[KIT] Sacred Fist (Cleric) and Dragon Disciple (3e-accurate)

Two kit mods I made some time ago but never finished, now touched up and complete. One is a whole new kit while the other is a rework.
- May make one and a half unarmed attacks per round. An extra 1/2 attack per round is gained every 4 levels thereafter. Damage dealt by unarmed attacks increases with level as follows:
Level 1-4: 1d6
Level 5-8: 1d8+1, hits as a +1 weapon
Level 9-12: 1d10+2, hits as a +2 weapon
Level 13-16: 1d12+3, hits as a +3 weapon
Level 17+: 2d8+4, hits as a +4 weapon
- Begins with a +2 bonus to base Armor Class and gains an additional +1 bonus every three levels thereafter.
- May use the Stunning Blow ability once per day. Gains an additional use every 6 levels thereafter.
- From 3rd level onwards, the Sacred Fist moves 2 points faster than other characters. Movement rate further increases by 1 every 5 levels thereafter.
- From 5th level onwards, may use the Sacred Flames ability once per day. Extra uses are gained at levels 11 and 17.
SACRED FLAMES: The sacred fist invokes divine flames around his hands and feet, adding 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 magic damage to their unarmed damage for 1 turn.
- From 8th level onwards, the Sacred Fist becomes immune to backstab.
- From 12th level onwards, the Sacred Fist may use the Inner Armor ability once per day.
INNER ARMOR: The sacred fist gains a +4 bonus to AC and all saves as well as 25% magic resistance + 2% for every 2 levels gained after 12th level for 1 turn + 1 round for every two levels thereafter.
- May only be of any Lawful alignment.
- May not wear any armor, helmets or shields.
- May not use two-handed weapons.
- May only be human.
- May not dual-class.
- Suffers a -8 penalty to THAC0 when wielding any weapon.
- 1st level: +1 bonus to AC.
- 3rd level: May use Breath Weapon once per day.
BREATH WEAPON: The Dragon Disciple breathes a gout of flame up to 30 ft. long, inflicting 3d8 points of fire damage on all creatures caught within the 140-degree cone.
- 4th level: Gains 25% innate Fire Resistance.
- 5th level: +1 bonus to AC and Strength.
- 6th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 4d8.
- 8th level: Innate Fire Resistance rises to 50%.
- 9th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 5d8.
- 10th level: +1 bonus to AC and Intelligence.
- 12th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 6d8. Innate Fire Resistance rises to 75%.
- 15th level: +1 bonus to AC and Constitution.
- 17th level: +1 bonus to Strength.
- 18th level: Movement rate increased by 2.
- 20th level: Gains Dragon Apotheosis.
DRAGON APOTHEOSIS: The dragon disciple completes its transformation, becoming effectively a half-dragon. Gains +2 to Strength, +1 to Charisma, +2 to AC as well as immunity to blindness, unconsciousness, hold and fire damage.
- Hit Die: d6
- May cast one fewer spell per level per day.
- The Sacred Fist has an animation bug. When a game is loaded, it reverts to using one-handed animations for its fist attacks unless you equip a weapon on the main hand and then unequip it. Very annoying, but I haven't found a way to work around it yet.
- The Sacred Fist is unable to use ioun stones that use the 'Headgear' item type instead of the 'Hat' item type. As far as I know, vanilla ioun stones all use the latter but some mods may still have their ioun stones set to 'Headgear'.
- Enemies getting a +4 to hit against unarmed creatures seems to be hardcoded. So I added a +4 AC bonus to the fist items to counteract that. However, this is extremely annoying as the bonus disappears upon reloading just like the animation bug above and you have to do the same thing (equip a weapon then unequip it) to fix it. I'm still looking for a way to fix this.
SACRED FIST: Sacred Fists are independent organizations found within many temples. Their ascetic members have turned their divine magic inward, bringing their bodies and wills into harmony. Sacred Fists have forsworn the use of weapons and heavy armor. They consider their bodies and minds gifts from their deity, and they believe that not developing those gifts to their fullest potential is a sin. Spellcasting does not dishonor them or their deity. Sacred Fists are strong in faith, will and body.Advantages:
- May make one and a half unarmed attacks per round. An extra 1/2 attack per round is gained every 4 levels thereafter. Damage dealt by unarmed attacks increases with level as follows:
Level 1-4: 1d6
Level 5-8: 1d8+1, hits as a +1 weapon
Level 9-12: 1d10+2, hits as a +2 weapon
Level 13-16: 1d12+3, hits as a +3 weapon
Level 17+: 2d8+4, hits as a +4 weapon
- Begins with a +2 bonus to base Armor Class and gains an additional +1 bonus every three levels thereafter.
