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Viconia Romance won't start (Tweaks Anthology)


I've been trying to sift through the numerous forums on this and don't seem to see anything with my particular problem. Basically, according to the console command variables, the Viconia Romance should be happening, but just isn't. ViconiaMatch is set to 1, ViconiaRomanceActive is set to 1, but ViconiaRomance "does not exist". I just tried setting it to 1, which seems to have happened, but still no dialogue starts.

To be clear, I'm playing a female elf but used Tweaks to make all romances go without any race or gender restrictions. It's worked for other characters....Aerie and Neera won't leave me alone....but Viconia remains silent. How can I get my lovely drow friend to talk to me?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    I have had similar problems recently with the Viconia romance not starting for non-vanilla Viconia partners using Tweaks - in my case with a male dwarf. Each time I had to play with the global variables to get the romance to start. I am now running an Elf in BGEE, so if I get to SOD and BG2 with this character I will try again with her, but from your post it would seem the allowed race trigger is not working properly.

    I discussed it here and the proper globals are listed. Let me know if this solves it for you.

  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    Also, do you use EEKeeper? I find it easier to add or edit globals using that program.
  • EriiasEriias Member Posts: 34
    I don't; I'm a little scared of getting that deep under the hood for fear of breaking things. XD I'll take a look at that link tomorrow though!
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    ViconiaMatch is set to 1 if you're a match for Viconia. Normally a female elf should fail here, but Tweaks removed the restrictions correctly and made it 1. ViconiaRomanceActive is the tracking variable (0 never started, 1 in progress, 2 committed/exclusive, 3 you blew it) and ViconiaRomance is the timer until the next lovetalk. ViconiaRomance not existing means it never got set, which is very odd, as it should have been set at the same time that ViconiaRomanceActive was set to 1.

    When Viconia is freed from the stake and the fanatics are dead, she thanks you and you can invite her to the party. At that point, it's supposed to check the ViconiaMatch variable and (if you're a match) set ViconiaRomanceActive to 1, initiate the ViconiaRomance timer, and set up the LoveTalk counter. I'm not sure how it set one of these variables and not the other two.

    Regardless, you're halfway there. Setting ViconiaRomance to 1 created the timer; now you need to set her local LoveTalk counter. Put your cursor over Viconia and use C:SetGlobal("LoveTalk","LOCALS",1) in the console window.
  • EriiasEriias Member Posts: 34
    It seems to have worked! I think the CheckViconiaMatch and LoveTalk variables were the ones that were off.

    That is, assuming her romance starts with her asking what your quest is and talks about maiming siblings if you say Imouen is like your sister? XD

    Thank you very much!
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    @CamDawg , using Tweaks latest version I have had this same problem in 2 games recently, where the Viconia romance does not start with a dwarf male. I have noticed through EEkeeper that the Viconia check is there after the fanatics, but the other variables do not fire (hence the romance never starts).
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Yeah, I took a look after I posted--Tweaks correctly sets the match variable to 1, but after she joins the party, so it misses the chance to set the other variables. I'll get it fixed for the next version.
  • EriiasEriias Member Posts: 34
    I can't actually recall for certain but I may have gotten Viconia in my party before I installed Tweaks, so that may be the cause of the inconsistency? But either way it seems to be working right now! ^_^
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Eriias said:

    I can't actually recall for certain but I may have gotten Viconia in my party before I installed Tweaks, so that may be the cause of the inconsistency? But either way it seems to be working right now! ^_^

    Thanks, but it is actually a bug in Tweaks itself--it doesn't apply the magic cheat juice until after she's in the party, and by then it's already missed its window to set the additional, required romance variables. That's also why @Aerakar had similar problems.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    @CamDawg , does the romance cheat for Viconia work in SoD also if I add/edit the variables?
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    ...and just confirming I've got this fixed for the next version.

    Romance Cheats currently only affects the BG2 romances.
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