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The new patch went live. How do I update my game?

Before this new beamdog client, the updater would sort of just pop up. But so far my game hasn't updated.

Am I missing something? I know my game isn't updated because Infinite Dungeons isn't activated.

Can someone help me?

Maybe I'm mistaken and the patch didn't release yet??? :S


  • IndyWendieGoIndyWendieGo Member Posts: 62
    I think in the BD client, you go to NWN:EE (not the head start, the version you got) and then update through there. At least that's how I'm updating.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    I actually would have to install the game anew.
  • thirdmousethirdmouse Member Posts: 67
    Seems to be some people that get the update and others who don't, at the moment. Right now it's a "sit tight" situation, as either it will maybe eventually download, or someone who who can do something about it will check in :)
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    My guess is they're doing it alphabetically by surname. Seeing as my name isn't Anthony Aardvark... (Yes I'm still waiting)

  • FutabotFutabot Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2017
    I feel like our Canadian brethren have gone to sleep w_w
  • thirdmousethirdmouse Member Posts: 67
    Yeah, I'm hoping Friday patch day doesn't turn into Monday patch day, but it is a weekend...
  • SnottlingSnottling Member Posts: 92
    No update for me either. *hopeful*
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    Apologies for the "generic" post here lacking in any information you're ACTUALLY looking for (like why the hell do I not have my update!), however if you're not seeing an update you think you should have, please try the below.

    No guarantees this will fix the issue, but these are the steps you're going to be asked to go through anyway, so if you've already tried them, it'll at least save you time when someone who does have some control steps in to figure out what's going on.


    First things first, go to your beamdog client, click on your NWN game icon on the left side, go to the Options button on the interface (white next to play or install) and click "Open Game Location"...this will come in handy later in this post.

    In the new BD Client, you should see a "blue dot" next to your "Neverwinter Nights" installation. With the client open, click on your Neverwinter Nights icon on the left and you should see an "update" button (yellow) at the top in the middle (where the "install" button was initially).

    If you do not see an update button, try restarting your client (i'm sure you've probably tried that a large number of times) and then using the Options -> Verify Game.

    If Verify Game doesn't fix it, your next step is to try reinstalling the game.


    (NOTE: Again, make sure you have the window still open from your "Open File Location" you did earlier. If not, it's going to be a PITA to track down what should be managed where. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! :) )

    FIRST with the "Open File Location" box you did earlier still open copy down/write down the path showing to that folder (Will be something like C:\Games\BeamDog\Games\00832).

    Next, do an uninstall of the game from the client (Options -> Uninstall within the BD Client).

    Next, once the game is uninstalled, go back to the filesystem box opened earlier or navigate to that area in a new window.

    Each game in your client has a specific game number associated with it. If you've done the "Open game location" earlier you are/were in a directory under your beamdog library area (you can find this in the options of the BD Client) who's last directory should be something like "00832" (the full path would be something like C:\Games\BeamDog\Games\00832). If that directory got removed in the uninstallation you may not be in the numbered directory, this is OK.

    CLOSE/QUIT THE BEAMDOG CLIENT at this point, keep the file window open.

    Under the base beamdog library area (the part before the numbered directory, above it would be C:\Games\BeamDog\Games) find the .beam and .status files that correspond to the numbered directory above without the zero's in front. In the above case you'd be looking for C:\Games\BeamDog\Games\832.beam and C:\Games\BeamDog\Games\832.status

    If the above files exist, remove these files (you can back them up to be safe).
    NOTE: These files may NOT exist if the uninstall removed them. Just make sure neither file is in this directory before proceeding).

    From there, if the numbered directory still exists remove that as well.
    AGAIN NOTE: The numbered directory MAY NOT be there. If it isn't, that's fine, if it is it needs to go away.

    You have now COMPLETELY cleaned the NWN installation off your disk.

    Start back up the BD Client (if you did not follow instructions above and close teh BD Client before doing the deletes do so now and then re-check the files are all missing). Log back in to the BD Client. It should detect you own NWN from our servers and allow you the option to install it...this SHOULD pick up the most recent version of the client.


