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What are your favorite builds?



  • ZoltanTheRedZoltanTheRed Member Posts: 11
    Any wizard, any delicious cheese builds
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352

    Thank you! I will consider including it in my portrait pack, currently wondering whether it needs to be re-updated, or not...

    Just remember:

  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    Charisma based Paladins are great defensive builds. Your saves are very high, and you can add your charisma bonus to both your attack and defense.

    If i'm going the much-loved Red Dragon Paladin route, i'll be sure to pick up True Strike from the sorcerer spell list. Goes great with Improved Power Attack.
  • LibertyisbackLibertyisback Member Posts: 49
    it's tough to say...

    in a max lvl 20 team pvp world, i still typically prefer a lvl 20 sorc, possibly with a necro focus.

    but it depends on what are the rules applying to each team pvp server.
    (most team pvp servers remove instant death effects)

    for a lvl 40 server, it's an entirely different game. some incredible builds come out with the new classes available. some monk levels usually becomes really worthwhile. lately ive favoured devastating crit builds.
  • vyvexthornevyvexthorne Member Posts: 58
    Druid/Rogue/Shadowdancer. It's a weird build and doesn't combine all that well but it was an idea that I really liked so I did the best I could.
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    I've always been partial to simple fighter builds. I rarely play past 20, but Fighter 14-16/Paladin 2/Rogue 2-4 (Depends on whether I care enough about Use Magic Device to take alongside tumble) or a plain Fighter/Weaponsmaster. Though recently I've had some fun with a strength based Rogue x/Fighter 4, and I've tried doing a weird Blackguard build of Bard 6/Fighter 4/Blackguard 10 (Though in hindsight, Fighter 10/Blackguard 10 or Bard 10/Blackguard 10 would be a better build overall).
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    When I make fighter builds I tend to go the Disarm/Knockdown route, even if im not going for Weapon Master. Variety keeps it fresh.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    Babynoob q: Can somebody recommend a build for a Human Sorcerer to go through SoU and HotU? I also want to have decent Bluff and Diplomacy. I can figure out the spells, feats, all that, I'm very well versed in 3e, I just don't know if I should multiclass or just go 100% Sorcerer. THANTS.
  • KaosWarMonkKaosWarMonk Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2018
    Webshaman's Elven, short sword, dual wielding, Melee Mage is probably my favourite build from over the years.

    Can get all the old builds here > Link to offline archive of the Epic Character Builders forum posts over at NWVault

    Post edited by KaosWarMonk on
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited April 2018
    Dorcus said:

    Babynoob q: Can somebody recommend a build for a Human Sorcerer to go through SoU and HotU? I also want to have decent Bluff and Diplomacy. I can figure out the spells, feats, all that, I'm very well versed in 3e, I just don't know if I should multiclass or just go 100% Sorcerer. THANTS.

    I'd go 100% Sorcerer and be careful of the spell selection.

    If i'm going for an all out caster I almost always choose a gnome. Constitution bonuses for survivability, free spell focus in illusion (which has 2 instant death spells), concentration bonuses, the penalty to strength is meaningless so no real drawbacks. Truly a race made for casting.

    If i'm going sorcerer, I like to go high spellcraft and have Dispel Magic and Lesser Dispel in my repertoire, so I can counterspell if need be.
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 422
    In NWN one of my favorite builds was a Zen Archer/Cloth wearing Elven Cleric 35/Rogue 3/Monk 2. It took longer to level due to xp penalties but was so potent even at low levels with no enchanted gear, and became a beast the higher level and more gear I got, that it was worth the effort to level.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Nothing is cooler than a bard/dd/pm for the expansions.

  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    First and foremost, my apologies for the necro post. I just wanted to express my interest and creative ideas in this thread. My goal is to create a combination of Monk 16/Fighter 17/Weaponmaster 7, or Fighter 28/Shou Disciple 5/Weaponmaster 7 with both builds having Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike counting toward fulfilling the requirements of the Weaponmaster PrC. For the most part, these are just "pipe dream" builds until the game engine limitation currently preventing Unarmed Strike from qualifying as a Weapon Master's "Weapon of Choice" has been corrected. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    I wanted a monk/weaponmaster build so I went with quarterstaff. Saved up skill points and powergamed myself a rogue level so I could have a high enough Use Magic Device to use all the scrolls and magic items I want. Came across a staff that could cast Meteor Swarm (IIRC) in HoTU and was completely set.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited November 2018
    For me, it's not so much about how powerful a build I can create as it is about bringing a character class concept from pen and paper to the digital gaming format of NWN. Back when I still played D&D 3.0 and 3.5, I made a custom base class called the Regulator. Like the Shou Disciple, a regulator follows a more physical path. However, this path is extreme, as regulators are forsworn from wielding any weapons save their own unarmed strikes and wear no armor. Period. In exchange for this lack of protection, they gain a larger hit die (d10 for hit points), and they retain the positive Wis dodge bonus as well as receive a +1 bonus every 5 levels to their AC. The simplest way I can think of to break down the mechanics of this class would be to take the Fighter, strip away all the armor and weapon proficiency feats, give it the Monk's unarmed damage and AC progression, and keep the bonus feat progression at every even level. Give it all the physical abilities, such as Evasion and Improved Evasion; Flurry of Blows; and Stunning Fist, and forego all the supernatural abilities like Wholeness of Body; Purity of Body; Diamond Body; Diamond Soul; etc. Skill points per level will be at 4 + Int modifier, as this is a feat and skill driven class. Their base saving throw bonuses start out at Fort +2, Ref +2, and Will +0 in order to reflect the more physical path they tread. I hope this custom base class concept doesn't seem unbalanced. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • I would want to either







    Out of that leaning to:





    After thinking about it, I'll think I'll do either

    Monk/Shadowdancer/Assassin next


    Monk/Druid/Shadowdancer next

    Now if could do 4 classes instead of 3:


    Which would you do?
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    If I could do 4 classes and Unarmed Strike qualified as a Weapon of Choice, I would do Monk 16/Fighter 12/Shou Disciple 5/Weapon Master 7.
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