NWN:EE Head Start access not working
Hi all - very excited to see NWN getting some attention. I bought the preview on the Beamdog site and installed the client, but when I go to play, it says the executable was not found. Looks like there is just a DLL and a text file in the folder. Should I be able to play at this point? Can't wait to get started.
"NWN:EE pre-order owners are eligible to be selected for Head Start access to the developer build starting November 21, 2017."
You aren't guaranteed to play early, unfortunately.
I thought I had just bought the wrong version
The latest official reply is 12+ hours old:
It may be downloading at a stately 1.2 MB/s, but I'll be making my return to Neverwinter soon enough!
If you are having trouble Installing the Head Start Beta or Head Start Digital Deluxe Beta, please follow these steps:
1) Ensure that your account is properly provisioned for one of the two versions of the game
2) While logged in to the website, go to the game head-start pages available under the 'Games' drop-down at the top of the website:
Standard Edition - https://www.beamdog.com/products/neverwinter-nights-head-start-english
Digital Deluxe Edition - https://www.beamdog.com/products/neverwinter-nights-head-start-digital-deluxe
3) On these pages (Dependent on what version of the game you own) there will be a button to provision you with the Head Start game access. Click this button
4) You should now see the Head Start be available on your Beamdog Client. If the website indicates that you have been provisioned, but it is not showing up, please restart your Beamdog Client, as it may not have caught the update immediately.
Clicking on the Digital Deluxe Head Start link above provisioned it into my account, and now it is a visible option in the client.
So, keep that in mind if you think you don't have the right Head Start packages showing.