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Beamdog may eventually add new tilesets! What kind would you like to see? Poll

11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
edited December 2017 in General Discussions NWN:EE
These are just some cool ideas about some tilesets that I have. Some of the options could be a jungle tileset; take me to areas like Chult or a jungle of forgotten times!

Do you have a really cool tileset idea that wasn't mentioned in the poll? Put it in a comment below! :)

-An oceanic, beach tileset might be a great idea, even!

Edit: In my opinion, all of the above just isn't feasible. If we're being realistic here, then budget constraints, not to mention sheer effort, would prohibit focus on other areas of the game. That's why there's no "all of the above" option.
  1. Beamdog may eventually add new tilesets! What kind would you like to see? Poll138 votes
    1. Jungle (FTW)! Take us to a place like Chult or one of the eastern areas of Faerun.
    2. A new extraplanar tileset (celestial, mechanus (machinery), elemental, lower planes, ect...)
    3. Volcanic (give me volcanic rock any day of the week! Maybe even add a volcano tile?)
    4. Mountainous/Hilly (this would add much needed hills and mountain terrain to NWN, NOT plateaus!!!)
    5. New Village/City/Town Tileset (let us create a new type of town/city/village from the forgotten realms!)
Post edited by 1130210 on


  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Maybe some 3rd party stuff already did this, but I want some mesopotamian style desert tile sets for a Dark Sun setting.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    ShadowM said:
    Excellent, if I ever get off my ass and learn to mod, I know where to start.
  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
    What about glacial, ice-temple, tundra, and cold Icewind Dale type tilesets?
  • SurekSurek Member Posts: 9
    I vote for an official swamp tile set, never could understood why this was never done.
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    I want so many new tilesets. I picked jungle but really it wasn't an easy choice.
  • TinkerTinker Member Posts: 11
    I am finding it really difficult to pick just one of these, but if I had to I would probably pick new extraplanar tilesets.
  • TheGmorkTheGmork Member Posts: 37
    This is actually a hard one, but since you can get most of what is offered here as a pick as haks (Medieval Rural for mountains for example) I picked Planer Tiles. Other then the outstanding Shadow Plane Tile haks there is not much to offer for this.
    A close second for me would be a lush Forrest/Elven village city tile
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    Extraplanar all the way
  • tjohn104tjohn104 Member Posts: 10
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    High quality versions of all the basics...outdoors, city, castle, dungeon, caves... I wouldn't expect to be able to mix both old and new tilesets and character models as the difference in quality will probably and hopefully be very eye catching
  • badstrrefbadstrref Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2017
    new Tilesets (new effects, new atomspheres,... new planes) are among the things i would LOVE to be added
  • superfly2000superfly2000 Member Posts: 76
  • ProontProont Member Posts: 141
    I'd like a Limbo tileset with churning masses of earth, fire, and water mixing.

    The ability to mix and match from any tileset would be great too.
  • mangamusclemangamuscle Member Posts: 30
    Voted extrtaplanar but of course the correct answer is, all of the above! >_<
  • Drewbert_ahoyDrewbert_ahoy Member Posts: 97
    Without question Jungle. I use Project Q and you can make some nice swamps with that.
  • 11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
    edited December 2017

    Voted extrtaplanar but of course the correct answer is, all of the above! >_<</p>

    I did notice people saying "all of the above," but why? Obviously the reason shouldn't just be, "why not?" Because, I wanted to make this a poll that's asking specifically about a tileset.

    Even back in the day, when the game came out, the expansions only added a few tilesets. The poll is really asking, "what tileset is NWN lacking?"

    All of the above? Hell, who wouldn't want all of the above! But it wasn't included so that a person's vote wouldn't just be wasted, or otherwise I would have put a "who cares" option. :/

    The only thing I do regret not making is an "other" option, though, lol. That was a nooby mistake! xD

    Check out, for instance, how expansive the forest tileset is. I'm not a modder or anything, but I consider the forest tileset all the different types of tree tilesets they have. I'm hoping they'll give us an expansive new tileset, rather than a few itty bitty ones, looking at how small the desert tileset is.

    Again, look at how expansive the snow tileset is. The snow tileset was incredibly detailed, containing trails, a tomb exterior layout, cave exterior, different sorts of trees, elevated areas, rivers, and ect...

    Oh, @mangamuscle thank you so much for voting. I really appreciate it, bro. :)
  • badstrrefbadstrref Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2018
    Maybe some Magical Tileset with vibrant colors for once

    Post edited by badstrref on
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    Very Dream-quest of Unknown Kadath badstrref, love it!
  • narcissuslairnarcissuslair Member Posts: 12
    I think the current tilesets are good. I would like to see improvements to the existing ones. Improvements would include:

    1) More ramps to upper levels
    2) "Hilly" versions of the outdoor maps
    3) Ceilings for the indoor tilesets
    4) Texture upgrade for some of the older tilesets
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    While an extraplanar tileset sounds really cool... I think a new beginning for NWN requires a fresh level 1 character in a brand new campaign / mod / PW. So lvl 1 appropriate tilesets first. :)
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    @badstrref There are a lot of amazing tilesets out there for common things but I don't think I've ever seen a really amazing and mystical feywild or faerie plane tileset before.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    My top priority as a builder is to have a wide variety of small interiors for houses, huts, temples etc so that they don't all look the same. TCC Interiors is a fan-made example, though the graphics are simplistic by modern standards.

    Next, more varied dungeons. The Bioware dungeon tileset is so oddball. Classic Dungeon is much more useful, but we always need more.

    As a general comment, new tilesets should be as generic and flexible as possible, without furniture or pillars (which obstruct pathfinding, limit placeable placement and hinder the builder from re-imagining the space as something else).

    Ideally, all the tiles should be in the palette, with no placement rules, so that the builder can just put tiles where they need to be without scrolling through the variants or adjusting the surrounding tiles into a legal configuration first. That puts the onus on the builder to align crossers correctly etc, a responsibility I gladly accept.

    TCC Interiors is a splendid example of the last two points.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Just noticed someone asked about an Egyptian tileset earlier. They can't know about a recent release by PHoD (aka Plush Hyena of Doom) who is apparently away at the moment. Try -

    PHoD Aegypara and for sub-saharan Africa there's PHoD AFRICA. I know he was working on tilesets for the Indian sub continent but all I can find currently find is the creatures/placeables pack (includes very large placeable buildings) called PHoD KALI.

    He has made loads of stuff including lots of tilesets some of which should satisfy both the frozen lands request and the extra planar request. Here is a list of most of them.

    One word of warning about the pictures of his work. A lot of them contain pictures of models of busty ladies in skimpy attire.

  • DhraaxDhraax Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2017
    Please add all!
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Did you even look at the links above? The new city tileset that you want is the Medieval City.

  • DjinnDjinn Member Posts: 76
    Two things - Dark Sun style desert tiles and The Far Realms lovecraftian, insanity inducing horror-style tiles, please
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @Djinn Try CTP Babylon - link above.

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