NWN:EE Screenshots - Photography

This is the thread for posting your screenshots that show off your character and the beautiful scenery in NWN:EE. Uploaded pictures should be in .jpg format and should probably be in spoiler tags so as not to overload people's browsers when they click on the thread.
Here is Port Llast at night. Notice how crisp and beautiful the sky looks.

This was made from a save I made in the GoG version several months ago. The save file loaded into NWN:EE with no problems. So, if you want to try EE, there is no need to start a new game if you don't want to.
Here is Port Llast at night. Notice how crisp and beautiful the sky looks.

This was made from a save I made in the GoG version several months ago. The save file loaded into NWN:EE with no problems. So, if you want to try EE, there is no need to start a new game if you don't want to.
I noticed a difference in the NWN EE look as soon as I logged on the first time - Sorry I don't know how to use spoiler tags.
Here are two different screen shots from Realms of Annakolia running NWN EE
From "Halls of the High King" - available on the Vault.
From "Arbor Falls" - a full persistent world by Lord of Worms.
Project Q Castle Interior.
Wildlands tileset.
Versatile Dungeon tileset.
Project Q Mines and Caverns.
Castle Interior Tileset Revamped
Yes that is the Standard Castle Interior Tileset so with this you could change the look of the OC, older modules and PW servers.
Neverwinter Nights Revamped (NWNR) Main Website
NWNR Downloads on the Vault
Yes this is an override for the Standard City Tileset so it could be used to change the looks of the OC, older modules, and PW servers.
Neverwinter Nights Revamped (NWNR) Main Website
NWNR Downloads on the Vault
Here and while I ride in the forest on my horse, I try to reach the town of Brost county:
Here while I'm wandering at night in the forest (at night and all so dark you can not see anything unless you have a flashlight):
The environments of this PW are really impressive and then with the new graphics settings the server is even more beautiful.
We will soon open up the doors for 1.69 and continue our work of migrating Hill's Edge to the EE.
My journey begins with the meeting of 2 elves, one of whom is a countess telling him my story decides to propose a job as a "bodyguard", I willingly accept (also because not knowing where to go any help was welcome,but before proposing the job offer we rode for a while around the Brost county forest ... I have captured many glimpses of the ride of which some photographs were really beautiful.
This bridge is fantastic ... never seen anything like this in this game ... and another thing with all these details ... I wonder if with the new models many things can make more, I suspect that many could create even more amazing of this with new graphic settings and textures ... but it is still pleasant as it is this server (but the OCe and the other expansions of NWN no)
this temple is fantastic! and really impressive!
since I want to finish my training as "Arcane Archer", the countess introduced me to a Mistrya wizard who, together with him, we embarked towards the heart of the forest ... where so much evil resides that the dead come back to life from the beyond grave.
At night everything seems so ... scary ... you can not really see anything.
my training in the magic arts starts here! we open our way to the heart of the forest between undead and sparse spiders,While a Red Salaad acts as a personal bodyguard for the party, I try to attack from the distance with my longbow, focusing on the objectives of the summoned demon(my unfailing aim is never wrong)
arrived in the heart of the forest we enter an old mansion infested with ghosts, undead and other scary things ... a dismal place ... scary and disturbing, it seemed to be suddenly ended up in a horror game of "Resident Evil" or "The House of the Dead" where waves of undead assailed us from everywhere.
Many details were great on many walls, and there were disturbing portraits on it, it almost seemed to be in a darker and scarier version of DisneyWorld's "haunted mansion", but in itself the place is more reminiscent of Ravenloft's "Death house" adventure campaign in some ways.
The day ends with the "escape" we say from the house of horrors, and my return to Brost (alone because the magician who was with me had had problems with the horse that he was bugs),the journey back then was quite simple going there as the light of the day that guided me without problems back in the right way, carefully following the map I went to rest in the locand of the country.
what about, once again NWN: EE really surprised me the connectivity was very fast thanks to the last pathc enon I had difficulty playing, the group of discord play then of Knights of Noromath were very kind to me in voice cath and also very nice !, I can not wait to continue my journey on this server !, but I would love to discover unovi modni and places, and other PW in NWN: EE ... there is one in particular I would like to try , "Ravenloft: Prisoner of the mist" that for those who loved the Horror-Dark fantasy Ravenloft and one of the most captivating PW ever, I had already tried once to run into this server years ago when NWN: EE had not yet been conceived and I must say that it is another server that I would like to try it, because the experience is there and deserving, but ... who knows if ever will pass to EE that server ... and if ever put his Hack files as for KoN on steamWorkshop.
The last game in which I've seen having a light source be a critical thing was in Might and Magic 6-8.
Since I'm playing a paladin currently, I've been tempted several times to restart in the OC as my usual cleric or druid, just to have access to the Light spell.
In several fights, I've actually given up my shield defense bonus in favor of holding a torch, just so I could see more than two feet in front of me. In dark environments, without a torch, glittering necklace, light colored ring, or Light spell, I might as well be blind.
I wonder if non-human infravision is a thing in NWN? Since I never play non-humans, I don't know.
But I think it's a plus that darkness is now a problem, because it should be a problem for humans in a good RPG. If only spell-casting companions in the OC could cast Light. I think this is yet another reason why we need companion control.
while on the scavenger hunt, i found a dragon and there is no better way to finish a dragon off than a critical hit dealing over 100 damage
first level: there are a huge amount of benefits of taking 1 level of monk:
- cleave feat for free
- evasion ability for free ( this is absolutely amazing )
- more skill points, especially at level 1 which is nice
- can use any monk item ( more specifically the things you can wear ) without the need of use magic device
- +2 bonus to all saving throws ( which is a pretty nice little bonus )
so basically if you ever take a figthter level and was going to choose cleave as a feat, just take one level of monk instead, not only do you get cleave but you get a whole bunch of other awesomeness albeit with only 2 less HP
now the reason why i took a 2nd level:
- another +1 bonus to all saves
- a +1 bonus to hit ( which is what a fighter level would have given me anyway )
- the deflect arrows feat ( although by the looks of it, it is bugged and doesnt work, which is kind of a let down because this was the main reason )
so with that second level of monk i still get the same BAB as a fighter, plus i get more saving throws, and mostly i wanted to do it for deflect arrows ( just for the lols/extra kick in the pants ) but to my dismay, deflect arrows doesnt work ( even in SoU i made a new character made it a monk and deflect arrows still doesnt seem to work )
so if melee beast is your bag, one level of monk is an absolute monster ( thanks to cleave and evasion ) 2 levels on the other hand, not quite as necessary, but even for a power gamer, it still works in my book, having amazing saves is just a nice touch
in SoU my level 1 monk with no items pretty much started with +7 to all saves, so im kind of trying the monk out to see if it lives up to the hype