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Increasing Multiclass limit to 4

First of all, thanks to Beamdog for the stream last night - it really does look promising and I look forward to seeing what you do with the game. Neverwinter Nights has been one of my favourite games for years and I still play it to this day. Our Steam group were only recently playing a co-op game through the Aielund Saga.

Anyway...I asked this question in the stream but will sling it up here as well, as it's something that's bugged me about NWN 1 for some time.

Neverwinter Nights 2 had a maximum level cap of 30 and yet it allowed you to multiclass into 4 different classes. It worked really well and added an additional layer of character customisation.

Neverwinter Nights 1 had a maximum level cap of 40 (10 more than NWN 2) and yet you could only multiclass into 3 classes. With such a lot of levels, it seemed to really limit character creativity.

One of my favourite characters to play in NWN 2 was a Fighter/Wizard/Assassin/Arcane Archer. You just cant do this in NWN 1 due to the restrictions. Especially since classes like the Assassin never got HIPS in NWN 1 but did in NWN 2.


Character building was one of the things I loved about the NWN games - especially NWN 2. It would be great to see some "love" here.


  • JimbobslimbobJimbobslimbob Member Posts: 206
    Er whoops... any chance a mod can move this to the correct forum I seem to have had a case of "not enough coffee".
  • JimbobslimbobJimbobslimbob Member Posts: 206
    Awesome, well I am glad it's "on the table", so to speak.
  • Nova_PyxisNova_Pyxis Member Posts: 8
    Yes. This is really needed.
  • Yep needed, and would make a Monk/Wizard/Assassin/Shadowdancer if could use 4 classes.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    And just as I stated in, I would make a Monk 16/Fighter 12/Shou Disciple 5/Weapon Master 7 if the class limit was increased to 4 and Unarmed Strike qualified as a Weapon of Choice. A pure, physical unarmed combat build. Contrary to what Mr. @TrentOster stated in one of this year's Beamdog Livestreams, I at the very least enjoy playing the monk class. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming (and holidays) to all.
  • Shia_LuckShia_Luck Member Posts: 39
    Just to play Devil's advocate here *cheeky grin* ...

    What about the dilution of playing a single or dual class? Shouldn't that be a choice too?

    I am not saying NWN got it right,, 1 level of Shadowdancer is ridiculously powerful but didn't NWN2 just encourage dipping to the point that single or dual class builds are really not worth playing??

    Have fun :)
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