Nalia would be a hippie trying to hide its nobility and meddling with all kind of unfavored people, sharing her love of love and going on a war for peace.
Nalia would be a hippie trying to hide its nobility and meddling with all kind of unfavored people, sharing her love of love and going on a war for peace.
She'd be at all the occupy rallies, with her iPhone/iPad and her Starbucks coffee, wearing designer shoes and offering to buy people a better quality tent. To help them out, of course.
Irenicus could wreak all sorts of damage in our world if magic was present (and BG NPCs were the only ones who had it) It could actually make a pretty good story about the npcs regaining their memories as Irenicus repeats his plans.
That raises an interesting question. Would magic carry over to our world? In a similar vein, would members of the nonhuman races still be nonhumans or would they be transformed into humans to better fit into a world where elves, gnomes, half-orcs, etc. don't exactly walk around among people, if they exist at all? Or would it be that they're still nonhumans but appear human to the inhabitants of our world?
I would assume no-one has magic to begin with, otherwise they wouldn't live ordinary lives. I was thinking that they may regain it with their memories. What could be interesting is if, in the case of non-human NPCs, they began to start changing race before they regained memories. How would the poor people react?
Nalia would be a hippie trying to hide its nobility and meddling with all kind of unfavored people, sharing her love of love and going on a war for peace.
She'd be at all the occupy rallies, with her iPhone/iPad and her Starbucks coffee, wearing designer shoes and offering to buy people a better quality tent. To help them out, of course.
I can definitely see Nalia on a permanent gap-year in Thailand
The paladins certainly would be in israel fighting against jews/muslims...
@Callmee_John Why do you assume that all the Paladins are Christan? and Paladins are lawful good, does figthing against jews/muslims considered by you as a good action?
@mch202 Why do you assume that Callmee_John was not just joking?
The paladins certainly would be in israel fighting against jews/muslims...
@Callmee_John Why do you assume that all the Paladins are Christan? and Paladins are lawful good, does figthing against jews/muslims considered by you as a good action?
@mch202 Why do you assume that Callmee_John was not just joking?
Why do you assume he was? I cant hear text , it is an endless loop here . ill let it go, It might derail the thread. Ignore my comment.
The paladins certainly would be in israel fighting against jews/muslims...
@Callmee_John Why do you assume that all the Paladins are Christan? and Paladins are lawful good, does figthing against jews/muslims considered by you as a good action?
@mch202 Why do you assume that Callmee_John was not just joking?
Why do you assume he was? I cant hear text , it is an endless loop here . ill let it go, It might derail the thread. Ignore my comment.
Ya lol, I mean I'm with you on what you're saying to be honest. Yes yes let's just leave it here. Could've either been a dumb joke or downright idiotic statement, matters very little in the end.
Anomen would be a med student who wants to be a surgeon. He would be pompous, thinking that surgeons are like gods and that women could not be good doctors
I rather like that idea but I'm just not sure he's got the brains to go all the way... Unless, like in-game, he has a kind of epiphany and realises the only way to make it is to ignore everyone else, knuckle down and work hard rather expecting to be the best right away and existing on his boasts. (okay, my mind's working overtime with this, I love AU stuff).
I think being a firefighter / medic would appeal to him more. The heroic image they have would most certainly appeal to him and I think he would love riding in to battle the flames with the blue lights flashing and sirens blaring. He'd be eager to take charge and possibly even get out there on his own as a small incident responder either in one of the fire cars or even better the motorbikes some of the services use - lots of potential there for boastful stories about small fires which had escalated rapidly out of control that he put out single-handed whilst rescuing cats and small children from perilous window ledges before the rest of the watch arrived. - In reality though I think he'd be far too gung-ho and a complete nightmare for his superiors and fellow watch members (aka the Order of the Most Radiant Heart) and on his final probationary period chance having already had it extended twice, he may even have been shifted to a different station, and put under Keldorn's experienced guidance. Anyone else would have been kicked out by now but he has a supporter higher in the ranks in Ryan Trawl. And it's entirely possible I've thought about this far more than is strictly right and sane.
