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Playing on high resolution screens

Dear all,

I have a question for the developers. Game description says: "Native support for high resolution widescreen displays".

Does this mean that the original graphics have been upscaled to higher definition, or simply that the game would run on any resolution?

I have tried in the past to play the original BG with widescreen mod (a user modification that allows to play the original game on any resolution higher than 800*600), and that was hardly possible because the characters on a 15-inch 1920*1280 screen were simply too small.

Could the developers please clarify whether the resolution of Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition graphics is different with respect to the original graphics?



  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    The graphics haven't been upscaled to high-definition.

    What BGEE does is have the GUI scale with your resolution and implement a zoom feature for the stuff in the action window.
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12
    Tanthalas said:

    What BGEE does is have the GUI scale with your resolution and implement a zoom feature for the stuff in the action window.

    Would the zoom be pixellated then?
  • TheCoffeeGodTheCoffeeGod Member Posts: 618
    fabboz said:

    Would the zoom be pixellated then?

    Though I haven't seen it myself yet, they implimented a new filter through OpenGL and apparently, the zoom doesn't pixelate.

  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    It upscales to each resolution, it's not high-definition but it supports resolutions without pixelating.
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12
    Mornmagor said:

    It upscales to each resolution, it's not high-definition but it supports resolutions without pixelating.

    Glad to hear. Could the developers post some image of what would the zoom look like on high resolution (i.e. 1920*1280 or so)?

  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    Though I haven't seen it myself yet, they implimented a new filter through OpenGL and apparently, the zoom doesn't pixelate.

    Not really sure what you mean by doesn't pixelate.

    But the truth is that zooming in will not magically create information to display, so the graphics will be as pixelated as they were in the original game.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    PhillipDaigle has already announced that they'll be releasing new media on the day the pre-loading starts (22nd I believe). I think some of that new media includes 1080 screenshots.
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12
    Tanthalas said:

    But the truth is that zooming in will not magically create information to display, so the graphics will be as pixelated as they were in the original game.

    That is what I would expect as well...
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12
    Tanthalas said:


    PhillipDaigle has already announced that they'll be releasing new media on the day the pre-loading starts (22nd I believe). I think some of that new media includes 1080 screenshots.

    Good news...
  • KenyonKenyon Member Posts: 142
    @fabboz Unfortunately most art assets were lost, so they can't re-render them in high resolution (they would have to rebuild them from scratch). As someone already said, instead they built in a shader to make the graphics look better, and there's a zoom function to avoid the problem of miniature avatars you get at high resolutions.

    Funnily enough, there's a lot of skepticism from some people who say: "Well, the widescreen mod already exists!" even though the BG:EE engine does much more than that.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Indeed. Compare a BGEE screenshot with a Widescreen mod screenshot. The difference is very much obvious. Widescreen mod tends to fry my brain with its micro-buttons >.<
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12
    Kenyon said:

    As someone already said, instead they built in a shader to make the graphics look better, and there's a zoom function to avoid the problem of miniature avatars you get at high resolutions.

    Well I guess that once high resolution screenshots will be posted we will be able to check how the "shader" you mentioned works.

    However I am a bit skeptical on how efficiently you can create information. Any developer to shed light on how this shader works?
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12

    Indeed. Compare a BGEE screenshot with a Widescreen mod screenshot. The difference is very much obvious. Widescreen mod tends to fry my brain with its micro-buttons >.<</p>


    Where is this comparison available?

  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @fabboz : I can take a Widescreen mod screenshot and post both pictures, one moment.
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12

    @fabboz : I can take a Widescreen mod screenshot and post both pictures, one moment.


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    You can't post BGEE pictures. >_>
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    edited November 2012
    @Tanthalas : I know, what I meant "take Widescreen mod pictures in comparison to screenshots of BGEE available" :P

    Here's the comparison @fabboz :

    Shadows of Amn with Widescreen Mod with 1280 x 720 resolution :


    BGEE screenshot number two from the Baldur's Gate site


    Now keep in mind that the picture I took of SoA is *only* 720p. If it was 1080, the buttons would be smaller yet.

    Edit : also notice text size, portrait size... well, it makes you less brain-fryiy :P
  • KenyonKenyon Member Posts: 142
    The thing is, I don't mind graphics being a bit pixelated at all. I never did. Unfortunately, the rise of LCD monitors caused something a lot worse when switching resolutions: fuzzy pictures. I'd rather have sharp and a bit pixelated than fuzzy.
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12

    Now keep in mind that the picture I took of SoA is *only* 720p. If it was 1080, the buttons would be smaller yet.

    I hoped you would post two 1080p pictures...
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    edited November 2012
    @fabboz : there are currently no shots of BGEE on 1080p available as far as I know. This is currently the best comparison you could get for the moment. But as Tanthalas mentioned, the GUI in BGEE scales with the resolution. It doesn't do so with Widescreen mod, where all the menus are letterboxed to 640x480 I believe.
    Edit : or better, not letterboxed, but rather, surrounded with black bars on every direction.
  • fabbozfabboz Member Posts: 12

    there are currently no shots of BGEE on 1080p available as far as I know

    If is there any developer following this discussion, could he post some 1080p screenshots?
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    Like I mentioned earlier, there will be new screenshots on the 22nd, and they should include 1080p ones.
  • KietzelKietzel Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2012
    fabboz said:

    If is there any developer following this discussion, could he post some 1080p screenshots?

    Tanthalas said:

    PhillipDaigle has already announced that they'll be releasing new media on the day the pre-loading starts (22nd I believe). I think some of that new media includes 1080 screenshots.

  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201
    Kenyon said:

    The thing is, I don't mind graphics being a bit pixelated at all. I never did. Unfortunately, the rise of LCD monitors caused something a lot worse when switching resolutions: fuzzy pictures. I'd rather have sharp and a bit pixelated than fuzzy.

    right, that is true. And in most cases, color loss, unless you've a higher end LCD. The iPads seem to have more of an IPS display, but my PC monitor is 26 or 27" planar TN, decent color but nothing like the iPad display.
    But if you can't stand the upscaling distortion, I guess the only option is to hunt down a 21" or so quality CRT. I had one for many years. BG looked all washed out when switching from that to a TN LCD.

  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012

    Can you zoom in/out at will, or is the zoom level automatically set based on resolution?
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    There's a set zoom level based on resolution, but you can zoom at will.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Tanthalas said:

    There's a set zoom level based on resolution, but you can zoom at will.

    Based on what you've been saying in other threads, it sounds like the characters scale up pretty well. The screen shots released so far have the characters zoomed & upscaled and they look quite good considering what is being zoomed.

  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I'm pretty sure that most if not all screenshots are at the default zoom level. You can still zoom further in or out than what has been shown.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I should be completely happy with that then. I like what I've seen so far :)
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I wonder how many times @Tanthalas will have to say "they will be released on the 22nd" it will take to stop the "Can we see a 1080 P screenshot now? How about Now? How about Now?"

    The good thing : BG:EE download on the US day of giving thanks = one more reason to be thankful!
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