What do you mean exactly with 'OR() blocks'? Are you saying that, e.g., See([regexp.HUMANOID]) should be put in an OR() block together with !CheckSpellState([regexp],DUMMY_SPLSTATE) ? But this cannot work because I am HUMANOID (if I don't use opcode #72), so the See trigger returns true ---> the OR() block returns true and WIZARD_HOLD_PERSON is wasted.....
If See([0.HUMANOID]) is already in an OR() block, REPLACE_TEXTUALLY will break that OR() block, because it will put !CheckSpellState(object,DUMMY_SPLSTATE) into that OR() block. Unlike !General(), it is normal for See() to be in an OR() block.
As @Ardanis said, we could use REFACTOR_TRIGGER: it basically duplicates the OR() block ---> there will be one OR() block containing See([0.HUMANOID]) (plus what was there before) and another one containing !CheckSpellState(object,DUMMY_SPLSTATE) (plus what was there before).
This solution works but what about in-game performance? I expect the game to be somewhat laggy with all those checks, especially if the OR() block has 15+ triggers (like in BDLICH01.bcs). What do you think?
REFACTOR_TRIGGER has it's own issues. It does not allow matching only 'Trigger()' or '!Trigger()', it always matches both, and it does not properly handle matching '!Trigger()' outside of an OR() block.
Yes, sure, there is still the possibility that some spells will be wasted in any case (if the AI doesn't check for those splstates), but, after a quick look at some scripts, this seems to be intentional, right ( Ardanis ?)
I'm perfectly fine with AI ignoring immunity buffs and wasting spells on those. And as far as I could judge by various playthroughs posted on this forum it wasn't negatively affecting the difficulty.
Oh, wait, there may be an alternative: what about giving the creature weapon some key splstates/stats via opcode #328 or opcode #233 as equipping effects (timing mode = 2)? For example: RESIST_FEAR (to counter opcode #24), CHAOTIC_COMMAND (to counter opcodes #39, #5, #128), CLERIC_FREE_ACTION (to counter opcodes #175, #109) (am I missing something?)
That will work, except you will still be triggering them to cast Remove Magic, as it assumes those stats/states accompany dispellable effects.
After a closer look at the scripts, it seems that either "CheckStatGT(LastSeenBy(Myself),0,STONESKINS)" or HasItemEquiped("MELFMET",LastSeenBy(Myself)) (Melf's Minute Meteor) are required for the enemy to cast Remove Magic, so everything should be fine on that front (i.e., the spell is only partially wasted, which is fine......). Moreover, I also added the stat WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_NORMAL_WEAPONS.
The only problems seem to be related to BDDROWMA, BDDROWCL, BDCRUSMA, BDMAGE28: those scripts don't check for RESIST_FEAR and CLERIC_CHAOTIC_COMMANDS (but this may be intentional). OK, I can live with that......
Blades have their lore halved, and some mod kits have lore increased, but I can't quite see how they do it. I've tried playing with the Lore Modifier effect, but that seems like a one-off thing, ideal for an object. How do you change lore for a class or kit for each level?"
Long time no see, I have been pretty busy and as it turns out when your job's coding things all day, you don't really wanna code more things when you get home
But I still have mods I put on the back back back burner and I want to finish them properly.
I am facing a small issue with one of them, as it adds a map to the worldmap, and I have issues understanding the BP-BGT-Worldmap mod. I have read the readme and I roughly got how it works (adds your map to a list of map etc... and then install all at once at the end of the installation) but I would like to make my mod available as a standalone and compatible with worldmap. However, since it's installed after my mod, I can't use MOD_IS_INSTALLED as a condition to either execute the worldmap-less code or the worldmap-installed code. So, how do I handle things? The only solution I could think of is asking the player whether they are going to use Worldmap before installing the component, and that does not seem like a clean solution.
Is it possible to modify how the sound elements of the school based casting animations are handled? Is there a general animation file for these that defines visuals and sounds? So far I have not been able to find one. If this is handled differently would someone be able to shed some light on this? Many thanks!
Does anyone know where I can find detailed instructions on adding Tob epilogues for a new NPC? Most of the older tutorials either seem to be gone or don't say anything about the epilogues. I've been using other mods as examples but I must be missing something because mine refuses to work.
I have the Ar6200 script file, the 2da file, and my code in the set up file, but it still refuses to play.
I want to reproduce for a kit the specialist wizard save penalty. I know the damn thing is hardcoded.
