NWN: official sequel to SoD?
It occurs to me that Siege of Dragonspear was left with loose ends (e.g. Soultaker Dagger and Chrystal Casket) to set up a sequel. However, as SoD was not as well received as hoped an Infinity Engine follow-up (aka BG3) looks unlikely.
However, a sequel could be done as an official expansion to NWNEE. Beamdog presumably still own story treatments, even though some of the writers have changed.
However, a sequel could be done as an official expansion to NWNEE. Beamdog presumably still own story treatments, even though some of the writers have changed.
I doubt, though, there will be a sequel to SoD which is the interim between BG1 and BG2 considering how it ends and how BG2 starts. Where do you mean you would fit in the story?
This was clearly intended to set up a sequel to SoD (not a sequel to Baldur's Gate), otherwise why bother with such an elaborate scenario?
Since the protagonist of this story wouldn't be the protagonist of the Baldur's Gate saga, it doesn't matter where it "fits" in relation to BG2. It could take place immediately after SoD, so as to use Corwin as a major NPC, and therefore occur simultaneously with BG2, but involving different characters in a different part of the world; or it could occur hundreds of years later (200 years would be the FR "present") since the body is indefinitely preserved.
BG2 is a sequel to BG1. Dragonspear is an original story tagged onto BG1 because Hasbro won't licence new games using 2nd edition rules.
That's why some people had issues with SoD: it's not part of the Bhaalspawn's story, it's someone else's story that the Bhaalspawn happend to stumble into (and out of).
And Skae could be returned half way through and turns out having that happen is bad for you and comes back not quite right, "Daddy I'm home" than when he hugs her BAM she shivs him "whoops...sorry Daddy I slipped".