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Cantrips n' Orisons

GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
edited December 2017 in General Modding
So, I'm planning to create a 'cantrip and orison' component (collectively just referred to as 'cantrips')for one (or more) of my mods, similar to @subtledoctor 's cantrips in TnB, but also including priests (the priest version will be uninstallable alongside the TnB version). These cantrips will be 'zero level spells' that can be prepared similar to normal spells, but that are generally available to characters 'at will'. They will be available to all spellcasting classes. There will not be a '1st level cantrips' version as there is already one available for mages (in TnB), and the opcode doesn't really work for low level priests). I will be seeing about making them available to baddies in some feasible way, so this isn't just a player buff.

In any case, my intention with this post is to gather some feedback for the overall design. As such, I'll be posting my initial ideas for the general setup as well as the spell descriptions for the cantrips themselves.

Please, feel free to offer criticisms and ideas!

Cantrips: Cantrips Known and Cantrips Prepared

Non-spontaneous classes: (i.e. non-Sorcerers and non-Shaman spellcasters) Non-Spontaneous classes will select a number of 'cantrips known' based on their level at each level up (according to the table below). They will be able to 'prepare' a number of cantrips from this list that they will be able to cast 'at will'. In order to prepare a cantrip, a priest or mage must meditate for (1 minute?) uninterrupted (i.e. they must not be disturbed by enemies during this time) during which they can select a number of cantrips from their list of known cantrips which can be cast 'at will'.

Spontaneous classes: At each level up (as determined by the table below), Spontaneous classes select a number of cantrips that they can cast 'at will'. They do not need to prepare cantrips ahead of time in order to cast them.

* If a specialist has learned all of the cantrips in their school, they instead can choose any other cantrip when they receive this bonusTable: Cantrips <b class="Bold">Non-Spontaneous classes: Cantrips known</b>: This field represents the number of cantrips that a non-spontaneous class knows. The first number denotes generalist and wild mages (and clerics/druids/mystics), while the second denotes Specialists (and, perhaps, acolytes in FnP). Note that the number after the "+" denotes the number of cantrips they know from their specialized school*, while the number before represents the cantrips they know from all other schools. Note that the number Finally, the third number denotes bards <b class="Bold">Non-Spontaneous classes: Prepared Cantrips</b>: This field represents the number of cantrips that a character can have prepared. The first number denotes generalist and wild mages (and clerics/druids/mystics), while the second denotes Specialists (and, perhaps, acolytes in FnP). Note that specialists must devote at least one slot to a cantrip of their school (represented by the "+1") Level Cantrips Known Prepared Cantrips 1 5/2+1/2 2/2+1/1 2-3 6/2+2/2 3/3+1/2 4 7/3+2/3 4/4+1/2 5-12 8/3+3/4 5/5+1/3 13-20 10/4+3/5 6/6+1/3 20+ 10/5+3/6 7/7+1/4 <b class="Bold">Spontaneous classes: Cantrips known</b>: Sorcerers/Shaman (both use the same table): Level Cantrips Known 1 2 2-3 3 4 4 5-12 5 13-20 6 20+ 7
Cantrip Descriptions
Please note the italisized parts of the descriptions. These are meant to balance the cantrip somewhat.

Orisons (divine 0 level spells)

Level: Orison
Sphere: Charm
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 0
Area of Effect: One Creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell gives an ally a chance to overcome any strong emotions they might be experiencing. This spell allows the recipient to save vs. spell to shake off fear or berserk effects. A character can only be aided by this spell once per 8 hours.

In Faiths and Powers, this orison is in the Thought sphere.

Level: Orison
Sphere: Protection
Range: Self
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell, the priest chants softly under breath. As long as continues to chant, receives a +1 to AC. However, while can fight normally, cannot cast spells, nor turn undead while under the effects of Canticle.

Canticle has no effect if the priest is under the effects of bless, aid, or chant spell, and if is affected by one of these spells while under the effects of this Orison, Canticle is immediately dispelled.
Similarly, cannot cast Canticle if is under the influence of the Doom spell.

Note: This cantrip is also cancelled by Curse if IWD spells are installed from any source.

Cause Minor Wounds
Level: Orison
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: 1/2
By casting this spell and touching a creature, the priest deals 4 points of damage (save vs. Death for half) to the creature's body. This spell has no effect on undead, constructs, or extraplanar creatures.

A given creature can only be affected by Cause Minor Wounds once per 8 hours.

Note: This spell causes 2 points, plus 10% of the target’s maximum hit point total if the Variant Cure/Inflict spells component is installed. They still save vs. death for half damage.

Cure Minor Wounds
Level: Orison
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell and laying hand upon a creature, the priest causes 3 points of wound or other injury damage to the creature's body to be healed. This healing cannot affect creatures without corporeal bodies, nor can it cure wounds of creatures not living or of extraplanar origin.

