;Sword Coast Stratagems - Remove unrealistically helpful items from certain areas
    stratagems:4217;Sword Coast Stratagems - Remove ammo up to the +2 level from random containers
    stratagems:4250;Sword Coast Stratagems - Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities
    stratagems:5000;Sword Coast Stratagems - Ease-of-use party AI
    stratagems:5070;Sword Coast Stratagems - Cosmetic change: stop Stoneskins from changing the caster's colour
    stratagems:5900;Sword Coast Stratagems - Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)
    stratagems:6000;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter general AI
    stratagems:6010;Sword Coast Stratagems - Better calls for help
    stratagems:6030;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter Mages
    stratagems:6040;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter Priests
    stratagems:6100;Sword Coast Stratagems - Potions for NPCs
    stratagems:6200;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Spiders
    stratagems:6300;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter sirines and dryads
    stratagems:6310;Sword Coast Stratagems - Slightly smarter carrion crawlers
    stratagems:6320;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter basilisks
    stratagems:6500;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved golems
    stratagems:6510;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved fiends and celestials
    stratagems:6520;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter genies
    stratagems:6540;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter dragons
    stratagems:6550;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter beholders
    stratagems:6560;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter mind flayers
    stratagems:6570;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter githyanki
    stratagems:6580;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Vampires
    stratagems:6590;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter Throne of Bhaal final villain
    stratagems:6700;Sword Coast Stratagems - Revised Icewind Dale Undead
    stratagems:6800;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter Illasera
    stratagems:6810;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter Gromnir
    stratagems:6820;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter Yaga-Shura
    stratagems:6830;Sword Coast Stratagems - Smarter Abazigal
    stratagems:6840;Sword Coast Stratagems - Ascension versions of Irenicus and Sendai use SCS abilities and AI
    stratagems:6850;Sword Coast Stratagems - Ascension demons use SCS abilities and AI
    stratagems:7000;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved doppelgangers
    stratagems:7010;Sword Coast Stratagems - Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards
    stratagems:7020;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved deployment for parties of assassins
    stratagems:7030;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved kobolds
    stratagems:7040;Sword Coast Stratagems - Relocated bounty hunters
    stratagems:7050;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Ulcaster
    stratagems:7060;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Balduran's Isle
    stratagems:7070;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Durlag's Tower
    stratagems:7080;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Demon Cultists
    stratagems:7090;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Cloakwood Druids
    stratagems:7100;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Bassilus
    stratagems:7110;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Drasus party
    stratagems:7130;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Red Wizards
    stratagems:7140;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Undercity assassins
    stratagems:7150;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved Carsa/Kahrk interaction
    stratagems:7200;Sword Coast Stratagems - Tougher chapter-two end battle
    stratagems:7210;Sword Coast Stratagems - Tougher chapter-three end battle
    stratagems:7220;Sword Coast Stratagems - Tougher chapter-four end battle
    stratagems:7230;Sword Coast Stratagems - Tougher chapter-five end battle
    stratagems:7250;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved final battle
    stratagems:7900;Sword Coast Stratagems - Improved minor encounters
    cd_tweaks_viconia_skin_color;The Tweaks Anthology - Change Viconia's Skin Color to Dark Blue
    cd_tweaks_weapon_animation_tweaks;The Tweaks Anthology - Weapon Animation Tweaks
    cd_tweaks_drab_commoners;The Tweaks Anthology - Commoners Use Drab Colors
    cd_tweaks_icon_improvements;The Tweaks Anthology - Icon Improvements
    cd_tweaks_force_all_dialogue_to_pause;The Tweaks Anthology - Force All Dialogue to Pause Game
    cd_tweaks_fix_boo_squeak;The Tweaks Anthology - Fix Boo's Squeak
    cdtweaks:150;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove "+x" From Unique Item Names
    cd_tweaks_glowing_magical_shields;The Tweaks Anthology - Make Magic Shields Glow [plainab/grogerson]
    cd_tweaks_unique_icons;The Tweaks Anthology - Only replace icons that aren't already unique
    cd_tweaks_remove_equipped_blur_spell_trap_effects;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove all of the above
    cd_tweaks_replace_fire_cold_resist_icons;The Tweaks Anthology - Separate Resist Fire/Cold Icon into Separate Icons [Angel]
    cd_tweaks_alter_wounded_triggers;The Tweaks Anthology - Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues
    cd_tweaks_breakable_armor_bg;The Tweaks Anthology - Breakable Iron Non-Magical Shields, Helms, and Armor
    cd_tweaks_mp_kickout_dialogue;The Tweaks Anthology - Improved Multi-Player Kick-Out Dialogues
    cd_tweaks_send_bg_npcs_to_inn;The Tweaks Anthology - Send BioWare NPCs to an Inn [DavidW/Zed Nocear]
    cd_tweaks_add_bags_of_holding;The Tweaks Anthology - Add Bags of Holding
    cd_tweaks_reveal_city_areas;The Tweaks Anthology - Reveal City Maps When Entering Area
    cd_tweaks_stores_sell_higher_stacks;The Tweaks Anthology - Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items
    cd_tweaks_move_bg_npcs_alora;The Tweaks Anthology - Move NPCs to Convenient Locations: Move Alora to Gullykin
    cd_tweaks_move_bg_npcs_quayle;The Tweaks Anthology - Move NPCs to Convenient Locations: Move Quayle to the Nashkel Carnival
    cd_tweaks_move_bg_npcs_tiax;The Tweaks Anthology - Move NPCs to Convenient Locations: Move Tiax to Beregost
    cd_tweaks_item_spells_at_char_level;The Tweaks Anthology - Cast Spells from Scrolls (and Other Items) at Character Level
    cd_tweaks_0_weight_created_weapons;The Tweaks Anthology - Change Magically Created Weapons to Zero Weight
    cd_tweaks_druids_use_3e_alignment;The Tweaks Anthology - Druids Use 3E Alignment Restrictions
    cd_tweaks_max_hp_at_l1;The Tweaks Anthology - Max HP at Level One
    cd_tweaks_higher_hp_at_levelup_max;The Tweaks Anthology - Maximum
    cd_tweaks_easy_spell_learning_no_cap;The Tweaks Anthology - 100% learn spells and no maximum cap
    cd_tweaks_bottomless_bags;The Tweaks Anthology - Make Bags of Holding Bottomless
    cd_tweaks_restoration_no_fatigue;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove Fatigue from Restoration Spells
    cd_tweaks_remove_you_must_gather;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove "You Must Gather Your Party..." Sound [Weimer]
    cd_tweaks_increase_ammo_stacks_120;The Tweaks Anthology - Stacks of 120
    cd_tweaks_increase_gem_stacks_120;The Tweaks Anthology - Stacks of 120
    cd_tweaks_increase_potion_stacks_80;The Tweaks Anthology - Stacks of 80
    cd_tweaks_increase_scroll_stacks_40;The Tweaks Anthology - Stacks of 40
    cd_tweaks_sensible_entrance_points;The Tweaks Anthology - Sensible Entrance Points
    cd_tweaks_taerom_makes_multiple_ankheg_armor;The Tweaks Anthology - Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armor [Icendoan/grogerson]
    cd_tweaks_universal_four_weapon_slots;The Tweaks Anthology - Give Every Class/Kit Four Weapon Slots
    cd_tweaks_death_cam;The Tweaks Anthology - Death Cam
    cd_tweaks_no_store_depreciation;The Tweaks Anthology - No Depreciation in Stores
    cd_tweaks_noncombat_speed_casting_increase_50;The Tweaks Anthology - Movement speed by 50 percent and casting speed
    cd_tweaks_improved_fate_spirit_summoning;The Tweaks Anthology - Improved Fate Spirit Summoning
    cd_tweaks_allow_npc_pairs_to_separate;The Tweaks Anthology - Allow NPC Pairs to Separate
    cd_tweaks_consistent_stats_edwin_bg2;The Tweaks Anthology - Use BG2 values
    cd_tweaks_consistent_stats_jaheira_bg2;The Tweaks Anthology - Use BG2 values
    cd_tweaks_consistent_stats_minsc_bg2;The Tweaks Anthology - Use BG2 values
    cd_tweaks_consistent_stats_viconia_bg2;The Tweaks Anthology - Use BG2 values
    cd_tweaks_move_boo_into_inventory;The Tweaks Anthology - Move Boo Into Minsc's Pack
    cd_tweaks_protect_sharteel;The Tweaks Anthology - Ensure Shar-Teel Doesn't Die in the Original Challenge
    cd_tweaks_protection_items_armor_plus_one;The Tweaks Anthology - Allow armor plus one protection item [Angel]
    Trap_Overhaul:1110;Trap_Overhaul - Monk Evasion, Fast Detection, Anyone OpenLocks
    randomiser:1300;randomiser - Mode 2: Randomise with WeiDU. No items are lost
    ForgottenArmament-AddItems;Forgotten Armament - Add New Items to the Game
    ForgottenArmament-UpdateItems;Forgotten Armament - Update Existing In-Game Items
    ForgottenArmament-SetBonus;Forgotten Armament - Add Set Bonuses to Items
    KLATU-FREE-ACTION-DOESNT-PREVENT-HASTE;klatu Tweaks and Fixes - Free Action does not prevent Haste or Movement Rate Bonus
    EnhancedPowergamingScripts-MainNormal;Enhanced Powergaming Scripts - Normal Pre-Buffing Speed

