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Any Chance of a 64 Bit version of NWN?

Like the title says is there any chance of a 64 bit version of NWN?


  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    I believe NWN:EE will be 64 bit.
  • KrovosKrovos Member Posts: 20
    Yes during the first Twitch stream they said 64 bit version was happening.
  • nivniv Member, Moderator, Developer Posts: 410
    That's correct. It'll be happening, just not right now.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    Which means ... iPad?

    Although, to be honest, I doubt it sincerely. I don't know if it would be worth adapting NWN's interface to a touch device. The IE games didn't quite rely on the keyboard and mouse like NWN.
  • nivniv Member, Moderator, Developer Posts: 410
    No word on mobile, but we'll need 64bit for macOS itself too - if you've been following the news, Apple will drop support for 32bit apps at some point.

    Besides, it's time to join the modern times.
  • CvijetaCvijeta Member Posts: 417
    Krovos said:

    Yes during the first Twitch stream they said 64 bit version was happening.

  • HeadClotHeadClot Member Posts: 10
    Thank you everyone for the answers :)
  • TelariusTelarius Member Posts: 8
    I too, am definitely looking forward to the 64-bit upgrade, opens up quite a few possibilities for modding and more. So great seeing a classic revived!
  • AaezilAaezil Member Posts: 178
    What will nwn in 64 bit improve modding wise?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    It's now in Short-term Active < 3 months. :)
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295

    It's now in Short-term Active < 3 months. :)

    So, will it be possible to put ”port to iOS” on the “long term 3-6 months” or is it not going to be a straight port and require more changes?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Staran said:

    It's now in Short-term Active < 3 months. :)

    So, will it be possible to put ”port to iOS” on the “long term 3-6 months” or is it not going to be a straight port and require more changes? is in Long-term Active > 3 months. :)
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295

    Staran said:

    It's now in Short-term Active < 3 months. :)

    So, will it be possible to put ”port to iOS” on the “long term 3-6 months” or is it not going to be a straight port and require more changes? is in Long-term Active > 3 months. :)
    That settles it. I have been struggling with a choice of a new pc (using 12 year old laptop) or a new iPad (5 years old).
    I think iPad is winning.
    But, I would like to know (i know it hasnt been settled) what kind of Nwn will be coming to mobile.
    1) how to get modules?
    2) by then, will a lot of modules be available to download (in comparison to nwn vault)?
    3) tools included or not (it doesn’t really bother me because I don’t use it)
    4) will haks and overrides be allowed?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    I guess this is still in development. Try asking these questions during a stream.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Twitch on cellular data seems to stop too often.
    I mostly have to miss them to watch on YouTube after
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @Staran Try to watch it in a different browser, Mozilla, for eg.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Mozilla doesn’t sounds very ios :smile:
    It is sometimes better in safari
  • Emardon_LareousEmardon_Lareous Member Posts: 61
    And now it is 64bit, woo
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