So what's the workaround and how do I do it:
1) patch the kit somehow
2) patch every spell of a specific school somehow
I would patch every spell of the relevant school (that targets a creature, etc) with a 326 effect that targets the caster (i.e. 'self'). This will cast the resource based on caster rather than target attributes, but it casts the spell at the original target.
Looking at iesdp, it looks like you cannot use kit.ids--bummer--so you will need to use a custom spell state applied in the clab. The 326 effect needs to be the first effect of each affected spell and needs to apply the relevant save penalty (I would just use a 1 second #325 to be sure)
Edit: this is a bit more complicated, but is a working example:
(It casts different spls at the Target based on the values of certain proficiencies and wisdom of the caster--for what you are doing, you really only need the first 'level'--say up to line 21 which checks the Prof--in your case the spellatate-- and casts the spl if the value matches)
I want to reproduce for a kit the specialist wizard save penalty. I know the damn thing is hardcoded.
So what's the workaround and how do I do it:
1) patch the kit somehow
2) patch every spell of a specific school somehow
Looking at iesdp, it looks like you cannot use kit.ids--bummer--so you will need to use a custom spell state applied in the clab. The 326 effect needs to be the first effect of each affected spell and needs to apply the relevant save penalty (I would just use a 1 second #325 to be sure)
Can you explain this part like I was a 6 yo who just found on his mom's phone pictures of his gym teacher naked?
I want to reproduce for a kit the specialist wizard save penalty. I know the damn thing is hardcoded.
So what's the workaround and how do I do it:
1) patch the kit somehow
2) patch every spell of a specific school somehow
Looking at iesdp, it looks like you cannot use kit.ids--bummer--so you will need to use a custom spell state applied in the clab. The 326 effect needs to be the first effect of each affected spell and needs to apply the relevant save penalty (I would just use a 1 second #325 to be sure)
Can you explain this part like I was a 6 yo who just found on his mom's phone pictures of his gym teacher naked?
Lol, Aahh! This is going to be something of a blind leading the blind scenario. I'm like your 10 year old brother that "knows everything". I'm sure there is a better way to do this, but here goes. Please also note that there are a lot of moving parts here, and I haven't had my coffee yet. So, I might forget something. Also, time is a bit limited but I'll answer questions as I get time during the day.
(Basically, I'm dumb and I don't know another way to ensure that an effect will be first).
Edit: weidu documentation says this:
STR_VAR insert to the relative position the cloned effect should be inserted at. A value of ’below’ puts the new, cloned effect immediately below the matched effect. Values of ’first’ or last’ will put the new effect at the top or bottom of the effect stack, respectively. All other values will default to ’above’, where the effect is added immediately before the matched effect (default is ’above’).
Something else to experiment with. Cams function probably won't be needed
Any spell that has a grease effect will have a 326 effect added as the first effect (er, a few of them, but you will only need one). Ah, another thing: where you see "cha_ls" or "cha_eq"--that will choke unless you replace textually to change that to a number.
Gha, I have to get back to this. Haven't had my coffee yet.
Now, you will need to add your custom spellstate (this is from @kjeron )
OUTER_SET new_ids = ~-1~
FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 1 2 state_label
PATCH_IF ~%state_label%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%label%~ BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
SET new_ids = state_id
OUTER_FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
OUTER_SET $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0
ACTION_IF (~%label%~ STRING_EQUAL ~~) BEGIN FAIL ~Missing Spell State label~ END ELSE BEGIN
ACTION_IF ((~%label%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~ ~) = 0) BEGIN FAIL ~Spell State lable cannot have spaces~ END ELSE BEGIN
FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
SET $occupied_spell_state(~%state_id%~) = 1
FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
PATCH_IF $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0 BEGIN
SET new_ids = i
SET i = 256
PATCH_IF new_ids <= rows BEGIN
INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
PATCH_IF (new_ids = ~-1~) BEGIN PATCH_FAIL ~No available Spell States~ END
Sorry it's not indented. You would call this function like so:
Note that CUSTOM_STATE is just the name of your state.
Now, I haven't actually used this code except to verify that is does create a new splstate--like there was any doubt--kjeron--but I think that new_ids allows you to call the state later as a variable.
I'll actually have to play with it later tonight to see how it works and I'll then have to get back to you. I've never actually created and put to use a new spell state so I'll have to experiment with it a bit and report back so I don't mislead you
I'll also be editing this post as I do more research on the topic
Thanks, @Grammarsalad . I'll try to make the thing work and will get back to you to inform the results.