Curing is permanent only insofar as the creature does not sustain further damage; caused wounds will heal or can be cured just as any normal injury.

A given creature can only be affected by Cure Minor Wounds once per 8 hours.

Note: If the Variant Cure/Inflict spells component is installed, this Orison heals 1 point of damage, plus 10% of the recipient’s maximum hit point total.

Hold Animal (Druid/Ranger only)
Level: Orison
Sphere: Animal
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell holds 1 hostile animal rigidly immobile if it fails to save vs. Spell. Only normal and giant-sized animals are affected by this spell. Strange monsters such as wyverns and carrion crawlers do not count as animals.

Paralyzed creatures are helpless and cannot dodge or defend themselves from attacks. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subject's condition due to wounds, disease, or poison.

Note: Hold Animal becomes a druid orison if cantrip is installed. If revised spells is installed, the 3rd level spell is replaced with Hold Beast.

Level: Orison
Sphere: Divination
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: All allies within 30'
Saving Throw: None

The recipient of this spell gains the ability to see with infravision, just as an elf or dwarf can.

Note: The 1st level spell becomes a cantrip, and an orison if cantrips is installed. If revised spells is installed, the 1st level spell is replaced with Devil's Eyes.

Level: Orison
Sphere: Charm
Range: 25 ft.
Duration: 3 rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes a feeling of doom to overwhelm the target. For the duration of the spell, the target receives a -1 penalty to all THAC0 rolls. There is no Saving Throw against this Orison.

Malediction does not stack with doom, and a creature under the effects of a bless, aid, or chant spell is immune.
A creature can only be affected by Malediction once per 8 hours. Further, Maladiction can only affect a single creature at a time. As such, when this orison is cast, it cannot be further cast for another 3 rounds.

Note: This cantrip is also cancelled by Curse if IWD spells are installed from some source.

Level: Orison
Sphere: Charm
Range: Self
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Saving Throw: None

Upon casting this spell, the priest places self under a meditative trance. As long as continues to meditate, recieves a +1 bonus to all saves. However, while can fight normally, cannot cast spells, nor turn undead.

Meditation has no effect if the priest is under the effects of bless, aid, or chant spell, and if is affected by one of these spells while under the effects of this Orison, Meditation is immediately dispelled.

Further, this cantrip is dispelled if is affected by Doom, and cannot cast this cantrip while under the effects of doom.

Note: This cantrip is also cancelled by Curse if IWD spells are installed from some source.

Detect Evil/Alignment: This first level spell (Detect evil in vanilla; Detect alignment if SR is installed) is converted to an orison.

Magical Stone: This first level spell is converted to an Orison only if Spell Revisions is Not installed and if the game is not IWDEE (where the spell is dramatically improved).

(more Orisons are in the works, but this is a somewhat 'finalized' list of completed orisons)

Cantrips (arcane 0 level spells)

Level: Cantrip
Range: 20'
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

This spell brings forth a splash of water to drench a single target. If the creature is a cold- or fire-dwelling creature, it takes 2d3 points of magic damage. Flame Blade, Shroud of Flame, and salamander auras are extinguished by Drench if the target fails their save vs. breath +2.

Additionally, the target becomes somewhat more vulnerable to electricity (resistance -15%) for 2 rounds.
Opponents receive a -1 penalty to their saves at levels 10 and 20.

Level: Cantrip
Range: 35'
Duration: 3 seconds
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This cantrip causes the target to drift off into a very brief slumber, slumping to the ground for 3 seconds before regaining full consciousness, unless they may a save vs. spell +2.

The mage cannot affect any creature with more hit dice than level after 5th level. This spell can always affect creatures with 4 or fewer hit die.

A creature affected by this spell becomes immune to it for 1 day.

The duration increases to 1 round at 8th level, and 2 rounds at 16th level.

Opponents receive a -1 penalty to their saves at levels 10 and 20.

Frost Ray
Level: Cantrip
Range: Short
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 2-ft. by 40-ft. jet.
Saving Throw: Neg.

Upon casting this spell a ray of ice appears at the caster's fingertips and shoots toward a target of the caster's choice. The ray causes 1d4 points of cold damage to the target to anyone in the ray's path. Targets can save vs. breath +2 to avoid the ray.

Damage is increased by 1d4 at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.
Targets receive a -1 penalty to their save at levels 10 and 20.

Level: Cantrip
Range: 10'
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

Upon casting this spell, the caster generates a jolt of electricity in the body of a nearby enemy. The jolt causes 1d6 points of electrical damage, and halves their speed for a crucial 6 seconds if they do not save vs. polymorph +2.
Damage is increased by 1d6 at levels 6, 12 and 18. Opponents suffer a -1 penalty to their save at levels 10 and 20.

