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What are the "Game of Thrones" Characters?!

IronThroneOfBhaalIronThroneOfBhaal Member Posts: 24
First of all, I know there are already multiple theme partys threads, but when I saw "Theme Parties" I thought like, people trying to get together IRL and dress up as baldur's gate characters, so I've started this new thread to be clear. This is extremely long (that's what she said) but what else do we have to do for the next week.

So yeah, I love making multiplayer parties! Why? Because I love creating characters! In fact, not until I started reading this forum a few days ago did I even realize I was missing out on worthwhile NPC interactions. So my first play-through of BG:EE I'll do single-player and see what all the fuss is about this Xan guy. BUT that won't stop me from creating dozens of characters/parties, buying them all initial equipment at that clean hotel in candlekeep, then never seeing them again.

First a note on Lord of the Rings, which has been discussed plenty, and I'm sure we all made a fellowship party once. But listen to this: Sam as a cleric. He sort-of fills that role by providing moral support and cooking for Frodo. lol.

Game of Thrones: A Gate of Baldurs
Problem here is that, to a large extent, it's not that combat-oriented, and the characters that do fight are, well, mostly just fighters. BUT I've had some good thoughts, and I want to hear your opinions and ideas for what other characters could be too!
I'm current on asoiaf, so I will try very hard not to spoil anything past the current season of the show.

These are just character ideas, not necessarily a coherent party. Although we could have some fun figuring out why all of these people are out adventuring together.

Jon Snow - human ranger (stalker?)
this was an easy one. the stalker kit might be good because the night's watch armor seems to be just leather, then again he doesn't seem to be especially adept at hiding in shadows - no more than any other person wearing black at night is.
alignment: lawful good (because he takes his oath so seriously i think he's lawful)
stats: 16ish str-dex-con, 8ish int-wis, cha in the low teens I suppose
weapons: bastard swords (longclaw!), bow
Arya Stark - shorty thief (maybe assassin, heh heh)
she's small and sneaky, so I think she can be our thief. I don't recall her picking many locks, but I'm sure that she COULD. I wonder if it'd be better to make her a halfling, since she's small, or if that will make her seem too...ugly. maybe an elf, depending on how small elves look. then again i guess they did call her horse-face.
alignment: chaotic good
stats: low strength, max dex, high int-wis, low cha
weapons: short swords, single-weapon style (woot needle!)
The Hound - human fighter
not much else to say. don't think any of the kits really fit.
alignment: chaotic neutral
stats: high str-dex-con, low int-wis, rock-bottom cha
weapons: 2h swords
Little Finger - human bard?
woah! rocking the boat with this one. no, I've never really heard him sing or play an instrument. in fact I imagine he's pretty bad at it. BUT he has high charisma, and as we all know Bards were the Pimps of the fantasy world, right? did I make that up? SHUT UP IT JUST SEEMS TO FIT.
alignment: lawful evil (as I understand, lawful evil means puts himself before all else, except shies away from breaking any laws (unless he won't get caught, mwa ha ha)).
stats: low str-dex-con, high int-wis-cha
weapons: um...i dunno he can probably use a crossbow. and daggers? yeah i'll pretty much only use him for talking to shopkeepers.
Mellisandra - human cleric (actually half-elf mage/cleric, probably)
nice, a pretty clear cleric in the party. she'll be all like "the night is dark and full of MY SEXY BODY" and enemies will perish. I think mage/cleric is justified because she clearly does not wear heavy armor, and I think her powers are general enough to warrant the mage-ness. also having trouble finding anyone else who can be a mage, and if there's one thing a baldur's gate party needs as much as possible of, it's mages.
alignment: hm...lawful evil? thoughts appreciated.
stats: low str-dex-con, high int-wis-cha
weapons: staff, dagger, sling, w/e
Tyrion Lannister - shorty...fighter?
Well, race first, at least he's clearly a shorty. I suppose I'd go with whatever looks the most like him, I forget if the character models for dwarves/gnomes have beards, but if they do I suppose halfling is the right choice. since thief really doesn't fit, and he does fight a few times, I'm thinking of making him a fighter, and just a pretty bad one.
alignment: lawful neutral (he's happiest when society is stable, because all of his power comes from his influence in it. if society were to break down he'd probably just be killed by the first person who thought "haha let's kill this dwarf". and yeah seems neutral to me, not really seeing things as good or evil)
stats: low str, probably cheat and make his dex-con a little higher than it should be, high int-wis and max cha
weapons: iirc he uses an axe in the 2 battles he fights in, so we'll go with that. also a crossbow (heh heh heh...)
Bran Stark - Druid
He seems to have an affinity for animals (heh heh), so I'd want him as a druid. iirc only humans can be druids, but if it's worth it I'd use shadowkeeper to give him the halfling character graphic so he's short like a kid should be. WAIT: i just go it. Keep him as human, and the guy we see walking around is Hodor, we can just assume Bran is on his back.
alignment: lawful good - a good little lordling.
stats: mostly just high wis. and I suppose as low str-dex-con as I can reasonable give him.
weapons: negligible, just slings/staffs/spears i suppose.

