every multiclass is good in the longrun and this multiclass is powerfull as all hell when you can bring spells from mage and cleric and still have good apr with fighter levels
Regardless of raising a dead thread, my question stills goes is a fighter/illusionist/cleric a valid class type?
Per standard 2ED rules it isn't. Gnomes must be illusionist instead of mage in a multiclass, but gnomes cant be fighter/mage/cleric (which is restricted to half-elf only).
Good threads never die ! The information I posted is still valid and I'm glad if it's still of service.
@Majoca F/M/C is indeed a versatile combination. My concerns with this multi-class are that the C restricts the F/M (blunt weapons) and that the M restricts the C (armor). Sure, you have a lot of spells to choose from but you're still limited to one spell per round, unless under Improved Alacrity. And then even, you'd have so many arcane spells to choose from that you wouldn't need more. Also, if you play BG2 a lot, you will see that Mages perform better in disabling and dealing damage. As regards to buffing, they specialize in individual protection whereas Clerics focus on characteristics improvements and healing.
Now, the only true benefit I see with this multi-class is the possibility of sequencing and triggering divine spells.
As you can guess, my personal taste favors Mages or druidic Clerics R/C but as @zur312 and many others mentioned, all combinations are potent given the right strategies. Though again, a F/M/T would be more forgiving than other classes.
@Abel, I think you miss my point, in one of the graphs it say "Fighter/Illusionist/Cleric" < Gnomes can't triple class I tried to do so the other day, the only triple classes are F/M/C and F/M/T which are obtainable by Half-elves. I have no questions about the multiclasses, dual classes or how powerful they are, I have played as them :P
I can understand the mistake as though it is not obtainable they have grayed out the option which says "Fighter/Illusionist/Cleric" which made me double take, thinking it was viable. Other than that it was a good read and is making me think about playing a Cleric/Ranger but what are the benefits?
Interestingly enough it will affect its rank too on that list as it will not be a great 'Saver' anymore due to its lacking Gnome shorty bonus. It will also lose out on extra spell per level meaning its probably not as good as being a fighter illusionist, or Illusionist cleric, which gets many more spells
The +2 shortbow in BG1/BGEE is also pretty good, though you can get the light crossbow of speed earlier. For an assassin in BG2 shortbows are better, since Tuigan gives you +1 APR, so that's an extra poison attack each round
crossbow of speed with bolts of lighting and biting hits harder i think but it doesn't really make a difference when you hit a mage with posion he is dead
Only Skald is useful for TOB, most enemies can ignore jester skills. You will find a lot of the mages spells are either useless or have little effect on many enemies, fighters, clerics, f/c and f/m mages is the way to go, instead of debuffs go with buffs, like tenser or holy might. And leave those +2 weapons behind
Regardless of raising a dead thread, my question stills goes is a fighter/illusionist/cleric a valid class type?
and this multiclass is powerfull as all hell when you can bring spells from mage and cleric and still have good apr with fighter levels
@Majoca F/M/C is indeed a versatile combination. My concerns with this multi-class are that the C restricts the F/M (blunt weapons) and that the M restricts the C (armor). Sure, you have a lot of spells to choose from but you're still limited to one spell per round, unless under Improved Alacrity. And then even, you'd have so many arcane spells to choose from that you wouldn't need more. Also, if you play BG2 a lot, you will see that Mages perform better in disabling and dealing damage. As regards to buffing, they specialize in individual protection whereas Clerics focus on characteristics improvements and healing.
Now, the only true benefit I see with this multi-class is the possibility of sequencing and triggering divine spells.
As you can guess, my personal taste favors Mages or druidic Clerics R/C but as @zur312 and many others mentioned, all combinations are potent given the right strategies. Though again, a F/M/T would be more forgiving than other classes.
I can understand the mistake as though it is not obtainable they have grayed out the option which says "Fighter/Illusionist/Cleric" which made me double take, thinking it was viable. Other than that it was a good read and is making me think about playing a Cleric/Ranger but what are the benefits?
Interestingly enough it will affect its rank too on that list as it will not be a great 'Saver' anymore due to its lacking Gnome shorty bonus. It will also lose out on extra spell per level meaning its probably not as good as being a fighter illusionist, or Illusionist cleric, which gets many more spells
Recently trying to think of solar with the Assassin, has a poison dagger (15k) and 15k armor (% hide) and a boot (% hide).
Just do not know if you have any good bow for killer in BG: EE. Do you have any?