Perhaps Cor, being the snob that he is, heartily disapproves of his sons desire to be a blue collar worker and wanted him to become a surgeon, just like him, except Cor is currently suspended from practicing and facing being struck off for gross negligence.
I think Aerie would make a good medical scientist, perhaps even one of the best but struggling to be recognised at first, a little like geeky Sam Carter in any AU episode of Stargate SG1.
Minsc: UFC Champion Fighter. As I rarely used the NPCs in the BG series, I probably would not care enough to mention anything to any of them, though I wouldn't mind meeting Minsc.
I could see Aerie as a nun that also works as a Doctor/Nurse in some third world country, taking care of others. Minsc is a war veteran, injured in battle, and Dynaheir is a State Department agent who Minsc was protecting when he was injured. He has a desert rat he adopted when found it as he was stumbling around in the desert, injured and raving. Edwin is a pure science researcher who is convinced he's found the solution to the Grand Unified Theory, and that no one else could have done it. Eldoth is a pimp. Shar-Teel is a radical feminist who refers to herself as a "womyn" and spends her life fighting the Patriarchy and is a bodybuilder who enjoys going into bars and beating the ever-living **** out of any man who either hits on her or makes fun of her. Garrick makes his living fronting a boy band. Kivan is a cop with a massive chip on his shoulder, trying to take down the Crime Lord who killed his wife trying to get Kivan off the case.
Noober is the whiny kid who whines that nobody pays attention to him, but when you do listen, he's boring as hell and you drift off. Skie is BFFs with Paris Hilton. Ajantis is Tim Tebow. Montaron is a champion in the "Dwarf Throwing" Championships. Xan is a criminal defense attorney in New York City who has had to get way too many scumbags off. He's won every case, but hates himself for it. Branwen is a combat medic in some overseas warzone. Jaheira is a Forest Ranger out west in Yellowstone park. Khalid is her college boyfriend husband who runs a snackbar on site. Safana is one of those con women who marries older men for their fortune and offs them. They call her "The Black Widow" because she is constantly changing her name and appearance. She's always drop-dead sexy, though. Viconia is a Satanic Priestess who holds her coven mates to her with power and sex, but keeps them guessing by berating them in between. Yeslick is a Priest running a mission in the inner city to disadvantaged youths. Kagain runs a store, and most of his stock fell off a truck somewhere. Tiax is that guy on the corner with the sign saying "The End of the World is Coming- Get Saved!" Occasionally, he spouts religious gibberish into a loudspeaker. Quayle is an inventor of weird stuff that only he knows how to use without blowing himself up. He's also on the FBI watch list.
Cernd works with Jaheira. He's a former hippie who still keeps his hand in, growing pot in the forest. Haer'Dalis is like RuPaul, and is a famous female "impersonator" who is completely straight.
Remember, this particular Curse spell puts everybody into a small, Time-Stopped (or at least Time-Slowed) town in isolation from the rest of the world. Their amnesia is so complete, it doesn't even occur to them to step outside the boundaries of their Cursetown. (BTW, Once Upon a Time is my favorite show, currently.)
Jaheira would work at the hospital as a charge nurse. In her spare time, she would support PETA, and volunteer at the local animal shelter, as well as running the town tree-planting organization.
Khalid would be a deputy in the local sheriff's department - a bit of a bumbling, Barney Fife type of deputy. In his spare time, he would do everything Jaheira is doing, trying to get her to notice him.
Minsc would work at the local pet shop. He would try to get everyone who came into the store to buy a hamster. He would have an odd, overprotective devotion to the shop owner...
Dynaheir. She owns the local pet shop, as her day job. In her free time during the evenings, she meets with a local Wyccan's group who believe that the town is somehow cursed. She leads this group, and is devoted to finding more information about this curse, and eventually ending it.
Imoen would be our heroine, like Emma Swan in the TV show. She has a thieving past, and, ironically becomes the local Sheriff, after the original sheriff is mysteriously killed. Unlike Emma Swan, she has a playful, teasing, nature, and makes constant wry, sarcastic jokes throughout every investigation.
Male Charname is Prince Charming.