Well that's enough for now. What do you think? How about a different party for each of the warring kings/families, like Lannisters-only, including the mighty Mountain That Rides? And WTF is Daenerys!? She needs to be in my party somewhere, but I have absolutely no clue what to make her. maybe a mage, but only teach her "wyvern call"? ha.
Post edited by IronThroneOfBhaal on


  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,644
    edited November 2012
    My friends and I have thought about this very thing... for we are dorks and dorks shall discuss that which combines fantasy mediums!

    I think Melisandre is a Human Cleric/Mage Dual-Class - Probably a Chosen of her Deity the Lord of Light if you want to get down to it (or at the very least a specialty priest given her extra innate abilities). 18 Charisma is a given. Alignment is questionable. You could argue Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil IMO.

    I picture LORD PETYR BAELISH (who is one of the best characters by the way) as a Human Thief (he's the master of coin and is conniving as hell). He is not really a bard, a bard from GoT would be Mance Rayder. He is 100% Neutral Evil as he is ALL about himself.

    The Hound - Human Fighter for sure. He is *classic* Lawful Neutral. Listens to the King because the king is in charge. Doesn't do things out of evil, as much as because he's told. Also one of the best characters.

    For Jon Snow, Human Ranger, I might argue Neutral Good since he violates his Night's Watch oaths. On the other hand, Eddard Stark is as Lawful Good as Lawful Good can get. NEVER violates his principles

    Arya is a Human thief. Also agree with Chaotic Good.

    Tyrion Lannister. He's a tough one. He'd be a fighter with a high intelligence and wisdom really. Lawful Neutral makes sense. While people would like to slap a good alignment on him, he's more Lawful Neutral with a good bent - Is loyal to his family despite their bullshit. You could argue he shifts alignment later.

    Bran - Human Druid - Good one.

    Daenerys is hard to plug into a class. I'd say she's Chaotic Good as well.

    The Mountain? Chaotic Evil

    Joffrey? Chaotic Evil

  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,644
    ajwz said:

    everyone is evil

    Eddard Stark is pretty evil, I agree. That bastard. LOL.
  • DeathMachineMiyagiDeathMachineMiyagi Member Posts: 120
    I would say Littlefinger is Neutral Evil. He plays by the laws of society or completely disregards them, as suits his needs.

    And yeah, Melissandre is Lawful Evil.

    Ned Stark, Jon Snow, Robb Stark...all very, very Lawful Good.
  • DeathMachineMiyagiDeathMachineMiyagi Member Posts: 120
    Ramsay Snow and Gregor Clegane could serve as textbook examples of 'Chaotic Evil.'
  • IronThroneOfBhaalIronThroneOfBhaal Member Posts: 24
    You know you're quite right, it'd be fun to have a party of only the chaotic evil characters like those and just have them roam the countryside causing all sorts of chaos. maybe make a Tywin Lannister as the Lawful Evil main character trying to keep them all in check constantly.
  • DeathMachineMiyagiDeathMachineMiyagi Member Posts: 120

    You know you're quite right, it'd be fun to have a party of only the chaotic evil characters like those and just have them roam the countryside causing all sorts of chaos. maybe make a Tywin Lannister as the Lawful Evil main character trying to keep them all in check constantly.

    Oh, yes, SoIaF has more than enough fodder for a party like that. Ser Gregor, Ramsay, Joffrey, Amory Lorch...and you basically have your pick of Bloody Mummers. Hey, the mummers even offer a Cleric and a Jester to compensate for the truckload of fighters. Qyburn could fill in for the mage slot, though he seems more in the range of Lawful Evil.

    All in all, very workable.

    God, there are a lot of awful people in this series.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566

    Tyrion Lannister - shorty...fighter?
    Well, race first, at least he's clearly a shorty. I suppose I'd go with whatever looks the most like him, I forget if the character models for dwarves/gnomes have beards, but if they do I suppose halfling is the right choice. since thief really doesn't fit, and he does fight a few times, I'm thinking of making him a fighter, and just a pretty bad one.
    alignment: lawful neutral (he's happiest when society is stable, because all of his power comes from his influence in it. if society were to break down he'd probably just be killed by the first person who thought "haha let's kill this dwarf". and yeah seems neutral to me, not really seeing things as good or evil)
    stats: low str, probably cheat and make his dex-con a little higher than it should be, high int-wis and max cha
    weapons: iirc he uses an axe in the 2 battles he fights in, so we'll go with that. also a crossbow (heh heh heh...)