I want to completely ban a school of magic from a wizard kit. The easy way to do so is to ban the scrolls (no scroll = no spell added. I think.), the problem are the spells picked at char gen
I want to completely ban a school of magic from a wizard kit. The easy way to do so is to ban the scrolls (no scroll = no spell added. I think.), the problem are the spells picked at char gen
For BG: The kits unusability flags - add the value used by the specialist that is banned from that schoool.
For IWD: The above only works to block either Invocation or Conjuration, as the other specialist are barred from 2 schools each:
Alteration + Illusion
Necromancy + Abjuration
Divination + Conjuration
Illusion + Enchantment
I want to reproduce for a kit the specialist wizard save penalty. I know the damn thing is hardcoded.
So what's the workaround and how do I do it:
1) patch the kit somehow
2) patch every spell of a specific school somehow
Don't know if this is helpful - it's not the simplest code - but I patched all spells of each school adding extra headers with special capabilities for specialists of schools that match the spell. This is for Tome & Blood's "spontaneous specialist casting" component. The code is here, from lines 119 through 167: https://github.com/subtledoctor/TomeAndBlood/blob/master/TomeAndBlood/comp/setup_specialists.tpa
I would patch every spell of the relevant school (that targets a creature, etc) with a 326 effect that targets the caster (i.e. 'self'). This will cast the resource based on caster rather than target attributes, but it casts the spell at the original target.
Looking at iesdp, it looks like you cannot use kit.ids--bummer--so you will need to use a custom spell state applied in the clab.
Wait, why not? You can append a line to SPLPROT.2DA that checks for a match to entries in KIT.IDS, and point the 326 effect there. No need for a spellstate. Here's what I do:
[yadda yadda yadda]
COPY_EXISTING ~kit.ids~ ~override~
FOR (row = 1; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 1 ~kit~
SET bard_row = %row%
READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows bard_row 0 nu_bard_code
APPEND ~splprot.2da~ ~D5_KIT_IS%TAB%152%TAB%-1%TAB%1~
COPY_EXISTING ~splprot.2da~ ~override~
FOR (row = 1; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 0 ~stat~
SET kit_is_row = %row%
COPY ~might_and_guile/lib/d5_base.spl~ ~override/d5bsong.spl~
LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 326 target = 2 parameter1 = %nu_bard_code% parameter2 = %kit_is_row% timing = 1 STR_VAR resource = ~d5bd01~ END
I want to completely ban a school of magic from a wizard kit. The easy way to do so is to ban the scrolls (no scroll = no spell added. I think.), the problem are the spells picked at char gen
It's worse than that. Even if a scroll is unusable - i.e. unequippable - by your kit, you can still have the scroll in your inventory and then you can right-click and learn the spell. The availability of the spell is determined solely by the exclusion flags in 0x1e-0x21 of the .SPL file. We don't have nice things like opcode 180/181/319 to customize it, the way we can with items.
And, last I heard, not all of those exclusion flags actually work. And they are not all documented - the IESDP says
bit 15 - 29: Unused
And Near Infinity shows those as being "unknown" (bits 15-22, 29) or representing races (bits 23-28) But actually, some of those correspond with spellcasting kits from the cleric/druid/bard classes. And the bard kit exclusion flags do work and they are unused in the vanilla game. Of course, it's just like using the unused cleric item usability bits: there are only three, so any use of them creates some serious inter-mod compatibility issues. In Might & Guile, I set all bards to use the Skald usability flag, and then set a bunch of Necromancy/Conjuration/Evocation spells to exclude Skalds. I don't think anyone is doing this with the Blade or Jester flags, so you could maybe appropriate one of those... but remember, the way you apply this to your kit is to use that exclusion flag, which means it will apply to items as well. (I don't think the game has any items excluded from Jesters or Blades, but I'm not totally sure, and I don't know about mods.)
tl;dr: Excluding spells from being learned from scrolls is not an easy task.
Oh, you can reference kit.ids?!? I didn't see it in iesdp, but there it is. This is a much easier way to do it.
Just fyi, I'm pretty sure this works if you want to add and use spell state:
//add as a function (or just before you do the COPY_X) Note, I'm doing COPY_EXISTING, but for something like this you need to do some kind of COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB .
OUTER_SET new_ids = ~-1~
FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 1 2 state_label
PATCH_IF ~%state_label%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%label%~ BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
SET new_ids = state_id
OUTER_FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
OUTER_SET $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0
ACTION_IF (~%label%~ STRING_EQUAL ~~) BEGIN FAIL ~Missing Spell State label~ END ELSE BEGIN
ACTION_IF ((~%label%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~ ~) = 0) BEGIN FAIL ~Spell State lable cannot have spaces~ END ELSE BEGIN
FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
SET $occupied_spell_state(~%state_id%~) = 1
FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
PATCH_IF $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0 BEGIN
SET new_ids = i
SET i = 256
PATCH_IF new_ids <= rows BEGIN
INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
PATCH_IF (new_ids = ~-1~) BEGIN PATCH_FAIL ~No available Spell States~ END
@kjeron It is not possible to use the exclusion flag thing in IWD or it will cancel two schools? I don't mind excluding two, as I want to reproduce a specialist mage anyway
@kjeron It is not possible to use the exclusion flag thing in IWD or it will cancel two schools? I don't mind excluding two, as I want to reproduce a specialist mage anyway
It works, it just blocks the two schools instead of one, because those specialists are barred from two schools in IWD.
@kjeron It is not possible to use the exclusion flag thing in IWD or it will cancel two schools? I don't mind excluding two, as I want to reproduce a specialist mage anyway
It works, it just blocks the two schools instead of one, because those specialists are barred from two schools in IWD.
Yeah, the only way to change this would be to change which schools exclude which specialist.
IIRC, you can combine two exclusion flags in BGEE by assigning a usabiity flag that combines two specialists (by literally adding the hex values in a hex calculator and assigning that value to your kit):
As @Ardanis said, we could use REFACTOR_TRIGGER: it basically duplicates the OR() block ---> there will be one OR() block containing See([0.HUMANOID]) (plus what was there before) and another one containing !CheckSpellState(object,DUMMY_SPLSTATE) (plus what was there before).
This solution works but what about in-game performance? I expect the game to be somewhat laggy with all those checks, especially if the OR() block has 15+ triggers (like in BDLICH01.bcs). What do you think?
It does not allow matching only 'Trigger()' or '!Trigger()', it always matches both, and it does not properly handle matching '!Trigger()' outside of an OR() block.
The only problems seem to be related to BDDROWMA, BDDROWCL, BDCRUSMA, BDMAGE28: those scripts don't check for RESIST_FEAR and CLERIC_CHAOTIC_COMMANDS (but this may be intentional). OK, I can live with that......
"How do you manipulate lore?
Blades have their lore halved, and some mod kits have lore increased, but I can't quite see how they do it. I've tried playing with the Lore Modifier effect, but that seems like a one-off thing, ideal for an object. How do you change lore for a class or kit for each level?"
But I still have mods I put on the back back back burner and I want to finish them properly.
I am facing a small issue with one of them, as it adds a map to the worldmap, and I have issues understanding the BP-BGT-Worldmap mod.
I have read the readme and I roughly got how it works (adds your map to a list of map etc... and then install all at once at the end of the installation) but I would like to make my mod available as a standalone and compatible with worldmap.
However, since it's installed after my mod, I can't use MOD_IS_INSTALLED as a condition to either execute the worldmap-less code or the worldmap-installed code. So, how do I handle things? The only solution I could think of is asking the player whether they are going to use Worldmap before installing the component, and that does not seem like a clean solution.
Thank you guys in advance!
I have the Ar6200 script file, the 2da file, and my code in the set up file, but it still refuses to play.
Q2) Is there a way to make a good/neutral cleric Command Undead or make an evil cleric Turn them?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks. You broke my heart but enlighted my mind.
I have a spell with 26 headers. I just want one of them.
Currently, I'm using the following when copying the spell:
The first header has "Required Level 1". The second one, 6; the third one, 7 and so it goes.
Apparently, the code I'm using does nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Makes the code a lot clearer and less tedious to write
Way better indeed. Thanks!
I want to reproduce for a kit the specialist wizard save penalty. I know the damn thing is hardcoded.
So what's the workaround and how do I do it:
1) patch the kit somehow
2) patch every spell of a specific school somehow
I would patch every spell of the relevant school (that targets a creature, etc) with a 326 effect that targets the caster (i.e. 'self'). This will cast the resource based on caster rather than target attributes, but it casts the spell at the original target.
Looking at iesdp, it looks like you cannot use kit.ids--bummer--so you will need to use a custom spell state applied in the clab. The 326 effect needs to be the first effect of each affected spell and needs to apply the relevant save penalty (I would just use a 1 second #325 to be sure)
Edit: this is a bit more complicated, but is a working example:
(It casts different spls at the Target based on the values of certain proficiencies and wisdom of the caster--for what you are doing, you really only need the first 'level'--say up to line 21 which checks the Prof--in your case the spellatate-- and casts the spl if the value matches)
Can you explain this part like I was a 6 yo who just found on his mom's phone pictures of his gym teacher naked?
