Problem with sound placeables in the toolset

I have tried this on three different computers, from simple Realtek sound cards to a fancy Creative one, the bug persists:
Whenever, I placed a sound placeable in a new module, in a new or existing area,
OR whenever, I edited a sound placeable in an existing module, mine or someone else's,
I get a big error window, complaining that I have to have 2D-sound WAVs and not 3D-ones (since these are for playing continuously). After the error window has popped up, the toolset decides to erase the .wav files that were included in the sound placeable from the blueprint palette. This means that the sound cannot be placed or played.
This is quite annoying. What am I doing wrong?
I have tried with like 25 different kinds of sound placeables - each and everyon hickup this way.
Whenever, I placed a sound placeable in a new module, in a new or existing area,
OR whenever, I edited a sound placeable in an existing module, mine or someone else's,
I get a big error window, complaining that I have to have 2D-sound WAVs and not 3D-ones (since these are for playing continuously). After the error window has popped up, the toolset decides to erase the .wav files that were included in the sound placeable from the blueprint palette. This means that the sound cannot be placed or played.
This is quite annoying. What am I doing wrong?
I have tried with like 25 different kinds of sound placeables - each and everyon hickup this way.
"Wave list.
You are attempting to use the following stereo WAV files in a 3D positional sound object.
Stereo WAV files can only be used as 2D sounds (set as "Play everywhere in the area", under the Positioning tab), which are non-positional and are heard the same throughout an area.
Attempting to use stereo WAV files in a 3D positional sound object may cause errors when the game or toolset tries to play them.
Are you sure you wish to continue using these WAV files?
Select the WAV files you wish to keep.
Click OK to proceed. Click Cancel to avoid making any changes."
Regardless of choice here, the sound object stops working after this.
Have you tried replicating this in another new module?
Just curious - I tried to replicate this and as far as I could tell the placeables worked fine for me, so I wonder if there's a specific cause.
I have tested this, in the following constellations so far:
-New NWN1 EE module, new NWN1 EE area.
-New NWN1 EE module, a 1.69 area erfed in
-Two of the small toolset example modules, using their areas, and adding new areas into these mods
-One custom 1.69 module, 1.69 areas (obviously), and new areas created within that mod
The same problem arises constantly. Each and every sound object I pick will demand that I use it as "play everywhere in area". If I don't, I can't play the sound object at all. Some of the sounds I pick have been preset to play at random location or at a specific location only, still this bug insist on my making them "play everywheres".
I have my NWN EE set on Miles 2D, like I always had in NWN. I reckon, it was preset like that when I got my headstart NWN EE.
The sound was placed properly
And the sound wasn't removed from the palette.
I'm going to keep adding sounds until this happens or I get tired.
What I do:
Set the sound to play in a location
Click "OK"
Select all sound files
Click "OK"
And it seems to work.
I tried canceling out as well, and the sound wasn't removed from the palette.
This sentence:
"After the error window has popped up, the toolset decides to erase the .wav files that were included in the sound placeable from the blueprint palette."
I didn't mean that the WAV files or the sound placeables disappeared from the blueprint resref palette.
I meant that the WAV files within the placed sound object in whatever area get erased. So, say, a looping set of bird chirp sounds would now be none at all in tha sound list where you can press "play" etc.
And yup, the sound itself gets placed properly, and it doesn't get erased from the area.
Moreover, if I just plop down a sound object straight from the palette, it will work. No errors as far as I can tell. Every time, I get that error message, is when I've entered properties and made at least one active choice somewhere, then the 2D/3D error window pops up.
I still can't replicate the disappearing wavs from the placed objects, so I don't know what's happening there.
BTW, I apologize if I'm coming across as trying to debunk this - I'm not. I totally believe you, I just can't fully replicate what you describe.
Have you tried selecting some sounds and seeing if those remain when you click ok?
Hmm, I see subforums for bugs for all the Infinity games, but no such forum for NWN1 headstart. How do we report this?
Sounds like the old toolset was ignoring a warning or failed to present it to the user and it sounds like NWN:EE is being more strict about it.
Wouldn't surprise me that NWN Classic used the first channel instead of mixing. Stick with mono and get what you intend instead of hoping for the best.