    If none of that helps, there's not much *I* can do. That said our internal communications channels have been notified of this thread so hopefully someone will be along "soon" (TM) to help. I'm not sure I'd hold my breath for tonight (it's after Midnight right now beamdog time) but I'm very hopeful by the morning someone will have noticed and taken a look at what might be going wrong.
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    Sorry, the patch-part above didn't work for me, and I think I'll wait and see if there is a solution at your end, Illydth, before I resort to uninstalling (which seems a rather complicated process). I hope it is OK (and possible) to report bugs in version 74.8149 until we know if patching works or we need to un- and reinstall the game for each version?
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited December 2017
    Having seen an announcement of the new patch on Twitter, I opened the Beamdog client to the Head Start version. There is a "spanner & screwdriver" icon which presumably means "maintenance", which leads to the following ominous message "The Beamdog Client has detected that Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (English - Head Start) has missing, added, or changed game files. Would you like to restore the game to its original state? Select 'Cancel' to leave these changes. Restoring the game will remove any mods currently applied to that game."

    From what I read above, that isn't the updater, but nevertheless it would be good to clarify - exactly what mods will that button destroy? Hopefully not the folders that classic NWN fans have built up over the last 15 years?

    @Illydth - I think I'll wait for now, until there's a simpler way to patch.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited December 2017
    Proleric said:

    @Illydth - I think I'll wait for now, until there's a simpler way to patch.

    This really does need to happen. I don't see any reason why the client doesn't have a simple "check for updates" for each game. I'm feeling like I'm wasting gigabytes of bandwidth for a system that is bugged by virtue of the fact that it doesn't have a simple, straight-forward function.

    I went through the entire process. Never at any time did the game have blue dot or a yellow update button as was described.

    Reinstalling just reinstalled the version I was already on.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @Proleric I had that message too. So in case that was how the patch worked I let it do it's job. When it had finished all the file dates in all the sub folders on the NwN EE were exactly the same as before. The only thing that was changed was the date on the bin/win32 folder which had the time and date changed to the time of the file verification. So either there was a problem with the actual folder or maybe it was a prelude to the patch being downloaded which hasn't happened for me yet. None of the files under that had a different date. The user made stuff in documents was totally unchanged.

    BTW is the version number supposed to change in game? Because I checked that too and it remains the same.

  • ReibornReiborn Member Posts: 156
    any patch notes?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Heya! Thanks for the feedback and sorry for this experience!
    The team will look at it soonish.

    The patch notes are here:
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    According to our CTO, all should be well now!
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    I just came to say that I've now got it. Thanks guys.

  • 11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
    My game is updated fine now. Thanks guys.
  • JFKJFK Member Posts: 214
    edited December 2017
    Mine began updating, but when I checked back a few minutes later, it wasn't updating any more, and Play was there instead. It hasn't updated. How big is the patch?

    Nevermind, based on the version number, mine updated.


  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @JFK it's only aroud 50-60 meg.

  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    I realize i'm a bit late with this but let me make sure I'm communicating clearly.

    The process I describe above is NOT the intended process for how to patch a system. The method I mention above is a way of "forcing" the client to check for an update that is not showing up.

    The described process above should technically never be needed, however knowing how to "kick it in the head" (till it's dead!) is never a bad thing in case something does go wrong.

    Hopefully you all didn't read the above and think "Wow, that's how I have to get the client to check for an update?"

    Because, no, it's not...the client will automatically recognize updates, the above just "resets" that process.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029

    Determines whether combat modes are turned off by movement. The standard behaviour is 0, movement turns off combat modes. When the value is 1, combat modes become sticky and not interrupted by movement.
    [Server Options]
    Praise Kelemvor! :D
  • narcissuslairnarcissuslair Member Posts: 12

    I bought NWN:EE a week ago and played a bit. A couple days ago I saw the "update" option so I clicked it. My game updated but wouldn't start. I ran a verify. That didn't fix the issue. I uninstalled and resintalled and that didn't work either. I basically got this error: 3221225781

    So what I end up doing was switching from the NWN head start to the regular NWN and it prompted me to install the OpenAL (I think) driver. I installed that, went back to NWN head start and it worked.

    Just wanted to let folks know.


  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 339
    After getting the same problem as everyone else with not having OpenAL installed I had the additional problem of not being able to install OpenAL. I tried running as administrator and every compatibility mode. Tried in safe mode. For some reason it absolutely refused to install. Then I looked at the properties of the installer one more time and noticed a little check box on the bottom under the "read" " write" options that said "unblock". Installed fine after that and everything runs again. I've never had to do that before with any programs so didn't even think to look. Ugh what a pain.
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