    I don't entirely agree. Note; since this is a discussion of alignment, it's all open to interpretation, so here's mine;

    Tyrion might enjoy order, but I strongly get the impression he mostly likes order because it allows him the clarity to get things done his way. He balks at tradition, ignores almost any form of etiquette, has no problem with stealing, lying, intimidation and deception to get things done the way he wants them.
    I can't see him as anything but chaotic. Lawful seems too restrictive for him, more befitting of characters like Tywin Lannister, Stannis Baratheon or Eddard Stark (whom I'd plug as Lawful Evil, Neutral and Good respectively).
    On that note, Robert Baratheon was also clearly Chaotic in my opinion, at least in his King phase. He threw off any responsibility he could, spending his time drinking, hunting and whoring when he should have been leading the kingdom. He wasn't even concerned much about poverty or the wellbeing of his subjects, putting him in Chaotic Neutral. (Self-interested without any outward malice points to Neutral). Lawful Good Eddard would have taken it much more seriously, like he took his Hand of the King job.

    Having both Robert and Tyrion at chaotic neutral (the latter can be argued to be Good) doesn't mean they're very similar. They just enjoy different things (though they both seem to have a weakness for whoring). Tyrion also actually wants to use his talents at manipulation to bring peace to the realms, earning him some Good points in my book, whereas Robert was only interested in his own wellbeing after his lady died and he became king.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    The two Lannister siblings are clearly Neutral Evil, IMHO (since nobody talked about them, let's open the discussion on their personality).

    They are not as chaotic murders as Jeoffrey, but Jammy Lannister doesn't hesitates when it comes to kill or betray.
  • BaldursCatBaldursCat Member Posts: 432
    edited November 2012

    , Jammy Lannister doesn't hesitates when it comes to kill or betray.

    Ah, not so, Jaime's an interesting character. Maybe as leader of the Kingsguard with King Aerys, but he swears an oath to Catlyn Stark and does his level best to keep it. I don't think he's good enough to fit into the Paladin class in DnD terms but I'd go for a LN or CN fighter. High STR, High CON & High CHAR (Much more so than Cersei) Low DEX, iwth INT & WIS somewhere in the middle.

    Brienne of Tarth would be a perfect DnD paladin, amazing strength & constitution, not bad dexterity, average intelligence & wisdon, except she suffers from a seriously low CH count, it's almost Min/Max on STR / CHAR for her. (Poor Brienne, she's still one of my favourite characters in the whole thing).

    As for The Hound, I think people are spot on with their assessment of him, though I think he shifts latterly to CN.

    Post edited by BaldursCat on
  • DeathMachineMiyagiDeathMachineMiyagi Member Posts: 120
    edited November 2012

    The two Lannister siblings are clearly Neutral Evil, IMHO (since nobody talked about them, let's open the discussion on their personality).

    They are not as chaotic murders as Jeoffrey, but Jammy Lannister doesn't hesitates when it comes to kill or betray.

    Jaime's alignment is incredibly tricky to figure out, especially if you've read past Storm of Swords. From Book 1 to a certain point in Book 3, I think he would easily be categorized as Neutral Evil. He thinks and acts much like his sister. After that, though?


    He's attempting to hold up an oath he swore, even one wrung out of him at sword point, and obviously seems to regret his past mistakes. After he loses his hand, and is exposed to the example of Brienne of Tarth, he makes an obvious swing towards Lawful and away from Evil, but where does that put him now? He's still not 'Good'; he has way too much baggage for that, such as his unacknowledged responsibility for the war that just killed god only knows how many people across Westeros so his bastard son could steal the throne.

    I guess Lawful Neutral would be the best fit, while ever-so-slowly working his way to Lawful Good. If he survives what appears to be an upcoming meeting with Lady Stoneheart, and goes on to tell Tommen about his true parentage, it will be a major step towards Good.

  • IronThroneOfBhaalIronThroneOfBhaal Member Posts: 24
    @DeathMachineMiyagi ^ that. how did you use a spoiler tag btw?

    Thoughts on Ceresi's alignment: neutral evil or lawful evil? now obviously she works outside the law, but only when it's carefully planned so she won't get caught. she always makes sure to keep the public face of being lawful good (even if everybody knows it's clearly not the case). would you guys count that as lawful? or is being lawful evil more about what you're willing to do, not how you want people to perceive you?