- May use the Stunning Blow ability once per day. Gains an additional use every 6 levels thereafter.
- From 3rd level onwards, the Sacred Fist moves 2 points faster than other characters. Movement rate further increases by 1 every 5 levels thereafter.
- From 5th level onwards, may use the Sacred Flames ability once per day. Extra uses are gained at levels 11 and 17.
SACRED FLAMES: The sacred fist invokes divine flames around his hands and feet, adding 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 magic damage to their unarmed damage for 1 turn.
- From 8th level onwards, the Sacred Fist becomes immune to backstab.
- From 12th level onwards, the Sacred Fist may use the Inner Armor ability once per day.
INNER ARMOR: The sacred fist gains a +4 bonus to AC and all saves as well as 25% magic resistance + 2% for every 2 levels gained after 12th level for 1 turn + 1 round for every two levels thereafter.
- May only be of any Lawful alignment.
- May not wear any armor, helmets or shields.
- May not use two-handed weapons.
- May only be human.
- May not dual-class.
- Suffers a -8 penalty to THAC0 when wielding any weapon.
DRAGON DISCIPLE: Dragon Disciples are powerful Sorcerers with dragons' blood somewhere in their lineage. Their natural magical talents bring out their draconic heritage, allowing them to cast powerful magical spells and exhibit dragon-like abilities.Advantages:
- 1st level: +1 bonus to AC.
- 3rd level: May use Breath Weapon once per day.
BREATH WEAPON: The Dragon Disciple breathes a gout of flame up to 30 ft. long, inflicting 3d8 points of fire damage on all creatures caught within the 140-degree cone.
- 4th level: Gains 25% innate Fire Resistance.
- 5th level: +1 bonus to AC and Strength.
- 6th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 4d8.
- 8th level: Innate Fire Resistance rises to 50%.
- 9th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 5d8.
- 10th level: +1 bonus to AC and Intelligence.
- 12th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 6d8. Innate Fire Resistance rises to 75%.
- 15th level: +1 bonus to AC and Constitution.
- 17th level: +1 bonus to Strength.
- 18th level: Movement rate increased by 2.
- 20th level: Gains Dragon Apotheosis.
DRAGON APOTHEOSIS: The dragon disciple completes its transformation, becoming effectively a half-dragon. Gains +2 to Strength, +1 to Charisma, +2 to AC as well as immunity to blindness, unconsciousness, hold and fire damage.
- Hit Die: d6
- May cast one fewer spell per level per day.
- For those who think a +4 to Strength is too much even for a non-fighter class, a weaker component is available which removes the 17th level Strength bonus and reduces Dragon Apotheosis's Strength bonus to +1, for a +2 total.- The Sacred Fist has an animation bug. When a game is loaded, it reverts to using one-handed animations for its fist attacks unless you equip a weapon on the main hand and then unequip it. Very annoying, but I haven't found a way to work around it yet.
- The Sacred Fist is unable to use ioun stones that use the 'Headgear' item type instead of the 'Hat' item type. As far as I know, vanilla ioun stones all use the latter but some mods may still have their ioun stones set to 'Headgear'.
- Enemies getting a +4 to hit against unarmed creatures seems to be hardcoded. So I added a +4 AC bonus to the fist items to counteract that. However, this is extremely annoying as the bonus disappears upon reloading just like the animation bug above and you have to do the same thing (equip a weapon then unequip it) to fix it. I'm still looking for a way to fix this.
Post edited by TheArtisan on
Low-light Vision and Darkvision has no real equivalent in BG (well besides infravision but that's useless). So, immunity to blindness.
Since you are forcing a very hefty penalty for using weapons anyway, you could create these "Fists" in the second weapon slot (SLOT_WEAPON1), and reduce the kit to a single weapon slot in the "fl#add_kit_ee" section, "numwslot = 1".
also aren't dragons and dragon disciples immune to charm? or was it sleep? sorry i forgot...