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[MOD] Lefreut's enhanced UI (SoD skin) (for BG1EE, SoD, BG2EE and EET)



  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Brecher said:

    Is it possible to do something against the alphabetic sorting of the memorised spells?
    I would like to have control over the order when using Wondrous Recall.

    It's hardcoded in the engine, so no it can't be changed in the UI :/
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Brecher said:

    Is it possible to do something against the alphabetic sorting of the memorised spells?
    I would like to have control over the order when using Wondrous Recall.

    This has been discussed before and reported. Note that the alphabetic sorting is only in UI. The engine remembers which spells has been memorised sooner, so for effects like Wondrous Recall, level drain etc, the game internally functions the same as before - the player "just" needs to remember it.
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    @lefreut, I've just updated EET repository to support BG2:EE patch. BG2 UI.MENU has exactly the same EET related stuff added, but it's based entirely on latest BG2:EE file, so I think your mod may need an update to support it. Thanks in advance.

    SoD UI.MENU has not been altered at all - it will be based on latest UI.MENU once SoD 2.5 patch is released.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @swit This mod have already been updated to work with 2.5.
  • 8998989989989899 Member Posts: 3
    Thank you for your work!
    But there is a problem with thief skill point with 3.6 ver
    point doubling happen again..
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @89989899 thanks for the bug report. It should be fixed in v3.7, see here :)
  • 8998989989989899 Member Posts: 3

    @lefreut WOW this fast update! I didn't expect fix so soon!
    I really appreciate it. I love your work.
    And sorry for my bad English, not my native language.
  • Thank you for this! Personally, I love the dark UI of SoD and your re-arranging of the UI made everything all the more cleaner. Furthermore, on the default UI I could never get the "Faces of Good and Evil" DLC to work but your UI fixed it. Not sure why but hey, thanks for making it so I no longer feel like I wasted two dollars, hahaha!
  • ImionaImiona Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2018
    Post edited by Imiona on
  • CorveksonCorvekson Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2018
    Let me start this off by saying the mod is excellent and looks fantastic. I seem to be having a bit of an issue with it's stability unfortunately. Going through all of the character panels, backpack, mage/cleric spell books works like a charm. No hitch there. However, it seems whenever I go to select a portrait, the UI completely and utterly breaks. From flashing shadows and lights, to bits and pieces of code leaking onto the screen, I'm not quite sure how to handle it (other than to avoid my portraits section of course). I'm only assuming that perhaps the sudden load of the custom portraits might put your mod on the fritz? It seems to be the only way I've consistently broken an otherwise perfect mod. Any ideas?

    (This body of water was flashing as if it was being highlighted)

    (These blank portraits were visible on a previous gaming session. This time around I just quickly scrolled to them to find that they were black. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't)

  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    edited November 2018
    @lefreut How can I manually achieve Adorned first letter font in items and chaptertext please?

    I think it's part of your core which is incompatible with other ui mods
    Love your work; thankyou
    Post edited by kungfuhobbit on
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @kungfuhobbit There is an explanation of how it works here. It may be a little hard to follow if you are not familiar with lua or UI modding.
  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    Thanks, unfortunately above my ability.
    Id love it if you could add an Adorned firstletter module for EEUITweaks please
  • EntevaEnteva Member Posts: 2
    Hey I just had to say that this mod is utterly amazing. It fixes 99% of what's wrong with Beamdog's UI. There was a lot that Beam did that does enhance the games but the UI was always one thing (along with a couple other things) that was totally backwards. This makes the games a magnitude of times more enjoyable to play due to a more no-nonsense UI presentation, and also because it includes some older vanilla features from the original games that were sadly scrapped or replaced for seemingly no reason other than "it has to look new". Absolutely necessary mod for anyone considering it.

    One thing I'd like to recommend though is if you could make the installation instructions clearer. I had some experience modding the vanilla games so I eventually figured it out, but it took some time and I ended up doing a couple things wrong. It's also a massive help that an installer is included and asks you which features you want, but if you could just clearly include a step-by-step instruction with simple language I think even more people would end up using it. Not trying to bash but the current instructions do assume the reader knows a thing or two about modding, which is pretty ominous to people new to it when in fact the installation is actually really easy once you know how to do it.

    Anyway just a suggestion. Mainly just wanted to say how damn good this mod is. Thank you so much for doing them they are all absolutely great.
  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181
    Weird small request: is it possible to embed a background image (like the one on the start screen) on the pause menu? It's suddenly very black. The only thing I'd like to change myself about this mod. :smile:
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited January 2019
    Vnavekul said:

    Weird small request: is it possible to embed a background image (like the one on the start screen) on the pause menu? It's suddenly very black. The only thing I'd like to change myself about this mod. :smile:

    It's not very difficult to add if you want.

    Open the file and search for 'ESC_MENU'.
    Add this in the onOpen section:
    Add this in the onClose section:
  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181
    Cool. Thanks! Another small question: is it a bug that text in the dialogue windows sometimes gets resized? It seems random, and I'd rather have it big enough at any moment.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Vnavekul said:

    Cool. Thanks! Another small question: is it a bug that text in the dialogue windows sometimes gets resized? It seems random, and I'd rather have it big enough at any moment.

    Do you have a screenshot?

    Probably this. In this case, it's something that only Beamdog can fix (but they don't seem to care).
  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181
    edited January 2019

    You can see it here. It usually triggers after having to select a response.

    This one is also a reproducable example.
    Post edited by Vnavekul on
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Vnavekul said: You can see it here. It usually triggers after having to select a response. This one is also a reproducable example.
    Yes it's related to the bug I linked. The next version that I'm working on will use a new code by @Adul for the dialog box. It may improve things a little. For example, it fixes your second case. But it will probably not fix everything as it's really a bug in the game engine.
  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181
    Cool that you are even working on it! :smile: I couldn't find anything else in your mod that's buggy, at all.

    A small request: you gave me an awesome way of updating that ESC menu background yesterday. Is there also some lines I can inject to make it a bit darker, like what happens to it when you open an options overview in the main menu?
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited January 2019
    In the same ESC_MENU, add the line:
    before ignoreesc

    And add the line:
    on escape
    before text "RETURN_GAME_BUTTON".

    PS: I will add these changes in the next release.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Hey @lefreut I can't post a screen shot currently but have you noticed that when you click "Information" on the character screen, the character name doesn't carry over to the Monster Kill and Biography screens? There's a spot up top for but its blank. I checked it on my wife and my system and its the same. What do ya think?
  • ArjukKagrimArjukKagrim Member Posts: 44
    Hi @lefreut, when installing leUI on EET together with M&G I cannot select feats. After clicking on the icon under innate abilities there are no feats/icons to select :( Is this a known issue or is leUI currently not compatible with EET (and M&G)?
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @HaHaCharade I will add the character name in these screens, thanks.

    @ArjukKagrim LeUI is compatible with EET. For M&G, you must install it after LeUI.

  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    Does this work on 2.6?
  • ParysParys Member Posts: 205
    edited May 2021
    Lefreut released a new version of his mod a few days ago. It is compatible with 2.6 EE games. The mod can be found at Gibberling Three Forum.
  • BrockBrock Member Posts: 14
    one question. I would like to play with the original BG1 dark layout. However, I play with EET and then another layout is active. Lefreut's BG1 layout is nice and works, but differs in small parts.

    How can I restore the original BG1EE layout for my trilogy? :o
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