I'll buy one if Beamdog will sell them, as long as they come in XXXL.
You know, Beamdog makes really good swag items, and it seems like they may be missing a good profit opportunity by not having a small warehouse or rented storage space and a tangible goods store on the website.
They mentioned on stream that they can’t sell them, so you have to wait for another promotional give away.
Sad to hear that, I would buy a physical collectors edition of the game in an instant if it had the shirt! so I hope they change their minds, my wallet is ready
Why, you can buy them from me, Ralph Spoilsport, of Ralph Spoilsport’s Perpetual Motion Enterprises based right here in the city of Emphysema! Just call our princely Nigerian operators and ...
You know, Beamdog makes really good swag items, and it seems like they may be missing a good profit opportunity by not having a small warehouse or rented storage space and a tangible goods store on the website.