Wish list (to be expanded indefinitely, I suppose... :-))

(Start, 2017-11-22)
1. An easy to use party companion and dialog system (e.g. BG-style, 5 NPC and a PC). And working scripts (generic of course) that we can use in the module properties to make sure things work as intended.
2. Realistic interior tilesets - how many city buildings have corridors 10' wide anyway? :-) Some guys (RWS?) created "narrow tilesets" back in the day to address this. And oh, tile variants with windows.
3. More light sources per tile, and proper blocking for lights sources (no light from a torch on the other side of a stone wall...)
(cont., 2017-11-23)
4. Subfolder support in override folder, and campaign folders and functionality too (like NWN2), but more stabile please... :-)
5. Unlockable windows (make it so that I can move the script window if I need to check something in the area editor, for example).
6. Implementation of more social skills (Sense Motive, Gather Information like found in TOEE), unless these are specific for D&D 3.5 and later.
7. Ceilings for all interior tilesets.
8. New script functions, make it possible to alter creature stats (any and all stats).
9. Proper support for newer systems (multi-CPU).
10. Editable standard palette.
11. Prefabs/placeable groups.
12. Templates for adventure creation, including an enhanced plot wizard and easy-to-use random encounters, random treasures and otherwise what's asked in for in 1. above... :-)
13. (Not toolset, but still) Rebuild all OC modules to current version of NWN - so that resources (and functions) from 1.69 actually become available in all OC campaigns.
14. (Not toolset) Restore the default music (replace HotU theme) when starting game. :-P
(cont., 2017-11-27)
15. Multi-area support. Handy when one needs to duplicate placeables from one area to another, or duplicating whole areas.
16. In-house 2da editor...
(cont., 2017-11-29)
17. Either give us proper headbands, or at least the option to hide helmets... Preferrably like in NWN2, but I realize that requires a bit of modelling work.
1. An easy to use party companion and dialog system (e.g. BG-style, 5 NPC and a PC). And working scripts (generic of course) that we can use in the module properties to make sure things work as intended.
2. Realistic interior tilesets - how many city buildings have corridors 10' wide anyway? :-) Some guys (RWS?) created "narrow tilesets" back in the day to address this. And oh, tile variants with windows.
3. More light sources per tile, and proper blocking for lights sources (no light from a torch on the other side of a stone wall...)
(cont., 2017-11-23)
4. Subfolder support in override folder, and campaign folders and functionality too (like NWN2), but more stabile please... :-)
5. Unlockable windows (make it so that I can move the script window if I need to check something in the area editor, for example).
6. Implementation of more social skills (Sense Motive, Gather Information like found in TOEE), unless these are specific for D&D 3.5 and later.
7. Ceilings for all interior tilesets.
8. New script functions, make it possible to alter creature stats (any and all stats).
9. Proper support for newer systems (multi-CPU).
10. Editable standard palette.
11. Prefabs/placeable groups.
12. Templates for adventure creation, including an enhanced plot wizard and easy-to-use random encounters, random treasures and otherwise what's asked in for in 1. above... :-)
13. (Not toolset, but still) Rebuild all OC modules to current version of NWN - so that resources (and functions) from 1.69 actually become available in all OC campaigns.
14. (Not toolset) Restore the default music (replace HotU theme) when starting game. :-P
(cont., 2017-11-27)
15. Multi-area support. Handy when one needs to duplicate placeables from one area to another, or duplicating whole areas.
16. In-house 2da editor...
(cont., 2017-11-29)
17. Either give us proper headbands, or at least the option to hide helmets... Preferrably like in NWN2, but I realize that requires a bit of modelling work.
Post edited by fkirenicus on
2) Expand CreateObject function to allow scripting to change the appearance of placeables (and possibly the other objects). Allow us to reference the 2da line so we can access all the placeable appearances in the game without having to create each placeable in the palette (and using up module resources).
3) As part of area instancing, allow scripting to specify, for a specific area tile, the tile ID, orientation, and height. That would enable almost unlimited areas that could be created through modification of a few 'base' areas.
4) Create a SetCreatureCR function to updated a creature's CR. Many times, builders modify creatures on the fly, but the CR doesn't get updated, which causes the xp system to be out of whack with the actual difficulty of the creature. There are workarounds, but a simplified function to update to a new CR would solve so many headaches.
Back in the day the limit of 6 or 8 or whatever it was drove me crazy at times/
Increase to the number of custom animation slots per phenotype.
Improvements to the intelligence of the AI.
Any stability improvements to Aurora are also welcome.