Although, to be honest, I doubt it sincerely. I don't know if it would be worth adapting NWN's interface to a touch device. The IE games didn't quite rely on the keyboard and mouse like NWN.
No word on mobile, but we'll need 64bit for macOS itself too - if you've been following the news, Apple will drop support for 32bit apps at some point.
I too, am definitely looking forward to the 64-bit upgrade, opens up quite a few possibilities for modding and more. So great seeing a classic revived!
That settles it. I have been struggling with a choice of a new pc (using 12 year old laptop) or a new iPad (5 years old). I think iPad is winning. But, I would like to know (i know it hasnt been settled) what kind of Nwn will be coming to mobile. 1) how to get modules? 2) by then, will a lot of modules be available to download (in comparison to nwn vault)? 3) tools included or not (it doesn’t really bother me because I don’t use it) 4) will haks and overrides be allowed?
Although, to be honest, I doubt it sincerely. I don't know if it would be worth adapting NWN's interface to a touch device. The IE games didn't quite rely on the keyboard and mouse like NWN.
Besides, it's time to join the modern times.
I think iPad is winning.
But, I would like to know (i know it hasnt been settled) what kind of Nwn will be coming to mobile.
1) how to get modules?
2) by then, will a lot of modules be available to download (in comparison to nwn vault)?
3) tools included or not (it doesn’t really bother me because I don’t use it)
4) will haks and overrides be allowed?
I mostly have to miss them to watch on YouTube after
It is sometimes better in safari