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Video Options in nwn.ini

JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
edited November 2017 in General Discussions NWN:EE
I *think* that I have a decent computer that should be able to run NWNEE on max settings. I toggled every setting to max in game, but there were a number of settings that were set to zero by default in the nwn.ini. I don't really know or understand any of these settings, but I made the following changes and the OC looks a bit better than it does in my Diamond version now. I'm using 1080x resolution and had to turn off the newer settings, but I bumped Enable Truform, Enable AnisotropicFiltering, and EnableFastGrass to 1. I'm still in Chapter One, so I'm kind of limited in what I can view yet. Is there anything else that I can change for a better graphical experience? (Note: Enabling the newer settings, such as Vibrance and Depth of Field bugs out OCs movies currently, so those are deliberately turned off.)

[Video Options]
Enable HardwareMouse=1
AntiAliasing Mode=1
Enable VSync=1
Enable Truform=1
Enable AnisotropicFiltering=1
Grass Far Render Distance=900.0
Enable FBEffect Ambient Occlusion=0
Enable FBEffect High Contrast=0
Enable FBEffect Vibrance=0
Enable FBEffect Depth of Field=0
Enable TextureAnimations=1
Enable CreatureEnvironmentMapping=1


  • ESXESX Member Posts: 23
    Where is this INI located?
  • R_TEAMR_TEAM Member Posts: 35
    obsolete - the "right" place is now settings.tml or you can simply hit lshift+lctrl+F12 - then you can in an GUI [that dont scale with the rest of UI - a pain in 4k ..] change ALL settings (be aware -> you can change it even to suboptimal values ..)
  • ESXESX Member Posts: 23
    Thanks, I tried scaling the UI to 1.8 instead, but it seems not to like that and reverts back to 1x.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    ESX wrote: »
    Thanks, I tried scaling the UI to 1.8 instead, but it seems not to like that and reverts back to 1x.

    Make sure your Antivirus or Firewall doesn't prevent changes in Documents - Neverwinter Nights.
  • R_TEAMR_TEAM Member Posts: 35
    imho atm only 1.0 and 2.0 scaling ..... last info i know ...
  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
    @Jidokwon since you have a copy saved here on the forums, here is what I recommend.

    Open your nwn.ini as before, select all of your settings (not the aliases), and delete them. Then save.

    When you start playing again next, if the game needs a setting from nwn.ini, it will check, find out it's gone, use the default setting, and add it to the list.

    If you play for a while, and check your nwn.ini again, and a bunch of stuff was missing, that means that those settings weren't being used in the nwn.ini anyways, changing them was doing nothing, and that they are being configured in settings.tml now.
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