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Find Traps spell working every second for an extended duration, also for thieves

EggHuevoEggHuevo Member Posts: 68
edited September 2017 in General Modding
Hello there. I always found the finding traps mechanic to be cumbersome. I currently have 2 priests and a druid in my party, and I cast "find traps" 2 seconds apart from each other, in addition to my rogue. I STILL STEP ON TRAPS... So I intend to edit the find traps spell to last a lot longer than 3 minutes (say, 30, or even permanent until rest) and to detect the traps each second instead of each 6 seconds. I poked around with Near Infinity, and I found that the Find Traps spell triggers another spell (let's call it FT2), which in turn checks for traps. FT2 is triggered every 6 seconds thanks to Find Traps, which has 30 effects with timing mode "delay/permanent", which increase in duration (6, 12, 18, and so on). My problem is that I don't want to have to write a thousand of those.

So my question is: is there a way to make it a single effect which triggers the other spell (the one that actually finds the traps) every second?

Thanks in advance!
Post edited by EggHuevo on


  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    The different effects serve the purpose to adapt to the level and ability of your thief. Simple way is to just keep the most powerful of them only and to remove the restrictions from it so that it would be used always.
  • EggHuevoEggHuevo Member Posts: 68

    The different effects serve the purpose to adapt to the level and ability of your thief. Simple way is to just keep the most powerful of them only and to remove the restrictions from it so that it would be used always.

    You misunderstood me, Paula. I was talking about the priest/druid spell "Find Traps", no thiefs here. The 30 effects I'm referencing are just the 30 times the spell checks for traps (one per round during 30 rounds, or 3 turns, or 180 seconds).
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  • EggHuevoEggHuevo Member Posts: 68

    Could probably be done with opcode 272, or better yet with the 177/232 combo. The tricky part would be figuring out the duration. I've always thought Fond Traps was a ridiculously underpowered spell for its level. What if you could cast it once at the start of the dungeon and have it trigger every two seconds, and keep working until you go outside? That would be worth a 3rd-level slot IMO.

    Would be a bit tricky, but possible.

    I would hope for it to work every second, ideally every tick. But I don't know how to do it. I tried making it work with opcode 272, as you said, but my knowledge of this is preeeeeeeetty limited. I'm gonna have to wait for a charitable soul to do it for me :s
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  • EggHuevoEggHuevo Member Posts: 68
    @subtledoctor, do you know how to "program" something like this? I'm trying but my limited knowledge causes me to keep failing.

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  • EggHuevoEggHuevo Member Posts: 68
    @subtledoctor I made it work! Sort of. I know you don't have much time, so MY QUESTIONS ARE IN CAPS, so you don't have to read the entire thing.

    I managed to do it in a more "crude" way. Normally, find traps triggers a second find traps spell (Find Traps D) every 6 seconds, which in turn, finds the traps.
    I changed it so it lasts 1000 seconds instead of 180 (I'm planning on making it last 10.000). How? Well, I made another 2 spells: FTB and FTC. The original Find Traps (let's call it FTA) triggers FTB at 0-1000 seconds, with intervals of 100 seconds. FTB triggers FTC every 10 seconds. FTC triggers FTD every second. Then, ultimately, FTD triggers each second for 1000 seconds. I could easily make it 10.000 or 100.000 by making another 1-2 spells.

    So FTA triggers FTB, which triggers FTC, and then FTD. 1000 seconds of finding traps, guaranteed.

    The problems / things I need to change or add:
    1- It says "Charname : find traps" in the dialogue window every second (I had to turn off feedback -> actions for this to not become crippling). ANY IDEA HOW TO TURN THIS OFF? Although it's probably hardcoded in opcode 150 (find traps).
    2- Apparently it lasts more than 1000 seconds. I rested for 16 hours 3 times in a row, and only then did it stop casting. Not that I'm complaining, though. But it shouldn't last THAT long.
    3- Now I'm gonna make the spell an innate ability for thieves. They shouldn't be able to find all the traps if their FT ability is <100, but whatever. Blame Black Isle for making this absurd mechanic. Still they need the FT skill to DISARM them, so I'm good with that.
    4- I know what you're gonna think, but I STILL think it could be better than once every second. I hasted my priest, and gave her the boots of speed. She detected the trap, but only after walking on top of it. It's still a problem. In my solo runs, I always go around with this combo of 4x speed. I tried to make the duration of FTC to "0.5" but I can't. DO YOU KNOW OF ANY WAY TO MAKE A SPELL DURATION TO BE LESS THAN 1 SECOND?
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  • EggHuevoEggHuevo Member Posts: 68

    It seems like your math might be off... at least, the way you describe it up there.

    As for going faster than once every second... the whole point of this stuff is that dungeons are dangerous and you have to watch your step. Running around at 4x speed is just contrary to the design of the game (and D&D dungeons everywhere).

    Not to say you shouldn't play however you like, but if you so dislike that aspect of the game, then you should probably just use the "no traps" component of Tweaks Anthology.

    Yeah, probably when running at 4x speed I SHOULD step into traps. I still like the traps, because if my thief or whatever dies, then I have to step into them, so removing them altogether was not an option (I play without resting or turning back until I finish the dungeon or die).

    Thanks for all your help :smiley:

    If anybody knows how to stop the message when finding traps and/or make it so it detects traps every 0.5 seconds, let me know!
  • EggHuevoEggHuevo Member Posts: 68
    Hey guys. Here are the files needed for this to work, if anybody is interested. I added the innate ability for thieves, too.
  • evzhyevzhy Member Posts: 9
    I'll use my mighty necromantic skills to resurrect this thread just to note that trapfinding/true sight/restore lost spells once per second is a bad idea because "you cannot save the game at this time". Quicksaving and generally saving when the casting effect and its processing occurs is impossible, and that quickly becomes very annoying. I've been experimenting with that for years long time ago, and in the end the best thing is Ctrl+4 to see trap zones and an innate ability that searches for traps instantly and couple of times after, for a short time, to be used in front of zones and containers in question.
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