SOU Axeclusion

How out of line am I for wanting to buy a dwarven waraxe, for my dwarven waraxe specialist, at the first smithy?
I am aware it's a 'new' weapon, in that it was added in the expansion, but I also figured since I was playing the expansion I'd be good to go.
This seems like such a niche case it could easily be an oversight.
I am aware it's a 'new' weapon, in that it was added in the expansion, but I also figured since I was playing the expansion I'd be good to go.
This seems like such a niche case it could easily be an oversight.
No magic axes in Act 1 it seems.
You could create a character in another module, give them an appropriate weapon, then import them into the OC.
Importing a high level character with a Dwarven Waraxe gives you exactly that. But the loot drops that contain your favored weapon default to longsword in SOU.
IF there was a module that allowed a low level character to finish with a magic dwaxe, I might consider importing.
As I said, it's a very niche thing.
Thankfully in you can spawn whatever weapon you want with the console. If a chest gives you a crappy longsword instead of your focused weapon, load up the toolset and write down the tag (Technically it asks for the ResRef of the item, but editing a copy of the item changes that, and all of Bioware's default items seem to have the same tag as their ResRef) of a Dwarven Waraxe of similar quality to the Longsword you've found. Once you have your tag, go back to your save and open the console using ~ and type DebugMode 1, hit enter, and type in dm_spawnitem item while replacing replacing item with the tag of the item you want, and it should spawn on the ground under your cursor. When it does, type DebugMode 0 to exit DebugMode so that those pesky yellow triggers get out of your face.
This is technically cheating and you'll have to do it every time you want to replace your Waraxe, but it may be unavoidable if you want to use one. Also its moreso the developer's fault for not having the feat be unselectable in the campaign when there aren't any Dwarven Waraxes available to find or buy.
Anyway, I hope my post was helpful.
Adding a few new items couldn't be that much work could it? And if anyone wants to remind other modules already does that...yes I'm well aware thats possible, but it's not the point=p
But I'm fully expecting it not to be a priority change, because it affects only a few characters.
I've also heard the idea that this weapon should be in a 'Dwarf' weapon proficency category. which I'm still undecided on.
Many other fixes should be done like Palemaster class fix so instead of only getting new spell slots every 2nd Lvl it should also increase caster Lvl, because your spells don't advance and taking Palemaster at low Lvl's is lame.
But where talking about weapons here so definitely that needs to be addressed because what if you wanna try something funny like run around the OC with a Whip and go full on Indiana Jones on Gulnan or charge at Klauth with your new +3 Trident, Dester or Fenthic could use a good Whippin.
Someone should upload a Vid of NWN 1 "Klauth gets a Whippin", I wonder how long they'd last before Klauth uses Power Word Kill, lol.