Lol, Aahh! This is going to be something of a blind leading the blind scenario. I'm like your 10 year old brother that "knows everything". I'm sure there is a better way to do this, but here goes. Please also note that there are a lot of moving parts here, and I haven't had my coffee yet. So, I might forget something. Also, time is a bit limited but I'll answer questions as I get time during the day.
I have a better example here (up to line 59):
I'm using--er, misusing--a utility provided by @CamDawg here:
(Basically, I'm dumb and I don't know another way to ensure that an effect will be first).
Edit: weidu documentation says this:
Something else to experiment with. Cams function probably won't be needed
Here is my modified effect batch thingy:
If you look at the first one, b_sor_cha_grease_arrays:
Any spell that has a grease effect will have a 326 effect added as the first effect (er, a few of them, but you will only need one). Ah, another thing: where you see "cha_ls" or "cha_eq"--that will choke unless you replace textually to change that to a number.
That's what this line is for:
(Up to 35)
Gha, I have to get back to this. Haven't had my coffee yet.
Now, you will need to add your custom spellstate (this is from @kjeron )
OUTER_SET new_ids = ~-1~
FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 1 2 state_label
PATCH_IF ~%state_label%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%label%~ BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
SET new_ids = state_id
OUTER_FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
OUTER_SET $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0
ACTION_IF (~%label%~ STRING_EQUAL ~~) BEGIN FAIL ~Missing Spell State label~ END ELSE BEGIN
ACTION_IF ((~%label%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~ ~) = 0) BEGIN FAIL ~Spell State lable cannot have spaces~ END ELSE BEGIN
FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
SET $occupied_spell_state(~%state_id%~) = 1
FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
PATCH_IF $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0 BEGIN
SET new_ids = i
SET i = 256
PATCH_IF new_ids <= rows BEGIN
INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
PATCH_IF (new_ids = ~-1~) BEGIN PATCH_FAIL ~No available Spell States~ END
Sorry it's not indented. You would call this function like so:
Note that CUSTOM_STATE is just the name of your state.
Now, I haven't actually used this code except to verify that is does create a new splstate--like there was any doubt--kjeron--but I think that new_ids allows you to call the state later as a variable.
I'll actually have to play with it later tonight to see how it works and I'll then have to get back to you. I've never actually created and put to use a new spell state so I'll have to experiment with it a bit and report back so I don't mislead you
I'll also be editing this post as I do more research on the topic
I want to completely ban a school of magic from a wizard kit. The easy way to do so is to ban the scrolls (no scroll = no spell added. I think.), the problem are the spells picked at char gen
Any ideas, guys and girls?
For IWD: The above only works to block either Invocation or Conjuration, as the other specialist are barred from 2 schools each:
Alteration + Illusion
Necromancy + Abjuration
Divination + Conjuration
Illusion + Enchantment
Oh, you can reference kit.ids?!? I didn't see it in iesdp, but there it is. This is a much easier way to do it.
Just fyi, I'm pretty sure this works if you want to add and use spell state:
//add as a function (or just before you do the COPY_X) Note, I'm doing COPY_EXISTING, but for something like this you need to do some kind of COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB .
OUTER_SET new_ids = ~-1~
FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 1 2 state_label
PATCH_IF ~%state_label%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%label%~ BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
SET new_ids = state_id
OUTER_FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
OUTER_SET $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0
ACTION_IF (~%label%~ STRING_EQUAL ~~) BEGIN FAIL ~Missing Spell State label~ END ELSE BEGIN
ACTION_IF ((~%label%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~ ~) = 0) BEGIN FAIL ~Spell State lable cannot have spaces~ END ELSE BEGIN
FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
SET $occupied_spell_state(~%state_id%~) = 1
FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
PATCH_IF $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0 BEGIN
SET new_ids = i
SET i = 256
PATCH_IF new_ids <= rows BEGIN
INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
PATCH_IF (new_ids = ~-1~) BEGIN PATCH_FAIL ~No available Spell States~ END
//The AP_Spell that will be in the clab will have a 328 effect, and be ALTERED like so
You want to do this sparingly as there are only so many possible spellstates that can be added...
Yeah, the only way to change this would be to change which schools exclude which specialist.
IIRC, you can combine two exclusion flags in BGEE by assigning a usabiity flag that combines two specialists (by literally adding the hex values in a hex calculator and assigning that value to your kit):
i.e. so you exclude the same schools in all engines
I'm about to reach the part where I'll put everything discussed here for testing but before a maybe dumb question:
What's the timing that I need to use to make an effect permanent until rest? 1?