Viconia romance variables?
Member Posts: 1,054
Does anyone have a list of all of the needed local or global variables as of 2.3 for the romance to begin? I can't get it to start for some reason (am using Tweaks Anthology romance cheats if that matters, so all races are possible). Other posts with this info are dated or confusing.
that should advance the romance with the next dialogue, but ONLY if the 1st dialogue has happened and any situational variables have been met. Some steps require you to have slept, be in a particular zone etc, so if no new dialogue triggers when you use the command then that particular stage of the romance has additional requirements.
An example would be switching the name to Jaheira and nothing happening, J's romance has several steps that require you to have rested with her in the party, or be in a Wilderness zone, the romance will not be forced forward via the command unless you have met these other requirements.
I tried to set Viconia’s variables using EEKeeper, as per the post below, but it’s not helping. Anyone has any idea what’s wrong?
Also, did you change via console? If yes, check the spelling and structure of the commmande, i.e. C:SetGlobal("ViconiaRomance","Global",1).
The meaning of the variables here:
- If the player character ever meets the race/gender conditions to be eligible for Viconia's romance, the game sets the CheckViconiaMatch and ViconiaMatch variables to 1. The first tells the game not to do this initialization again, while the second is what's actually tested in progressing the romance. You do not need to match those race/gender conditions for the talks; your romance will progress just fine even if a wild mage turns you female.
- ViconiaRomance is a timer variable. It runs on real time, and will always be some big number. Advance the clock past that, and the next thing happens. If you set it to something small like 1, that just tells the game to make the next thing happen right away.
- ViconiaRomanceActive tracks the state of the romance. 0 if you've never started one with her, 1 for active, 2 for committed, 3 for broken.
- LoveTalk tracks which dialogue you're on. Generally, this increments by 2 per talk.
All of these variable names and roles are standard conventions for the four romances in original BG2. Replace "Viconia" by "Aerie", "Anomen", or "Jaheira", and you have the variables for that romance.
Is there any way to fix that love talk issue?