A creature affected by this spell gains immunity to it for one turn.
Note: Jolt is added only if Spell Revisions is installed. Otherwise, Shocking Grasp is converted to a cantrip.

Chill Touch: Becomes a cantrip
Infravision: Becomes a cantrip

(more Cantrips are in the works, but this is a somewhat 'finalized' list of completed cantrips)


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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2017

    There will not be a '1st level cantrips' version as there is already one available for mages (in TnB), and the opcode doesn't really work for low level priests).

    Are you sure? I having been loving the arcane Level 1 Cantrips so much that I was figuring on adding a "Level 1 Orisons" component to FnP...

    (I'm a huge fan of having cantrips in the spells menu, instead of living in the inmates menu. Unfortunately I just tested, and it looks like they have to actually be real level 1 spells to work properly in the spells menu.)
    Last I heard, iirc, from @kjeron I think, was that the effect, #261, I believe, will only restore a spell for priests, if it is not of the highest level spell they can cast. So, a first level cleric could not regain a first level spell because first level spells are the highest level spells they can cast.

    Maybe I'm remembering wrong? Or maybe they fixed it? Or, did you find a way around this problem ( other than making e.g. 2nd level spells available at first level)?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    I mean, if you're doing first level cantrips, you should probably have a single 2nd level spell slot to start.
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    I mean, if you're doing first level cantrips, you should probably have a single 2nd level spell slot to start.

    With TnB you get your first level 2 slot a level early, at 2nd level. So at first level you can only cast cantrips (still better than just 1 or 2 1st-level slots as in vanilla IMHO) and then on your first level-up, you graduate to "real" spells.

    iirc, from @kjeron I think, was that the effect, #261, I believe, will only restore a spell for priests, if it is not of the highest level spell they can cast. So, a first level cleric could not regain a first level spell because first level spells are the highest level spells they can cast.

    Poop! No, I think you're right.

    Damn, they're doing an open beta of the final patch now, I wonder if there was ever a bug report about that, or any hope of Beamdog addressing such a bug report :(
    I'm almost certain that Kjeron reported it. An annoying thing about it is that it worked correctly in an earlier version (maybe it still works in IWDEE or in an earlier version--I forget).

    I mean, if you're doing first level cantrips, you should probably have a single 2nd level spell slot to start.

    Yeah, I suppose that this is the only real option for 1st level Orisons...
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Grammarsalad, if you are making these at will abilities (or spells) I would make them very weak. For example, the minor cure doing 3 hp a casting I think should be 1hp per casting. Otherwise 3 rounds of casting are better then a cure light wounds and I would be happy to spend the 3 rounds so that all my level 1 spells could go to other spells.

    Just think at will cantrips should have small affects (you already did short duration).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2017

    Grammarsalad, if you are making these at will abilities (or spells) I would make them very weak. For example, the minor cure doing 3 hp a casting I think should be 1hp per casting. Otherwise 3 rounds of casting are better then a cure light wounds and I would be happy to spend the 3 rounds so that all my level 1 spells could go to other spells.

    Just think at will cantrips should have small affects (you already did short duration).

    You have to read the spell description carefully. I tried to italicize the parts that (hopefully) make this spell more balanced.

    This spell only works on a given character once per 8 hours (I would make it once per day if I could). That is, you can only affect a character once per 8 hours with this spell.

    So, you can basically cast it once on each of your party members, but basically only once on each.

    What was suggested elsewhere, and which I think is a good idea (but can only be done with innate abilities unless/until Beamdog enables the 'resource' strong field in opcode 261 (and, uh, my request for this on Redmine is has gotten zero attention or acknowledgement, so don't hold your breath)), is to make these usable once per 5 rounds or so. In other words set the 172/171 global effects to a 30-second delay.

    That way they can be used ad infinitum, but not spammed.

    I'm a bit concerned about the character dying in the interim. It might still work with the 'prep' system, though...sigh, Have to test
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    I would give only one cantrip per arcane school\priest alignment.

    One exclusive for druids\rangers\shamans and another one for sorcerers.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2017
    Looks like 261 is fixed in 2.5

    Raduziel said:

    I would give only one cantrip per arcane school\priest alignment.

    One exclusive for druids\rangers\shamans and another one for sorcerers.

    Not ignoring this, but I'm going to be making more cantrips than this. Well, priest cantrips will be basically this, with at least one per sphere. One issue, though, is that there needs to be at least one per sphere for normal spheres and at least one per for fnp spheres. And they don't exactly line up evenly.

    But, yeah, there are going to be a lot more mage cantrips. Sorry, can't help myself.

    I will probably be doing exclusives, though.
    Post edited by Grammarsalad on
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