  • DeathMachineMiyagiDeathMachineMiyagi Member Posts: 120

    @DeathMachineMiyagi ^ that. how did you use a spoiler tag btw?

    Thoughts on Ceresi's alignment: neutral evil or lawful evil? now obviously she works outside the law, but only when it's carefully planned so she won't get caught. she always makes sure to keep the public face of being lawful good (even if everybody knows it's clearly not the case). would you guys count that as lawful? or is being lawful evil more about what you're willing to do, not how you want people to perceive you?

    Just put spoiler in brackets: [ ], then close it off with /spoiler in brackets at the end.

    And I would call Cersei, along with Littlefinger, one of the two best examples of Neutral Evil in the series. Lawful Evil, for me, means someone who is ruthless but for whom some set of rules or code has importance to them. It may not be the actual law, just their own personal code, but they nevertheless try and abide by it.

    Cersei has no code or ideal. She doesn't give a crap about rules or tradition or law except insofar as it advances her interests, but neither does she show the flagrant contempt for the very idea of it seen by the Chaotic Evil Joffrey or Clegane or Ramsay. She uses the rules when they benefit her and rides right over them when they get in her way.

    So yeah, Neutral Evil to the hilt, in my eyes.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited November 2012
    I like this topic. But I'm much more interested in discussing class than in having yet another "alignment war".

    The problem with trying to analogize Game of Thrones (GoT) to D&D, is that it is a very, very low magic setting. What little magic there is, is almost universally evil in nature.

    The only possible exception I can think of is Danaerys, who, with her dragons, would probably have to be her own special prestige class (bard/red dragon disciple, maybe, with a special "summon pseudodragons" innate ability, with upgrades to "summon young dragon, summon adolescent dragon", etc. up to whatever age of dragon at epic level.)

    The only thing left is to peg the magical villains (not very many of those), and to distribute the main characters, both hero and villain, between fighter, ranger, paladin, and rogue.

    I think that, despite how interesting it is, the comparison is going to fail in the area of spellcasters. The fact that we are trying to compare a high-magic world (D&D), with a VERY low-magic world (Game of Thrones), is going to limit the quality of any analogies. Is there even a single "Wise Old Man" archetype who actually wields powerful magic (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Belgarath, Allanon, Gandalf, Zeddicus, etc., etc.) in the entire Martin franchise?
  • BaldursCatBaldursCat Member Posts: 432
    edited November 2012

    Is there even a single "Wise Old Man" archetype who actually wields powerful magic (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Belgarath, Allanon, Gandalf, Zeddicus, etc., etc.) in the entire Martin franchise?

    I suspect the closest to that archetype are the Maesters: Pycelle, Aemon and Luwin. Of the three Pycelle perhaps fitted the image the best but, Aemon is possibly the most likely candidate given his heritage. Again though whether he was in possession of magic is questionable.

  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I think it would be interesting to potentially portray Jaime as a fallen Paladin, one who is trying to regain his status.

    The Night's Watch traditionally wear ring-mail.

    It's pretty much the only reliable source of metal armour for the wildlings.
  • kansasbarbariankansasbarbarian Member Posts: 206
    Khal Drogo did not live long enough. He was one bad ass barbarian. Great series by the way. Most of the above responses are spot on.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    edited November 2012
    I would definately put Jon Snow as a stalker, but not sure if i would give him low wis and int. Perhaps averageish? EDIT: Sure, he is a bit naive at times, but he seems to grasp things pretty quick, perhaps low INT, med WIS?
  • BaldursCatBaldursCat Member Posts: 432
    How about Ser Davos, the Onion Knight? Any suggestions on how his conversion from pirate to knight might stack up? I'm not sure you can dual class rogue / paladin ;)
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054

    I would definately put Jon Snow as a stalker, but not sure if i would give him low wis and int. Perhaps averageish? EDIT: Sure, he is a bit naive at times, but he seems to grasp things pretty quick, perhaps low INT, med WIS?

    He is actually pretty savvy with tactics, I would say average to high INT with a slightly lower WIS.

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I think that the entire Stark family (except for the married-in Catelyn) has to have either Ranger or Druid in their class description, because of those dire wolf animal companions. I guess that would make Arya a Ranger-Thief (is there any such multiclass in the game? oh well), because I agree that Arya definitely has to be some kind of Rogue. Maybe she's a straight Rogue with a special innate "summon animal companion" ability because of her family genetic gifts.