    Ok figured it out.
    A clean Aura mod install shows the four alchemical trap spells referencing 100348 for Spell description which doesn't exist on a clean install. (possibly an oversight, instead of just being -1 or 0 or whatever).
    On my install, some mod which I haven't identified yet adds the harp of discord to the game. item MISC3M.itm and it's string 100348.

    Post edited by JanW on
  • newguynewguy Member Posts: 36
    edited February 20
    Hi, I hope this is the correct thread for this post. This was my first time EVER trying to install a "mod" into a game, so I thought installing a single npc would be an easy one try first. I followed all the guidelines that you should do before installing any mods, and then tried to install Aura. I chose option 2 (mage/thief), and it copied for several seconds....then I got this error message....

    ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
    Resource [C0I1SP.EFF] not found in KEY file:
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Choose a class for Aura: -> Illusionist / Artificer (Mage / Thief)], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 2192 files for [AURA_BG1/SETUP-AURA_BG1.TP2] component 2.
    Uninstalled 2192 files for [AURA_BG1/SETUP-AURA_BG1.TP2] component 2.
    ERROR: Failure("resource [C0I1SP.EFF] not found for 'COPY'")
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-AURA_BG1.DEBUG and look for support at: AionZ
    Using Language [English]

    My son told me that modding was easy and to go for it, lol. Anyway, I am TOTALLY out of my depth here. Any advice on what to do here would be welcome. :)

    ******* UPDATE ******** I found (I think) a newer version, and it installed just fine. Problem solved. :)
    Post edited by newguy on
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