How much to do before rescuing Imoen?

I've always kind of rushed to save Imoen, but it seems like maybe that's not the best way. How much do you guys do before going to rescue her? What level are you typically, and how many areas do you typically go to first? I've been doing basically just the bare minimum zones and leaving to get her around level 10 (give or take depending on class).
My last full runthrough, my CHARNAME laboured under the assumption that they had to garner 150,000 GP for the information, and spent a month going through every single area while not even spending gold on inn accommodation. The party was so beefed up that Yoshimo had successfully dualled into a mid-level fighter with the Celestial Fury, which led to a nice little mini boss fight in Spellhold.
I never touch Watcher's Keep in SoA - XP and equipment trivializes everything in SoA.
Have tried leaving quests till later but returning to Athkatla and getting back into the mindset of questing for money/xp just feels redundant.
Plus, got no soul.
And that can't be healthy eventhough the game doesn't show the hacking cough, the disintegrating hair, the deseased and pox marked skin and the need to wear a hood, carry a bell and announce "souless" as people approach (hang on, am I getting leprosy and soulessness mixed up?...)
"Imoen? Well, we'll get her back when we need her and not a minute earlier..."
Lawful Neutral: Imoen broke the law, her incarceration is justified and she may remain where she is.
Neutral: Imoen's fine to wait for a bit, she was pretty crazy sounding in Irenicus' dungeon, so maybe some time off of adventuring is just what she needs.
Various Evil: Who the hell cares about Imoen? More money and power! I guess I'll go eventually to kill that guy who slighted me though.
Genre Savvy Any: Meh, as soon as I turn up things will turn bad, may as well get more personal power and wealth first.
Love this.
I tend to go with,
Older sibling Exhasperation Any.
"Magic Mssile? Magic Missile at a Mage who is disintegrating people right left and center? God I'm sick of babysitting that brat."
You can't move forward without taking care of every single quest you have before heading off to Spellhold! Oh no, no, no! That's right! You have to grab the reigns by the reigns and reign those quests in before you set sail. Leave no rock flipped over! No bottle half-full!
Imoen needs saving and she'll need all the power you can provide!
I like to get to the point where i deliberately stay in the Tanaari room in WK w/o killing the Boss, so i can keep killing the multiple demons he gates in for the easy XP, once i'm at that level of potency i feel ready to tustle with big Jon and whatever shady stuff he may have going on in Spellhold.
It's like the whole object of the game was to rescue Imoen, and once that was done, I had no more motivation other than finishing the game and getting our souls back.
I've always considered this issue a major problem with BG2. In fact, because of it, I rarely play BG2 and almost never finish a run when I start one. I greatly prefer BG1 and Icewind Dale, and I think they're the superior games.
I did all the paladin stronghold quests as well.
I played through Nalia's storyline and up to sir Anomen's (whom I am romancing). Aerie, Yoshimo, and Haer are my other companions.
I may go lich hunting to get a ring and will do the grave yard crypt when I get to that part in the chapter but I am all set to head to Brynlaww.
Every play through I do roughly the same leaving out 3 or 4 stronghold and one or two secret areas or epic fights (IE dragons). To keep things different.
The whole design with rescuing Imoen from SH was such a clumsy, ill thought out plot device.
Time and again I wonder what they were thinking.
It's a game, albeit a RPG.
Why did they ever think players wouldn't go after Irenicus without shoehorning in the "rescue"?
Should have been able to get Imoen back from the CW in Athkatla (and so then had her available to play with) and only Irenicus being imprisoned/transported.
Or killed her off.
This is a game, and as a game people at all interested would have gone after Irenicus.
It's not "War and Peace" the motivations are completely different.
My overall thinking is that the developers underestimated their creation of something people actually wanted to play. And added in unecessary componants that seemed to them to make wanting to keep playing even more compelling.
Perhaps that's the difference between BG and BG2?
BG has a thread of conviction and confidence running through it. It allowed them to do absolutely ridiculous things when you look at the game, including poking a lot of fun at the game itself and the genre it's based on.
For example, leaving players so much freedom, they believed players would stay with the game, not get bored, not get too confused, not want quick easy signposts telling them where to go, what to do otherwise they would lose them.
First, the pervasiveness of restartitis implies a certain amount of boredom. There are also vast swaths of empty or unsatisfying space in the first game that make it feel like a slog. (All of the Cloakwood feels this way to me.)
Second, ther are plenty of quick-and-easy signposts. Monty/Xzar want to go to Nashkel, as do Jaheira/Khalid. Finishing that, you are pointed to a contact, easily dispatched, who provides (one way or another) the location of a camp, which reveals a hidden operation, which points to something in the city (unavailable until that point) and so on. Not exactly railroading, true, but fairly linear and direct, wouldn’t you say? Admittedly, I didn’t really see this until i did a couple speed runs to pick up NPCs in Baldur’s Gate, but it seems obvious to me now.
And might I add that a lack of that thread of confidence makes sense for BG2? Given what CHARNAME has just experienced in Chateau Irenicus, you would want the story to have a feeling of uncertainty and danger.
I've never been in a hurry to rescue her. Personally, I find that SOA is most fun in the early game, Chapters 1-3.