Sloping hills

I've started building my own mod and have a beginners question.
What mod do I need to install to be able to build sloping hills and organic elevations? I don't want to be stuck with the stiff ramps and pronounced levels of vanilla NWN, they are my main eyesore with the NWN visuals.
Will this be part of EE officially or will it only be possible through hakpaks?
What mod do I need to install to be able to build sloping hills and organic elevations? I don't want to be stuck with the stiff ramps and pronounced levels of vanilla NWN, they are my main eyesore with the NWN visuals.
Will this be part of EE officially or will it only be possible through hakpaks?
And that's just the standard rural.
The following screenshots are of the Standard Rural Tileset using an Override/addon hak I'm creating for it.
If you can't tell, there are sloped hills in those screenshots.
The following screenshots are of the Standard City Tileset using an Override/addon hak I'm currently creating.
I want to rework the forest tileset, along with a lot of the interior tileset adding ceilings and a few other things.
Believe it or not I really didn't know how to do any of this at all a year and a half ago. There for, I have learnt a lot while trying to create these reworks of the Standard Tilesets. So I'm now going back and reworking some of the things I have already done making them even better when it comes to working with the game engine.
I'm creating these reworks in a way so that they don't screw with the current walkmesh, while at the same time changing models and adding new features for future builders. I want these reworks to be able to be used with older modules, while at the same time giving a whole new look and features for future modules.
If anyone would like to help with this project feel free to contact me here or on I have even created some YouTube Videos to help people get started learning how to create custom content like this, as long as your willing to learn.