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Will You Include NPCs in Your Party?



  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    I'll be picking up these NPCS:
    Imoen (Replaced with Neera when found.)

    Also, seeing as I will be playing an Elven Mage/Thief, I think its a good combination.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Like a fool I realized this morning that I can't dual Imoen to mage with the party I intend to play. Because then who'd do the thieving after she duals? Oh well. Thief she'll remain.
  • swnmcmlxiswnmcmlxi Member Posts: 297
    Well, since my next playthrough will probably be with EE, I will only use 'official' NPCs. Neera will definitely be included; Rasaad is a possibility. However, Finch (mod) is certainly on the waiting list. Dorn is interesting, since my Charname is never evil (tried it once in BG2 but got bored all too soon). Could he be included on a "'OK, Dorn, we disagree on most things but I benefit from having you in the party, and you...' 'Hm, yes, I despise you, but you get the job done'" basis? Could be interesting to find out.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2012
    I think I might count in the modified/edited NPCs category that you said that you forgot to include as a poll option.

    The three 'permanent' members of my party are my PC, Viconia, and Sendai. I added Sendai to my party with the ctl q cheat three playthroughs ago and have had her in my party ever since. I recently learned how to use Near Infinity to transform NPCs into PCs, so in my next playthrough I plan to play with Sendai as my PC and with my current PC and Viconia along as NPCs.

    In terms of editing the NPCs, ever since I hit the level cap five playthroughs ago, I've used Shadowkeeper to edit my characters' XP and levels so that they can still rise in levels anyway.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    @All Thank you for answering! I used your answer to (partly) revise my guide. You can access it there.
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