LoB-mode vs SCS
Wasn't the idea with the LoB-mode that all enemy characters (apart from being more) have an extremely good AI as well as 3x + 80 hp? If that was the intention, why is a mode like SCS necessary?
Wasn't the idea with the LoB-mode that all enemy characters (apart from being more) have an extremely good AI as well as 3x + 80 hp? If that was the intention, why is a mode like SCS necessary?
1. Higher difficulties in SoD allow enemies to use some extra abilities, like an enemy Shadowdancer using Shadowstep. It's actually an important change to the difficulty of the game, but it's not like the enemies are getting brand new scripts for each difficulty mode. The difficulty slider was never supposed to make big changes to enemy behavior; just small additions.
2. LoB counts as Insane mode for these purposes. The special abilities that enemies use in SoD are the same in both Insane mode and LoB mode.
3. The difficulty slider only gives special abilities to SoD enemies; not those of BG or BG2 or ToB. In the other EE games, the difficulty slider works the same way as it did in vanilla.
4. SCS is not a difficulty mode introduced by Beamdog; it's a mod introduced by a modder.
So, LoB mode was never intended to make enemies much smarter. It was just there to make them stronger. SCS was the opposite: it was intended to make enemies much smarter, but not necessarily any stronger. Beamdog did bring some SCS-style AI into SoD, but that higher-quality AI is there regardless of whether or not you're playing in LoB mode.
I'd say LoB mode is considerably harder than SCS, though it's a simpler challenge, and I personally find SCS to be more interesting. You can install SCS and also enable LoB mode, which will make the game hideously, hideously difficult.