Struggling on the OC :(
So right now i'm level 6 and have 3 of the plague cures parts and am up to the docks and idk I seem to get close to one shot at times and sharwyn and my brown bear companion and my dire badger summon all get routinely wiped out by enemies. Thing is i've died and respawned at least 20 times already somtimes taking 5 wipes to slowly whittle some fights down. Bloated Dire Spider for example requires at least one wipe to kill.
I don't have the gold to drink 10 healing potion a fight dammit -_-
I don't have the gold to drink 10 healing potion a fight dammit -_-
respectively to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing (you can have them in a quick slot and switch depending on the damage type you are facing). Their Greater incarnations offer 20/- resistance against those forms. Slicing off that much damage from attacks can help out.
You might also consider making use of one of the more melee oriented companions for some of the combats. You can switch back and forth between companions with no draw back.
As for the other pet it's summon creature I and that seems to only be a dire badger with no option for anything else.
Fighting Desther right now and so far i've wiped twice so lost 700 xp and alot of gold too and used 15 lesser healing potions and like 10 moderate ones as well as a couple of each of those buff flasks and i've barely damaged him.
I almost always play a Wizard, and for me it's either Grimgnaw or Daelan for henchman. I never use Linu or Sharwyn or Tomi. The reason for this is that since we can't control the level up process or henchman inventory for the OC companions, we are stuck with the packages and equipment for the henchmen as set by the developers. That again means that the "neither-fighter-nor-mage"-classes tend to be somewhat unuseful (again, in my opinion :-)).
Right now i'm using a scimitar +1 and a large shield +1 so I guess maybe that's my problem. Once I hit next level and can use a form that uses my weapon and maybe swap to a str based weapon since I have STR rather than dex it might get alot better
STR: 14
DEX: 8
CON: 20
WIS: 11
INT: 13
CHA: 6
01: Druid (1): Alertness
02: Druid (2)
03: Druid (3): Toughness
04: Druid (4): CON+1, (CON=21)
05: Druid (5)
06: Shifter (1): Blind Fight
07: Shifter (2)
08: Shifter (3): DEX+1, (DEX=15)
09: Shifter (4): Dodge
10: Shifter (5)
11: Shifter (6)
12: DD (1): DEX+1, Weapon Proficiency Exotic, (DEX=16)
13: DD (2)
14: DD (3)
15: DD (4): Weapon Focus: Scythe
16: DD (5): DEX+1, (DEX=17)
17: DD (6)
18: DD (7): Improved Critical: Scythe
19: DD (8)
20: DD (9): DEX+1, (DEX=18)
21: Shifter (7): Epic Damage Reduction
22: Shifter (8)
23: Shifter (9)
24: Shifter (10): DEX+1, Undead Shape, (DEX=19)
25: DD (10)
26: DD (11)
27: DD (12): Epic Damage Reduction
28: DD (13): DEX+1, (DEX=20)
29: DD (14): Epic Damage Reduction
30: DD (15): Epic Weapon Focus: Scythe
31: DD (16)
32: DD (17): DEX+1, (DEX=21)
33: DD (18): Great Dexterity, Epic Prowess, (DEX=22)
34: DD (19)
35: DD (20)
36: DD (21): DEX+1, Great Dexterity, (DEX=24)
37: DD (22): Armor Skin
38: DD (23)
39: DD (24): Great Dexterity, (DEX=25)
40: DD (25): DEX+1, (DEX=26)
so this build gets +15 DR from DD levels +9 DR from EDR3 -/20 from greater archers/swordsman belts and 50% immunity to slash/pierce weapons
in addition to being immune to critical hits and sneak attacks
With immunities being calculated first, that effectively doubles all other DR
oh and +3/soak 15
so with this build a creature (in order to deal physical damage to you) they need to hit higher than 88 damage without a crit to hurt you even a tiny bit
and if their weapon isn't +3
they need to hit 118 or higher without a crit to damage you
which isn't realistically possible
your blindspot will be bludgeoning weapons
avoid tanking enemies with heavy flails and warhammers
slap on a few regen items and you're immortal
My char has -/10 to all 3 physicals and -/15 to all elementals and 9 regen
and 6 vamp regen when shifted
4 on base weapon +2 on scythe
14 regen if I swap crown of thorns instead of golden circlet
+6 vamp
20 combat regen
GWI - Red Wyrmling
GWII - Minotaur
GWIII - Manticore
Humanoid - Kobold or Lizardfolk
GWIV - Don't use they all suck
Undead Shape - Risen Lord
SoU was about 15 (and HoTU continued on from this)
HotU starts at around 15 (autolevelled if under) until around 25-30 (although I don't remember ever getting to 30 to be honest).