Snow White is likely Aerie, a local teacher, who always puts out feeders for the birds and squirrels in her yard. No, she doesn't mind when the squirrels come and eat all her bird feed. She just keeps spending half her paycheck to buy more, so that there is plently for squirrels and birds alike. She has a strange fascination with birds, in fact. She is often found at the park, staring at the pigeons, for hours and hours...
Female Charname is probably Emma, which would switch Imoen to being, perhaps, ... anyone? I have a hard time seeing Imoen as anything but Emma.
Amelissan is the Evil Queen who has cast the Curse. She is the mayor of Cursetown.
Irenicus runs the local antique weapons shop, and knows about Amelissan and her Curse. He is the one person in town feared by Amelissan, who has become the mayor of the town. He is still in full possession of his memories and part of his magic powers, and he seeks a way to unlock them in full, while still remaining in "our" world.
Sarevok is "the mayor's" primary bodyguard. Several factions in town have become aware of Amelissan's machinations to control the town, and seek to kill her. (More BG characters?)
Tiax could found a cult, Tiaxism, in which he would be considered the god XD
@belgarathmth I love your ideas, expecially for Imoen, but I can't see Irenicus as mr Gold, he is another kind of evil, unlike mr gold he want a revenge and he is not a coward
@Sophia, you may be right, but I couldn't think of any other godlike power in the BG universe that would be an analog to the delightful Mr. Gold.
I do believe that Rumpelstiltskin as played by the talented Robert Carlyle has become my favorite villain since Ian McDiarmid's performance as Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars.
EDIT: Hmm, perhaps evil male Charname could be our esteemed Mr. Gold? Playing against a rival female Charname as Evil Queen Regina.
EDIT #2: LOL, that idea has got me to thinking about a PvP version of BG. Not that I'd want to play it, but PvP fans might. There might actually be a conceivable mod based on the Black Pits part of BG:EE where you could have one multiplayer with the canon evil party play against another multiplayer with the canon good party.
No-one mentioned Alora yet? You wouldn't really notice her though, she would just be a fun loving student hanging out in disco's at night partying with friends and at daytime doing a study that's not really useful, but tickles her curiosity. Can't imagine what would befit her most though. Curiousity is satisfied more by books than by picking locks in our world. Maybe she studies anthropology: useless for your own financial future, but very interesting full of new unexpecting stuff.
Garrick would either be a would-be writer publishing his own e-books on Wattpad or a singer in a band, trying to get popular by posting songs on YouTube and MySpace. Or he would be a blogger about other people's achievement. He would be very involved in social media anyway.
Agree with you for the most part. ESPECIALLY on Xan, that is like, my exact impression of what he'd be.
As for Kivan, I agree mostly, except I don't think he's a cop. He's a HARD BOILED DETECTIVE.
Not so sure about Quayle's. That sounds more like Jan Jansen to me. I think Quayle would be that one college professor who makes you buy the textbook, and the textbook he assigns is the one that he wrote, and half the time he just talks about what an amazingly smart fellow he is. "What the hells am I doing teaching you undergrad idiots, I don't get the recognition I deserves because the SYSTEM is keeping me down man, I mean I'm not even tenured did you see some of the idiots who have tenure why don't I have tenure I'm better than all of them and smarter, but nooooo, no one cares about my field of research, they just want those froufy English professors...ahem. Now, if you'll open your books to Chapter 5, which by the way is one of my personal favorites, my writing at its finest, if I do say so myself..."
Safana...I think that's a little...too Evil, for her. She's Chaotic Neutral. She'd definitely be out for the money, but I see her more just dating foolish young rich guys, getting them to buy her expensive stuff, then dumping them. She probably has one or two sugar daddies, too.
Also, Noober's not whiny. He just talks a lot. See, he's that one guy in the office who thinks you and he are best friends and he's there waiting every time you have a damn coffee break like he knows you're going to be there and then he tells you about his day and asks you a billion questions about your personal life and gets all up in your personal space maybe leaning on your shoulder, and he's always got this big friendly smile and he calls you things like "buddy" and "pal" and stuff. On one level you think he's really annoying and you wish he'd go away. On another level you're sorry for him because you know he probably doesn't have any friends and just craves any kind of human companionship and that's why he's trying to get close to you, but hey he's still annoying and you still wish he would go away.
