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[v3.4] Aura, a gnome artificer NPC for BG:EE + SoD



  • Ieragon_VoonlarIeragon_Voonlar Member Posts: 5

    First, let me thank you for yours excellents mods, good work!

    Second, can you help me? I'm using EET Setup to play EET and installed (via EET Setup) your another mod, Sirene. Before installing Rogue Rebalancing, i paused EET instalation, installed Aura, and resume the work of EET.

    All installed, no errors in log. New Game, make Sirene join my party, but in Beregost, nothing of Aura.

    Reload the save, tried another save, tried to not take Sirene... no sucess.


  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    edited July 2020
    Ignore, I managed to install Aura after EET-End and somehow it was the only mod that complained about the order.
    Post edited by Caedwyr on
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    This is a wonderful mod - I find Aura an absolute hoot to play with her path a nice balance of humour, seriousness and damn interesting story telling.

    I have come across a problem. She's reached Level 8 as a cleric, and thus has a "Protection From Evil" icon appearing in her intrinsic attributes section (I was too dumb to spot it at levels 6 & 7!) If I click on the item I get a spell thingy as my cursor, but I can't get her to use it. It lights up when aimed at an individual member of the team, but when I click it nothing happens.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    I'm not entirely sure what issue you're describing. The Protection from Evil icon should always be there - it's part of her undroppable amulet. Could I get a screenshot?
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    edited August 2020
    I can't get screen shots to work. What I am doing is selecting Aura, going to the very bottom of the screen, then pressing the "Special Abilities" star button on the very right.
    In the Special Abilities bar a Protect Against Evil icon appears between her Thief Ability icon and her Set Alchemical Snare icon.
    If I press this icon I get a spell casting cursor. I then click the cursor on a member of the group. She then moves to that person but does nothing after she gets there. If I try to get her to cast on herself, nothing happens.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    She shouldn't have that spell. I removed the single-target Protection from Evil spell when I updated the Priestess class and gave her more uses of the AoE version instead. Maybe you updated the mod and midway through the game and she still has that spell as a result.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    I've not changed the mod at all since loading a totally new version of BG:EE/SoD on July 11th.
    If this is not the correct way to activate her innate Protection from Evil 10′ Radius that come with her Priestess of the Way kit?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    The spell works exactly as the priest spell does in a clean install. No targeting, it's self-cast and affects everyone around her. I don't know what's messing it up in your game.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    It doesn't appear among her priest spells, when you click the Cast Spell icon on the very bottom bar - I assume from what you say that's where it should be.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    No, it's supposed to be a special ability. I'm just not sure why it's not working for you. I'm certain it's a local issue.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    Oh well - we seem yto be doing ok without it so I'll just carry on :)
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I'm still running into the issue with the Idol of Kozah not recharging. Jaheira finally used the last of the original 3 charges, and now it is dead, even after sleeping and waiting for well over 24 hours.

    I have recharged it manually in EEKeeper, but is this a bug?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    It is missing the Recharge After Resting Flag.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Well drat. I'm not sure how to fix that in this install.

    As an aside, the 19 STR requirement for the modified Dead Shot +2 seems awfully steep given the bow's starting strength requirement. I made the mistake of having Aura make that mod, only to discover that none of my party had the strength to fire it. Given the description, that isn't unreasonable, but a bit of warning might be nice. With how often you need a bow, depending on strength potions makes a bow requiring them unattractive.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Well, if you have nearinfinity, it's an easy fix you can do locally. Otherwise you'll have to wait for AionZ to update it themselves.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    The upgraded Dead Shot requires 17 Strength...
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Hmm, could have sworn it was 19, but maybe I got that bit wrong. However, even 17 is more than any of my archers can manage, so it's a bit of a moot issue.

    I was able to use NI to fix the Idol of Kozah in my install, though. That makes it much more useful.
  • BlackWolfBlackWolf Member Posts: 13
    Aionz i want to know whats progress is on Aura and Drake to bg2
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2021
    Having a new playthrough with Aura and Isra in the same party, and surprisingly found that there are crossmod content, I remember this crossmod was not stated in the readme of both Aura and Isra mod, really amazing~

    Hopefully Isra has crossmod with Sirene and Drake as well, especially Drake, since they come from different orders in Amn.

    Enjoying Sirene, Aura and Drake so far, the more I play BG1, the more I hope I can travel with them in BG2 during this playthrough, but I guess I have to wait and leave Drake and Aura for future~

    Thank you for the great work, I always looking for NPC mod that the writing and lore fit the original game seamlessly~
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Not something serious but it seems like Aura's robot will appear in the dream scene of SOD.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    @marcnivar The robot is probably flagged as "familiar" for technicsal reasons. At least I know from experience that "familiars" will show up in cutscenes where the PC is teleported to (meant to be so alone).

    If someone knows a general solution to this please let me know...
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I wish there was a way to have controllables do area transitions without the familiar flag.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    BG1 and SOD don't have many dream cutscenes so generally it's not a big problem.

    In BG2 there will be more and I remember there is one or two cutscene that the charname is actually moving around and has some probably may look weird if the robot is there and fighting together (when Aura comes to BG2)~
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited February 2021
    I'm quite interested in Glam's NPCs and will definitely try someday~ glad to know there will be crossmod banters~

    Is there any plan for Sirene and Drake to have crossmod with Isra?
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200

    Not a big problem, just to report, before entering Arvenus, after a small talk with Aura, she will keep coming out with this generic talk here. However, this will stop when I enter the Arvenus.
  • BolkoBolko Member Posts: 15
    I have problem too with her talking like @marcnivar have, she want to talk always it is after i have done Bandit Camp and i took longbow Dead Shot+2 from the Tazok Tent...
  • BolkoBolko Member Posts: 15
    Let's try another save and sell that longbow maybe that is a problem...
  • BolkoBolko Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2021
    I think there is a problem with one of the mod Critter Part mod and if you give her a Bear skin then she will be talking to you always...
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Bolko wrote: »
    I have problem too with her talking like @marcnivar have, she want to talk always it is after i have done Bandit Camp and i took longbow Dead Shot+2 from the Tazok Tent...

    My problem solved after changing map (luckily just few more steps down to Arvenus for my case), maybe you can try that when this happen.
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