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Suggestions Thread: Structural (file formats, references, "hardcodedness", configuration)



  • DemolidoR_DemoliTioNDemolidoR_DemoliTioN Member Posts: 19
    Any of you know any way to block override folder on my server? Because i have some changes on server and can't use "Enforce Legal Characters". This way some players are editing 2da files to get editions on them characters.

    Its really upset because i m trying to build a anticheat script but there are tons of possibilities.
  • WilliamDracoWilliamDraco Member Posts: 175
    There is no way to do so. Even if you move changes to a nwsync (same level as a hak, but they can't change it) they can instead use the development folder to supercede everything.

    Unfortunately, ELC is the way to fix this sort of problem and if you turn it off these are the expected consequences. nwnxee has a plugin which interacts with the inbuilt ELC engine allows you to make custom exceptions for what you *do* allow rather than what you *don't*. but otherwise you are stuck trying to play whack-a-mole via anti-cheat.

    Or just ban those players and be done with it.
  • DemolidoR_DemoliTioNDemolidoR_DemoliTioN Member Posts: 19
    There is no way to do so. Even if you move changes to a nwsync (same level as a hak, but they can't change it) they can instead use the development folder to supercede everything.

    Unfortunately, ELC is the way to fix this sort of problem and if you turn it off these are the expected consequences. nwnxee has a plugin which interacts with the inbuilt ELC engine allows you to make custom exceptions for what you *do* allow rather than what you *don't*. but otherwise you are stuck trying to play whack-a-mole via anti-cheat.

    Or just ban those players and be done with it.

    Thank you for aswer... I ll read about this possibility with custom exceptions on ELC.

    Thank you very much for this tip!!
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    edited May 2020
    Can we get a new column added to all CLS_FEAT_ or to feat.2da called (AttackRadial) that when OnMenu is 1 and AttackRadial is 1 that the feat is placed on special attacks radial or if OnMenu is 3 put on special attacks radial. With all the unhardcoding(workarounds) I'm doing with combat feats the class feat radial are getting cluttered. If I could move them over to special attack radial and organize things a little better. Example below.
    Post edited by ShadowM on
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I would also like what ShadowM just posted. Actually I think it would be good if it's in feat.2da and we can specify where the feat gets added or to which subradial menu.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    edited June 2020
    OMG I almost forgot the other one and I think is even more important, Give a column in Cls feat *.2da that says IngorePreRequisite for ignoring requirements of a feat. OMG this would help so much for the start of feat tree splitting. (You get this if you trying to make 3.5 D&D monk and multi-class)
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited March 2021
    @bhenmia0 Are you aware of D20 Modern Haks Version 2.2?

  • LordPasLordPas Member Posts: 47
    I have a request for the DM client.

    Can we have a search header that let's us type the item we are looking for.

    The Creator sub-screens can get overloaded with items and having to go Item-Custom-miscellaneous and then having to find the item in a list of 50+ items takes time. Especially if the item ends up being in a different folder and if we have new DM's who are trying to learn where items are.

    A box that allows the DM to type in the item name would greatly help make things efficient.

  • LordPasLordPas Member Posts: 47
    Actually, adding a quick search bar for the Chooser screen would help as well.

  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited June 2021
    @LordPas Would an OS search function like "Ctrl+F" not work? Please forgive my ignorance, I don't normally do anything with the DM Client or the Toolset. I was just curious. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
  • ricoyungricoyung Member Posts: 83
    A Relog Button in options menu

    A Quality of life improvement suggestion; I would think most folks have more than one character build
    in their Multiplayer server vault, and on occasion may want to flip characters for any number of reasons.
    As it is Now, we have to Quit, then click on Multiplayer, then find the server in favorites or elsewhere and then login again...this can seem like ages if a large party is waiting for your Rogue to pick a hard lock.

