The 28th?

Can we please have an official statement about this: (?)
Will we be able to play BG:EE on Mac OSX the 28th of november or will it take a week ore two for AppleStore to approve of the game?
Will we be able to play BG:EE on Mac OSX the 28th of november or will it take a week ore two for AppleStore to approve of the game?
will the mac version cost the same as PC version?
So, I decided to go to the source @TrentOster, and the current status is a bit more clear - updates all from yesterday:
* Crash bug was found on iOS
* Crash bug (Same? different?) found cross platform. All platforms (except PC of course) need to be re submitted
* OSX approvals taking longer than iOS
* Several builds have been submitted and approved, so there shouldn't be any last minute "Nope, because we don't like you" app rejections
* Someone made Trent aware of a expedited review request option, with a possible 48hr turn around. It looks like they are going to save this option for when they "have the build they want"
* He said they weren't going home last night until they submitted a new build.
So, from all that I conclude that the absolute best case is that sometime today they decide that they are happy with the new build, they ask for expidited review, and Apple approves it sometime Thursday or Friday. Otherwise (assuming Apple doesn't process approvals during the weekend) we're looking at some time next week.
Disappointed, but I'm glad they caught the crash bug before it went public.
From my company experience I can say that rolling out for multi platform should be a good reason for Apple to grant an expedited review. But you know Apple is Apple. You'll never know what or why they do some things.
If we allow them a week to fix the crashes, using average review times on each platforms, the iPad release is roughly two weeks away, the OS X release, three.
I don't think Apple will grant them expedited review because it's supposed to be used for existing apps that have crippling bugs, not meeting release dates.
Well the good side is that when they finally appear, they are working without any additional driver updates and bugs, which are eliminated in the beta_PC_users testing stage;)