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Suggestions Thread: Structural (file formats, references, "hardcodedness", configuration)



  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446

    Any chance at unharcoding Holy Sword/Avenger?

    @Grizzled_Dwarflord What do you mean, specifically? Do you mean for the item to function as the PnP description? That being, a +2 sword in the hands of any class other than a paladin, but with its item properties fully activated in the hands of a paladin?
  • zunathzunath Member Posts: 92
    I've been told the head ranges 50-99 and 200-255 aren't available in the toolset.

    Two requests for this one:

    1.) Allow 50-99 and 200-255 to be picked.
    2.) Increase the maximum size so we can have more than 255 heads available for selection.

  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    edited September 2018

    Any chance at unharcoding Holy Sword/Avenger?

    @Grizzled_Dwarflord What do you mean, specifically? Do you mean for the item to function as the PnP description? That being, a +2 sword in the hands of any class other than a paladin, but with its item properties fully activated in the hands of a paladin?
    It's hardcoded so that it can't be modified. With the 1.69 patch, they capped the OnHit Dispel Effect to 10th level Paladin, which was an extreme nerf to the class. I'm not arguing for it to be changed, I'm arguing for it to be unhardcoded so that developers and PW Admins are free to make their own choice
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2019

    It's hardcoded so that it can't be modified. With the 1.69 patch, they capped the OnHit Dispel Effect to 10th level Paladin, which was an extreme nerf to the class. I'm not arguing for it to be changed, I'm arguing for it to be unhardcoded so that developers and PW Admins are free to make their own choice

    I understand, now. And I agree, it is an extreme nerf for an item that is supposed to be the aspiration of every paladin. If it were softcoded, perhaps the best way to modify the Holy Avenger without making it too powerful would be to make the dispel magic effect function the same way as its 3.5 equivalent.

    Per the D20 SRD 3.5, It enables the paladin to use greater dispel magic (once per round as a standard action) at the class level of the paladin. (Only the area dispel is possible, not the targeted dispel or counterspell versions of greater dispel magic.) Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.

    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    zunath said:

    I've been told the head ranges 50-99 and 200-255 aren't available in the toolset.

    Two requests for this one:

    1.) Allow 50-99 and 200-255 to be picked.
    2.) Increase the maximum size so we can have more than 255 heads available for selection.

  • CalliopeCalliope Member Posts: 4

    I think it'd be awesome if NWN's had a spell check function like discord does so that if a word is miss spelled it will be underlined in red and then I can right click the word and get a small list of suggested word replacements that I can pick from.

    Super helpful for those of us who play on Rp servers and are bad at spelling >_>

    Sorry if this has already been suggested before or if I have posted in the wrong section. I wasn't sure if this was the correct thread or not.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Calliope said:


    I think it'd be awesome if NWN's had a spell check function like discord does so that if a word is miss spelled it will be underlined in red and then I can right click the word and get a small list of suggested word replacements that I can pick from.

    Super helpful for those of us who play on Rp servers and are bad at spelling >_>

    Sorry if this has already been suggested before or if I have posted in the wrong section. I wasn't sure if this was the correct thread or not.


    Any feedback to this?
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992

    Calliope said:


    I think it'd be awesome if NWN's had a spell check function like discord does so that if a word is miss spelled it will be underlined in red and then I can right click the word and get a small list of suggested word replacements that I can pick from.

    Super helpful for those of us who play on Rp servers and are bad at spelling >_>

    Sorry if this has already been suggested before or if I have posted in the wrong section. I wasn't sure if this was the correct thread or not.


    Any feedback to this?
    Not a priority I'd say.
  • DFDarkDFDark Member Posts: 32

    Any feedback to this?

    Personally I feel it's kinda waste of effort that would be better spent elsewhere.
  • ProontProont Member Posts: 141

    Calliope said:


    I think it'd be awesome if NWN's had a spell check function like discord does so that if a word is miss spelled it will be underlined in red and then I can right click the word and get a small list of suggested word replacements that I can pick from.

    Super helpful for those of us who play on Rp servers and are bad at spelling >_>

    Sorry if this has already been suggested before or if I have posted in the wrong section. I wasn't sure if this was the correct thread or not.


    Any feedback to this?
    Spellcheck would be nice, but not really a priority.
  • tfoxtfox Member Posts: 87

    Any feedback to this?