    Why not a quick and easy ReLog button, as in Relog to current server player vault.
    I have seen this done on another server (gone now) where you just typed !relog in chat
    and would do it, but a button in the Options Menu would be better IMO, Kinda like this:

    Here it's shown in the currently empty spot, Ideally would be located just above "Exit to Main Menu"
    and below "Change key Settings", But heck, I would be happy if it was 'Anywhere' available.
  • nocluesnoclues Member Posts: 2
    ricoyung wrote: »
    A Relog Button in options menu

    A Quality of life improvement suggestion; I would think most folks have more than one character build
    in their Multiplayer server vault, and on occasion may want to flip characters for any number of reasons.
    As it is Now, we have to Quit, then click on Multiplayer, then find the server in favorites or elsewhere and then login again...this can seem like ages if a large party is waiting for your Rogue to pick a hard lock.

    Why not a quick and easy ReLog button, as in Relog to current server player vault.
    I have seen this done on another server (gone now) where you just typed !relog in chat
    and would do it, but a button in the Options Menu would be better IMO, Kinda like this:

    Here it's shown in the currently empty spot, Ideally would be located just above "Exit to Main Menu"
    and below "Change key Settings", But heck, I would be happy if it was 'Anywhere' available.

    Heya Rico,

    In case it's never added, it's actually super simple from a scripting perspective and anyone could add it to their chat commands, unless any of the below changed with EE, which I doubt.
    ActivatePortal(playerWantingToRelog, "ipAddressOfServerYouAreOn:portOfServerYouAreOn", "", "", FALSE);

    That's it. Wish I could have brought TA into the EE era, but alas.. All the best.
  • ObsidianOrbObsidianOrb Member Posts: 2
    For years I have been using an override to change the spellcasting chants in game to match Baldur's Gate 1&2, however the game uses the wav files Evocation, Enchantment & Conjuration for Abjuration, Divination & Transmutation. So it would be nice if the game could utilise separate entries for Abjuration, Divination, & Transmutation, so that members of the community could mod the missing spell schools, and create more variation in game.
  • Ugly_DuckUgly_Duck Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2021
    I'd love to see, with regards to the override folder, the ability to have files read from INSIDE folders in the override folder. The way NWN 2 is.

    So, for example:
    I make a hak that requires 3 files in the override folder. Instead of dumping all three files in, I could put the 3 files into a folder, then put that folder in the override folder & still have the game read files from inside that folder. Wheeew! That was painful.
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 339
    For the love of all that is good in the universe could we please get some real system time scripting functions? Yes I know NWNX:EE has them but those of us who do not want to use Linux (since it's now Linux only and I don't want to mess around with docker) could really use them please. Something like GetSystemTime();, GetSystemDate();. etc. I'm currently using Game Server Manager from @Jimbobslimbob which is awesome for us Windows users, but some time functions would help out even more for us to be able to send server shouts for resets and what not that would line up with real time. Thank you.
  • nivniv Member, Moderator, Developer Posts: 410
    For the love of all that is good in the universe could we please get some real system time scripting functions?

    You could use a temporary/inmem sqlite database and use the datetime sqlite functions to get that data.

  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 339
    edited January 2022
    niv wrote: »
    For the love of all that is good in the universe could we please get some real system time scripting functions?

    You could use a temporary/inmem sqlite database and use the datetime sqlite functions to get that data.

    Thank you for the info @niv . By any chance might there be some documentation on how exactly I'd implement something like that. I'm a noob who only knows NWScript and uses DB Browser.
  • DazDaz Member Posts: 127
    niv wrote: »
    For the love of all that is good in the universe could we please get some real system time scripting functions?

    You could use a temporary/inmem sqlite database and use the datetime sqlite functions to get that data.

    Thank you for the info @niv . By any chance might there be some documentation on how exactly I'd implement something like that. I'm a noob who only knows NWScript and uses DB Browser.

    Here's some function using the sqlite datatime stuff:
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 339
    Daz wrote: »
    niv wrote: »
    For the love of all that is good in the universe could we please get some real system time scripting functions?

    You could use a temporary/inmem sqlite database and use the datetime sqlite functions to get that data.

    Thank you for the info @niv . By any chance might there be some documentation on how exactly I'd implement something like that. I'm a noob who only knows NWScript and uses DB Browser.

    Here's some function using the sqlite datatime stuff:

    I completely forgot that the new sql functions were even a thing. And it's something I'm not very familiar with so this is exactly what I needed. Thank you @Daz
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