Garrick would either be a would-be writer publishing his own e-books on Wattpad or a singer in a band, trying to get popular by posting songs on YouTube and MySpace. Or he would be a blogger about other people's achievement. He would be very involved in social media anyway.
Agree with you for the most part. ESPECIALLY on Xan, that is like, my exact impression of what he'd be.
As for Kivan, I agree mostly, except I don't think he's a cop. He's a HARD BOILED DETECTIVE.
Not so sure about Quayle's. That sounds more like Jan Jansen to me. I think Quayle would be that one college professor who makes you buy the textbook, and the textbook he assigns is the one that he wrote, and half the time he just talks about what an amazingly smart fellow he is. "What the hells am I doing teaching you undergrad idiots, I don't get the recognition I deserves because the SYSTEM is keeping me down man, I mean I'm not even tenured did you see some of the idiots who have tenure why don't I have tenure I'm better than all of them and smarter, but nooooo, no one cares about my field of research, they just want those froufy English professors...ahem. Now, if you'll open your books to Chapter 5, which by the way is one of my personal favorites, my writing at its finest, if I do say so myself..."
Safana...I think that's a little...too Evil, for her. She's Chaotic Neutral. She'd definitely be out for the money, but I see her more just dating foolish young rich guys, getting them to buy her expensive stuff, then dumping them. She probably has one or two sugar daddies, too.
Also, Noober's not whiny. He just talks a lot. See, he's that one guy in the office who thinks you and he are best friends and he's there waiting every time you have a damn coffee break like he knows you're going to be there and then he tells you about his day and asks you a billion questions about your personal life and gets all up in your personal space maybe leaning on your shoulder, and he's always got this big friendly smile and he calls you things like "buddy" and "pal" and stuff. On one level you think he's really annoying and you wish he'd go away. On another level you're sorry for him because you know he probably doesn't have any friends and just craves any kind of human companionship and that's why he's trying to get close to you, but hey he's still annoying and you still wish he would go away.
Oh, is that how it is then? And to think - I was going to invite you to my son's bar mitzvah. *sob*
Why do you assume that Callmee_John was not just joking?
I think being a firefighter / medic would appeal to him more. The heroic image they have would most certainly appeal to him and I think he would love riding in to battle the flames with the blue lights flashing and sirens blaring. He'd be eager to take charge and possibly even get out there on his own as a small incident responder either in one of the fire cars or even better the motorbikes some of the services use - lots of potential there for boastful stories about small fires which had escalated rapidly out of control that he put out single-handed whilst rescuing cats and small children from perilous window ledges before the rest of the watch arrived. - In reality though I think he'd be far too gung-ho and a complete nightmare for his superiors and fellow watch members (aka the Order of the Most Radiant Heart) and on his final probationary period chance having already had it extended twice, he may even have been shifted to a different station, and put under Keldorn's experienced guidance. Anyone else would have been kicked out by now but he has a supporter higher in the ranks in Ryan Trawl. And it's entirely possible I've thought about this far more than is strictly right and sane.
Perhaps Cor, being the snob that he is, heartily disapproves of his sons desire to be a blue collar worker and wanted him to become a surgeon, just like him, except Cor is currently suspended from practicing and facing being struck off for gross negligence.
I think Aerie would make a good medical scientist, perhaps even one of the best but struggling to be recognised at first, a little like geeky Sam Carter in any AU episode of Stargate SG1.
Minsc: UFC Champion Fighter. As I rarely used the NPCs in the BG series, I probably would not care enough to mention anything to any of them, though I wouldn't mind meeting Minsc.
Too obvious? Yeah, it kinda is, won't lie about that one...
Cernd works with Jaheira. He's a former hippie who still keeps his hand in, growing pot in the forest. Haer'Dalis is like RuPaul, and is a famous female "impersonator" who is completely straight.
Or, if you prefer...
Jaheira would work at the hospital as a charge nurse. In her spare time, she would support PETA, and volunteer at the local animal shelter, as well as running the town tree-planting organization.
Khalid would be a deputy in the local sheriff's department - a bit of a bumbling, Barney Fife type of deputy. In his spare time, he would do everything Jaheira is doing, trying to get her to notice him.
