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Sloping hills

I've started building my own mod and have a beginners question.

What mod do I need to install to be able to build sloping hills and organic elevations? I don't want to be stuck with the stiff ramps and pronounced levels of vanilla NWN, they are my main eyesore with the NWN visuals.

Will this be part of EE officially or will it only be possible through hakpaks?


  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    edited November 2017
    Use 1.69 Tileset called Castle Exterior, Rural and you are all set. So yeah, already part of EE officially.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2017
    Thanks! But it only works with that one tileset? How about forests?
  • ProphetSwordProphetSword Member Posts: 43
    I believe some of the expanded tilesets in CEP have slopes for their version of Rural and Forest. I would download and install the newest version of CEP (Community Expansion Pack).
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    Cool. Now I'm just not sure if I should wait for the EE release before going to full build mode.
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331

    Use 1.69 Tileset called Castle Exterior, Rural and you are all set. So yeah, already part of EE officially.

    That's what I thought, but didn't dare to write it last evening as I was not 100% sure of it. Thanks! :-)
  • TheGmorkTheGmork Member Posts: 37
    Get the Project Q haks to turn Castle Exterior, Rural into a good forest tileset as well
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited December 2017
    One of the areas in my current module project I am most proud of is a forest maze with many hills using the castle exterior tileset. I second that recommendation. The difference in elevation can be pretty pronounced (note the trees near the bottom as opposed to those on the top)

  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    Could you provide a link to that toro?
  • VerinVerin Member Posts: 19
    That one looks great.
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