Increasing Multiclass limit to 4

First of all, thanks to Beamdog for the stream last night - it really does look promising and I look forward to seeing what you do with the game. Neverwinter Nights has been one of my favourite games for years and I still play it to this day. Our Steam group were only recently playing a co-op game through the Aielund Saga.
Anyway...I asked this question in the stream but will sling it up here as well, as it's something that's bugged me about NWN 1 for some time.
Neverwinter Nights 2 had a maximum level cap of 30 and yet it allowed you to multiclass into 4 different classes. It worked really well and added an additional layer of character customisation.
Neverwinter Nights 1 had a maximum level cap of 40 (10 more than NWN 2) and yet you could only multiclass into 3 classes. With such a lot of levels, it seemed to really limit character creativity.
One of my favourite characters to play in NWN 2 was a Fighter/Wizard/Assassin/Arcane Archer. You just cant do this in NWN 1 due to the restrictions. Especially since classes like the Assassin never got HIPS in NWN 1 but did in NWN 2.
Character building was one of the things I loved about the NWN games - especially NWN 2. It would be great to see some "love" here.
Anyway...I asked this question in the stream but will sling it up here as well, as it's something that's bugged me about NWN 1 for some time.
Neverwinter Nights 2 had a maximum level cap of 30 and yet it allowed you to multiclass into 4 different classes. It worked really well and added an additional layer of character customisation.
Neverwinter Nights 1 had a maximum level cap of 40 (10 more than NWN 2) and yet you could only multiclass into 3 classes. With such a lot of levels, it seemed to really limit character creativity.
One of my favourite characters to play in NWN 2 was a Fighter/Wizard/Assassin/Arcane Archer. You just cant do this in NWN 1 due to the restrictions. Especially since classes like the Assassin never got HIPS in NWN 1 but did in NWN 2.
Character building was one of the things I loved about the NWN games - especially NWN 2. It would be great to see some "love" here.
4 (or arbitary) multiclasses is a feature that's been requested a few times now. It would require changes in a lot of places (not the very least touching up the UI to better support it), but definitely something to think about.
What about the dilution of playing a single or dual class? Shouldn't that be a choice too?
I am not saying NWN got it right,, 1 level of Shadowdancer is ridiculously powerful but didn't NWN2 just encourage dipping to the point that single or dual class builds are really not worth playing??
Have fun