    Better something left for NWNx if anything.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I don't think it would work well with nwnx because spellcheck is at the input level while nwnx would have to communicate to the game server, which then has to communicate to nwnx, which then has to run a spellcheck plugin, which sends it back to the server through nwnx, which then has to send it back to the player client. Alternatively the player inputs text in the client and it stays there until the player hits enter while spellcheck is done locally.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    Can we get whips and morning stars base items un-blocked from duel wielding, I know it was blocked because some did not like the animations I guess, but I think it looks fine.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    ShadowM said:
    Can we get whips and morning stars base items un-blocked from duel wielding, I know it was blocked because some did not like the animations I guess, but I think it looks fine.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    Hello. Just out of curiosity, did Grizzled_Dwarflord's request to unhardcode the Holy Avenger's OnHit Dispel Effect make it to the Trello Input Board? It seems to have been overlooked. Any feedback to this? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all. 
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Not yet, I guess. Wanted to get some more feedback.
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    Master Jules, everyone is all in for this, at least those in my circle are.  There has not been one "nay," except for that centaur wizard, but he's in greener pastures now and won't be an issue.  
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    Can't you implement all the features with simple scripts?
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    Holy Avenger is hard coded.  With the 1.69 patch, they capped the OnHit Dispel Effect to 10th level Paladin, which was an extreme nerf to the class. I'm not lobbying for it to be changed, I'm lobbying for it to be unhardcoded so that developers and PW Admins are free to make their own choice.

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I think what was meant was that you can script on hit effects.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    Yeah, you don't have to use "Holy Avenger" properties. IIRC it is either a +2 or a +5 sword with some bonus damage and an onhit property. One option is to make it usable by Paladin only and give it +5/etc properties. Or you can add an OnEquip script to see if it's equipped by paladins or someone else and give it appropriate properties then.
    Not the cleanest solution, but hardly a showstopper that requires engine changes.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    Yeah, you don't have to use "Holy Avenger" properties. IIRC it is either a +2 or a +5 sword with some bonus damage and an onhit property. One option is to make it usable by Paladin only and give it +5/etc properties. Or you can add an OnEquip script to see if it's equipped by paladins or someone else and give it appropriate properties then.
    Not the cleanest solution, but hardly a showstopper that requires engine changes.
    That would not work when you hand off you holy avenger to paladin henchmen (equip do not fire for henchmen/creatures).
    You best bet is to add additional property holy avenger(so you can check for it), with +2 with on-hit property, on the hit check for if it a paladin, if it the weapon +2 then switch it to +5 and run dispel effect sub-routine with what ever dc you want it to be. The only thing is you have to wait for the first hit do adjust from +2 to +5/dispel and to adjust from +5/dispel to +2 without dispel(for non-pc)  keep the equip/unequipped check for the pc.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    Ah, right, @ShadowM . On(Un)Acquire should fire for henchmen too, so you could change them in that case. Right?
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    @Sherincall , yep, sorry for the late reply.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Yeah you can to it all the the normal scripted routes, and it's more accurate too. Sometimes when I see calls to unhardcode specific stuff that can be scripted I read it more like people asking if Beamdog can use a softcoded implementation instead as a default.
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    You guys are missing the point.  It already was set to cast OnHit: Dispel which scaled with Paladin levels.  When it was changed in 1.69 (because some whiners thought it was too powerful), they capped it at Level 10.  My argument is to put it back to the way it was, and if that is a bridge too far then un-hardcode it, and let developers and PW admins make their own choices.  

    And why reinvent the wheel by creating new scripts and new resources, and then having to modify all of the other resources attached to it, when the one we need is already there?   
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    I not sure if I mentioned this or someone else did earlier.
    Can we get placable to stop grass coming through them. This would be great for placable buildings, overlaid placables in outdoor environments like ponds, holes etc...
  • RifleLeroyRifleLeroy Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2019
    While inside the darkness AOE a creature with true seeing or ultravision that got dispelled,while the darkness effect remain, no longer sees anything. The screen goes full black and won't back clear until you decide to close the game and restart it.
    This can be problematic in SP if you haven't previously saved your game,but also in PVP where people know about this bug and tend to abuse it.
    I have never seen a valid fix for this issue by the community,this could mean one only thing: the problem can't be solved with our resource.

    So my request is, can Beamdog provide us a fix ?

  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    @RifleLeroy If this an exploitable bug, the best way I can think of to have @Beamdog handle it would be to report it on Redmine. Anyone else have ideas? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • RifleLeroyRifleLeroy Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2019
    @RifleLeroy If this an exploitable bug, the best way I can think of to have @Beamdog handle it would be to report it on Redmine. Anyone else have ideas? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    It is an exploitable bug 100% there no doubt about it and it's not a secret or something that has been recently discovered. It's well know and has been reported over the nwnwiki, therefore it is documented.
    Check out this discussion:
    What Simmoncri's said.

    I agree about report it to beamdog.
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