Minsc would work at the local pet shop. He would try to get everyone who came into the store to buy a hamster. He would have an odd, overprotective devotion to the shop owner...
Dynaheir. She owns the local pet shop, as her day job. In her free time during the evenings, she meets with a local Wyccan's group who believe that the town is somehow cursed. She leads this group, and is devoted to finding more information about this curse, and eventually ending it.
Imoen would be our heroine, like Emma Swan in the TV show. She has a thieving past, and, ironically becomes the local Sheriff, after the original sheriff is mysteriously killed. Unlike Emma Swan, she has a playful, teasing, nature, and makes constant wry, sarcastic jokes throughout every investigation.
Male Charname is Prince Charming.
Snow White is likely Aerie, a local teacher, who always puts out feeders for the birds and squirrels in her yard. No, she doesn't mind when the squirrels come and eat all her bird feed. She just keeps spending half her paycheck to buy more, so that there is plently for squirrels and birds alike. She has a strange fascination with birds, in fact. She is often found at the park, staring at the pigeons, for hours and hours...
Female Charname is probably Emma, which would switch Imoen to being, perhaps, ... anyone? I have a hard time seeing Imoen as anything but Emma.
Amelissan is the Evil Queen who has cast the Curse. She is the mayor of Cursetown.
Irenicus runs the local antique weapons shop, and knows about Amelissan and her Curse. He is the one person in town feared by Amelissan, who has become the mayor of the town. He is still in full possession of his memories and part of his magic powers, and he seeks a way to unlock them in full, while still remaining in "our" world.
Sarevok is "the mayor's" primary bodyguard. Several factions in town have become aware of Amelissan's machinations to control the town, and seek to kill her. (More BG characters?)
@belgarathmth I love your ideas, expecially for Imoen, but I can't see Irenicus as mr Gold, he is another kind of evil, unlike mr gold he want a revenge and he is not a coward
I do believe that Rumpelstiltskin as played by the talented Robert Carlyle has become my favorite villain since Ian McDiarmid's performance as Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars.
EDIT: Hmm, perhaps evil male Charname could be our esteemed Mr. Gold? Playing against a rival female Charname as Evil Queen Regina.
EDIT #2: LOL, that idea has got me to thinking about a PvP version of BG. Not that I'd want to play it, but PvP fans might. There might actually be a conceivable mod based on the Black Pits part of BG:EE where you could have one multiplayer with the canon evil party play against another multiplayer with the canon good party.
Agree with you for the most part. ESPECIALLY on Xan, that is like, my exact impression of what he'd be.
As for Kivan, I agree mostly, except I don't think he's a cop. He's a HARD BOILED DETECTIVE.
Not so sure about Quayle's. That sounds more like Jan Jansen to me. I think Quayle would be that one college professor who makes you buy the textbook, and the textbook he assigns is the one that he wrote, and half the time he just talks about what an amazingly smart fellow he is. "What the hells am I doing teaching you undergrad idiots, I don't get the recognition I deserves because the SYSTEM is keeping me down man, I mean I'm not even tenured did you see some of the idiots who have tenure why don't I have tenure I'm better than all of them and smarter, but nooooo, no one cares about my field of research, they just want those froufy English professors...ahem. Now, if you'll open your books to Chapter 5, which by the way is one of my personal favorites, my writing at its finest, if I do say so myself..."
Safana...I think that's a little...too Evil, for her. She's Chaotic Neutral. She'd definitely be out for the money, but I see her more just dating foolish young rich guys, getting them to buy her expensive stuff, then dumping them. She probably has one or two sugar daddies, too.
Also, Noober's not whiny. He just talks a lot. See, he's that one guy in the office who thinks you and he are best friends and he's there waiting every time you have a damn coffee break like he knows you're going to be there and then he tells you about his day and asks you a billion questions about your personal life and gets all up in your personal space maybe leaning on your shoulder, and he's always got this big friendly smile and he calls you things like "buddy" and "pal" and stuff. On one level you think he's really annoying and you wish he'd go away. On another level you're sorry for him because you know he probably doesn't have any friends and just craves any kind of human companionship and that's why he's trying to get close to you, but hey he's still annoying and you still wish he would go away.