Please, restore content that was dummied out: see, in SoU selling the baby into slavery or, in HotU making the Final Boss serve as chambermaid!
That just made remember something from a D&D game from middle school. The DM was clearly trying to setup a quest of us helping a widow with a baby who's asking for help. My friend's response to her pleas was "We'll buy your baby from you!"
Like politics possibly, they'll move things that are popular into their roadmap board and start forum discussions to get more information on those things. I'm not sure what happens to unpopular but game changing suggestions or on the other end popular but high maintenance low impact suggestions.
Still it seems like the priority for consideration will go towards the suggestions with the most votes.
In HOTU when talking to Enserric the Grey in Act 2 you can ask him how you can help with getting him a new body and he speculates that a well crafted Golem could work but doesn't lead to a quest and there's even a place called "Isle of the Maker" with heaps of Golems and optionally we can put together a Shield Golem to follow us around, was this cut content? If so I'd love to see that.
Still it seems like the priority for consideration will go towards the suggestions with the most votes.