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NWN Crossroads: Discord NWN Hub for connecting to Places, People, and Pages

SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
edited November 2017 in General Discussions NWN:EE
Hello, I'm Symphony.

I'm a spread-out member of the NWN community, in touch with a lot of folks all over, and I decided it might benefit players new and old by creating a central matchmaking Discord server.

Right now, there are a lot of Discord servers floating around centered on a variety of topics wide and narrow. I'm hoping to have a Discord channel where someone can find the right Discord server to join to address their concerns, find the right server to play on, find the right tutorial, help document, or otherwise. The links categories in this Discord provide an ongoing list of links to those Discord servers, server IP's, server webpages, and tutorial materials.

The #general channel will be relatively non policed, the rest of the Discord is mostly comprised of static lists that only I can edit. @Posters are allowed to submit items to be included in these lists.

I'm hoping most of the discussion will lean towards finding the right place to talk, rather than talking. Since the only thing in common with the whole Discord server is NWN1, please try not to spend too much time talking about non-NWN issues, such as your Thanksgiving Dinner, your non-NWN favorite game, or sports team score results.

See you there.
Post edited by Symphony on


  • JimbobslimbobJimbobslimbob Member Posts: 206
    I know this post is primarily about your Discord server, but might I throw a shout-out to a Steam group that I had been running for a while? It has a build discussion forum and we organise weekly co-op games and the like. With the introduction of the Enhanced Edition it would be good to get a Steam presence going.


    If this is against the rules of the thread then by all means remove my post.
  • TemplarDrakeTemplarDrake Member Posts: 44
    Best of luck to you. :)

    - Drake
  • superfly2000superfly2000 Member Posts: 76
    Why can't I invite peeps to your discord server Symphony? :/
  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
    What? The link is in the first post.
  • superfly2000superfly2000 Member Posts: 76
    Yeah, but there is a built in invite system in Discord...for example you right klick someone and invite them to a server. It is that that doesn't work.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    A Discord channel for the Steam beta. There you can request a Steam key. Invitations will be limited on a day-to-day basis. On Feb 16, we plan to email all Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Head Start owners beta keys.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited February 2018
    Word of caution regarding discord. If like mine, your isp regularly changes your reported location or your ip address, you may be in for a shock. Every time this happens discord insists you respond to a verification email. This can be such a total pain as to make discord nigh on unusable. It happens to me on a daily basis. It's such a pain I'm seriously considering not using discord again until they fix this so-called "security" feature.

  • Carlo_OneCarlo_One Member Posts: 77
    Thanks for putting this up and maintaining it. I think it's another good gathering place for the community, including those interested in multiplayer.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited July 2021
    Word of caution regarding discord. If like mine, your isp regularly changes your reported location or your ip address, you may be in for a shock. Every time this happens discord insists you respond to a verification email. This can be such a total pain as to make discord nigh on unusable. It happens to me on a daily basis. It's such a pain I'm seriously considering not using discord again until they fix this so-called "security" feature.


    Speaking of which, I experienced this exact same issue one day when logging into my Discord account. The email address linked to the account was from when I had Road Runner as my ISP. Little did I know they would eventually deprecate and deactivate all email addresses with the "" suffix when they changed their name to Bright House Networks and later Spectrum. Since then I have been stuck in this loop where every time I log in, Discord detects a "new log in location" which then tells me to check my deactivated email address it has sent the verification email to. There is no way for me to verify my own identity on the server, because I can no longer access the email address associated with my Discord account. I have been in correspondence with the Discord team regarding this issue, and the last word I got from Karl was to try logging in from "a familiar location" in order to update the email address in my account settings. The problem is, this happened in the same location where I created the account. It has been 48 hours since my last correspondence with the Discord team. Any idea as to what in the Nine Hells I should do? To err is human, to really screw up takes a computer. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
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