Help with eekeeper multi class pls
Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 155
I'm trying to make my character almost godly.
Basically, I am trying to use a Paladin/Spellcaster/Best Thief class multi class. I want to utilise the best side of each of those 3 classes and make a godly class that could wreck anything. I do not know much about eekeeper except some basic save editing I did, so I need a big help with that. My main aims are:
1. Be able to use Carsomyr. (I'm guessing as long as one is a Paladin of any sort it will work?).
2. Being able to use any of the Abilities/magics or as many as possible at least, and being able to use priest and mage spells?
3. Being able to use any item, without class restrictions.
4. And I guess all advantages of all classes and no disadvantages would be great.
5. And other crazy stuff.
Thanks in advice for help.
Basically, I am trying to use a Paladin/Spellcaster/Best Thief class multi class. I want to utilise the best side of each of those 3 classes and make a godly class that could wreck anything. I do not know much about eekeeper except some basic save editing I did, so I need a big help with that. My main aims are:
1. Be able to use Carsomyr. (I'm guessing as long as one is a Paladin of any sort it will work?).
2. Being able to use any of the Abilities/magics or as many as possible at least, and being able to use priest and mage spells?
3. Being able to use any item, without class restrictions.
4. And I guess all advantages of all classes and no disadvantages would be great.
5. And other crazy stuff.
Thanks in advice for help.
1: Make your character a Fighter/Mage/[Thief/Cleric] level 0/0/0, with 15 points in the skill of your choice if you're a thief, and 1 hitpoint.
2: Set their kit to Kensai. In Effects use "Add Kit: Kensai level 1-2".
3: Add Effect: Item: Can Use Any Item [302] self, permanent, constant = 1.
4: Optional: Set their Two Handed Sword proficiencies and two handed style to 5 and 2 respectively.
Your F/M/T can now use any item, including Carsomyr, cast a bunch of spells, hits like a beast, and has full thief progression.
Alternative 1:
Be an M/T swashbuckler instead. Set their attacks per round to 3. Do 3 and 4 above.
Same thing, except they also get level 9 spells, dodge better and hit slightly less hard.
Alternative 2:
Be an M/C Cleric of Talos instead. Set their attacks per round to 3. Do 3 and 4 above.
Same thing, except they get level 9 and level 7 spells instead of thief abilities and don't hit as hard or accurately.
1: Want to use Carsomyr, no problem, just add Use Any Item to the Inate Abilities section, give it 1 charge, then use the charge from special abilities and BAM, you can use any item like a thief including Carsomyr.
2: Spell lists are easy to add, however if you wish to avoid the requirement to manually add more as you level then you will need to select a multi-class combo that gets all the spells, note this may add in some negatives since, for example, selecting cleric will lock you out of non-blunt weapons. Even if use any item allows you to use them, the game engine will prevent you placing proficiency slots in non-blunt weapons so you will be severely gimped.
3: See point 1, easy to do.
4: it's hit and miss for whether or not all abilities will work if you manually add them in via EE Keeper. Your HLA pool will be based on the multi-class combo, not the kits selected, but of course you could manually add in specific HLA's.
5: Pretty much anything can be done, but you may need to look beyond EE Keeper, it does have limits
Based on what you want i'll say you have 2 major problems, 1st is working out how to add in Cleric spells without restricting your weapon choices, 2nd is deciding what basic multi-class combo you wish to go with. I think you have to pick between FMT and FMC, but 1st 1 has no cleric spells and 2nd 1 has no thieving abilities, lol.
2: You strip.
3: You cast Ghost Armour and wear the Robe of Vecna, which is better anyway, if a tad garish.
Also, is there any set effect that gives complete immunity to imprisonment and insta kill type of spells? Or rather Abjuration if that was the name.
There's no item that gives abjuration immunity, but Spell Immunity can, can be cast from a scroll in armour, and there's also Berserk, which you can add innates from.
You could probably add some cleric/druid spells to a FMT by giving innate spells through EEKeeper as well. I have never tried to add these so unsure whether it works, but worth a try. I have added a class spell to a themed charname (IE: Poison to a Bounty Hunter) and this worked well.
Also, you can specialise one of your class types (Beserker for your Fighter or Assassin for you Thief etc). Another option is to set your class as an Assassin and give yourself Beserk in the innate spells. You can be both.
Word of warning though, by doing all this, it is unlikely you will finish the game due to getting bored... No challenge.
Not every needle is found in a haystack
Edit: OK, I am currently running a M/T so I thought I would try adding some cleric spells. No problems in adding the innate spells Shapecahnge:(tried a couple), Paladin Lay on Hands and Enrage. All work mostly without problems. For the shapechange, I had to give myself Shapechange: Normal Form as I couldn't get out of the first shape...
Also tried adding some cleric spellls in the cleric book: Bless, Silence 15', and Cure Disease. None showed up in the Cleric book itself, but were available to cast in the known spells area. Once the spell ran out, it seemed lost and didn't relearn on rest, but if I gave myself a couple and used all but 1, they were 'relearned' to full quantity. You would need to add spells for each level you increase oORRRrrrr give them all at once and use your godly skills at level 1 (Of couse, the Paladin being Lawful Good wouldn't do this but the Thief being Chaotic prob would, the mage being Neutral would just sit back and watch - split personalities)...
Oh no, restartitis is kicking in... Thoughts of a new character are forming My Cleric/Thief [Enak Nomolos which is Solomon Kane backwards] now a Fighter/Thief having access to certain clerical spells AND his precious Sword/daggers, all doing the work of his God of course!