    Now, Catelyn's sister strikes me as a kind of witch or sorceress, and probably her son, too. And that would make Catelyn some form of mage. Although, in this world, good magic seems to be at such low ebb, that good "magic-sensitive" characters don't get any actual spells. That would make Sansa take after her mother, and also be a repressed mage.

    Wouldn't it be cool if Catelyn, Arya, and Sansa all spontaneously started to develop magical abilities as the world they live in becomes aware that "Winter is coming...", complete with a "zombie apocalypse" style undead attack.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    decado said:

    I would definately put Jon Snow as a stalker, but not sure if i would give him low wis and int. Perhaps averageish? EDIT: Sure, he is a bit naive at times, but he seems to grasp things pretty quick, perhaps low INT, med WIS?

    He is actually pretty savvy with tactics, I would say average to high INT with a slightly lower WIS.

    Yeah, I swithced WIS and INT by mistake
  • allhailsteveallhailsteve Member Posts: 210
    Arya would be an assassin and a very good one too. I think Catelyn would be a cleric; her faith in the seven is very important to her and she goes on a crusade to punish those who wronged her family in the later books.
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    Tyrion should be bard. He is smart, talkative, use to entertain people, womanizer...
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Mathuzzz, a dwarven bard! Awesome idea. I dislike the arbitrary racial restrictions in BG, and I love exotic-race characters who go against type, like Khelgar and his desire to become a monk in NWN2.

    Tyrion as a bard - that's dead-on in my book. Remember, not all bards are musical bards. Many of them are actors, story-tellers, entertainers, and jesters. The one common thread for bards is that they are supposed to be n'er-do-well types who are allergic to hard work, get by on charm and wit, and love sensual pleasures. Yep, Tyrion.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054

    @Mathuzzz, a dwarven bard! Awesome idea. I dislike the arbitrary racial restrictions in BG, and I love exotic-race characters who go against type, like Khelgar and his desire to become a monk in NWN2.

    Tyrion as a bard - that's dead-on in my book. Remember, not all bards are musical bards. Many of them are actors, story-tellers, entertainers, and jesters. The one common thread for bards is that they are supposed to be n'er-do-well types who are allergic to hard work, get by on charm and wit, and love sensual pleasures. Yep, Tyrion.

    No need for him to be a dwarf, he is of course still human. Just a slightly different one from the normal perception of human.

  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    decado said:

    @Mathuzzz, a dwarven bard! Awesome idea. I dislike the arbitrary racial restrictions in BG, and I love exotic-race characters who go against type, like Khelgar and his desire to become a monk in NWN2.

    Tyrion as a bard - that's dead-on in my book. Remember, not all bards are musical bards. Many of them are actors, story-tellers, entertainers, and jesters. The one common thread for bards is that they are supposed to be n'er-do-well types who are allergic to hard work, get by on charm and wit, and love sensual pleasures. Yep, Tyrion.

    No need for him to be a dwarf, he is of course still human. Just a slightly different one from the normal perception of human.

    Let´s say halfling.
  • BaldursCatBaldursCat Member Posts: 432
    Qyburn: Necromancer

    There's no direct evidence
    Qyburn - the Maester stripped of his chain who Cersei appoints to replace Maester Pycelle, is a mage - however, there is suggestion that he's had contact with the Qartheen Warlocks, his permanently blue tinged lips from drinking Shade-of-the-Evening for example, and in A Feast for Crows, hints at dire experiments sanctioned by the Queen and overt scenes of very graphic torture. So I'd suggest he could be an NE necromancer, I'd go for a high CHA score on account of him being able to manipulate Cersei so completely, high INT & WIS, taking into account his studies to become a Maester, but I think he's very likely to have low STR, CON & DEX scores.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054

    Qyburn: Necromancer

    There's no direct evidence

    Qyburn - the Maester stripped of his chain who Cersei appoints to replace Maester Pycelle, is a mage - however, there is suggestion that he's had contact with the Qartheen Warlocks, his permanently blue tinged lips from drinking Shade-of-the-Evening for example, and in A Feast for Crows, hints at dire experiments sanctioned by the Queen and overt scenes of very graphic torture. So I'd suggest he could be an NE necromancer, I'd go for a high CHA score on account of him being able to manipulate Cersei so completely, high INT & WIS, taking into account his studies to become a Maester, but I think he's very likely to have low STR, CON & DEX scores.
    It's looking increasing like Qyburn created Ser Robert Strong via some bizarre process which involved innocents suffering until he 'used them up', usually women. Ser Robert Strong is looking very much like a Frankenstein's monster/golem type creation. Necromancer is a good fit for him in this low magic world IMO.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
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