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Do you edit/mod party npc?

Ohai dere

I often edit Valygar.. either into a Wizard Slayer, for how it fits.. and then dual to thief, because that's simply a lovely combo.. other times, i change him to fighter/thief multi.
Or.. i swap his kit to Archer. I dunno why exactly, but he doesn't feel very ranger'y to me.. even with his constant whispering... I just call him Valy Whisper.

Others i sometimes swap:
Mazzy to Archer
De-level Sarevok to 13 and dual to thief or mage
Imoen to T/M or Bard

NPC from Mod:
Fade to F/T
Isra to Cleric (I rarely need yet another frontliner, in addition to main char, brother dearest and Mr Whisper.)

Just me, or ya'll got some "issues" you need to iron out with the npcs?


  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    Minsc would suit better as a Berserker. He's not stealthy enough for a Ranger thanks to his war cry, and fights better in full plate.

    Jaheira as a Fighter/Avenger plays better than plain Fighter/Druid (though it's not a legitimate class combo).

    Mazzy should be a Paladin of Arvoreen, probably a Cavalier. I'd like to see her being able to wield the Carsomyr.

    And Edwin probably would've been better as a plain mage than a conjurer.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    I always use Minsc as a Barbarian and usually Nalia as a Bard.
  • Yulaw9460Yulaw9460 Member Posts: 634
    edited November 2018
    Post edited by Yulaw9460 on
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    I never change anything except Imoen (mage/thief) to make her consistent for my EET plays for the complete game.
    Mod NPCs are always taken as the author designed them - those people spend effort and love into creating their work and I respect that, I'm not super-wise to change what they envisionend.
  • GarrusN7GarrusN7 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 155
    I've modded Jaheira into Tyrande using EEKEEPER for appearance and stats, and used override for her portrait. As a romance option, she is perfect. Tho, I might have to mod her class to something different than Druid because of how crap the class is.

  • RakhsevRakhsev Member Posts: 11
    Nope. To me it's just cheating and breaks immersion, and I like the headache of finding the right group of banter and combat capacities.

    Now I agree some proficiencies are tough to live with, but secondary characters are better with a flawed build.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Only one - Khalid. The ability came with the mod, and since that time Khalid in my party is a fighter/mage with bow specialization. That way mechanically his low morale does not matter and he actually become quite useful, no need to separate the couple. And from RP perspective it justifies his "wussiness" - otherwise unexplainable from an experiences warrior. (As a source of banters - addressed to him or about him - he is good too, and I am very thankful to Domi (as I recall it was her idea) for that change).
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Nalia as kensage is wonderful, and rp wise a noble trained as fighter makes better sense than a noble trained as thief. Aerie cleric of Lathander then dualed to mage is really interesting, but as elf she should not be able to dual. Minsk has not the stats to be a ranger, as berseker is perfect. As bards are really nerfed in ee, or better their song is, as its aoe is now ridiculous and is almost impossible to use the cast and sing strategy, that in not ee was quite easy to do using autopause, i probably will try him as ft, mt or fm.

    When i change npcs i change their stats, only to give them legit stats for the dual or multi, dropping the stats that i choose and respecting the original total. If a stat is not needed for the build i keep it as it is and i dont boost it.

    I fail to grasp the reason why a legit build of Nalia kensage would be a cheat and the wise cleric Anomen, the unkillable vampyre and the mage with that special amulet are not.
    Or why to start a multiplayer with a kensage companion with far better stats then Nalias ones would be more legit than use eekeeper with her.

    I almost always change the spells my beloved Tashia (mod elven sorcerer) knows.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I'm currently playing with Kivan and Alora's bg2 mods , where he's an archer and she's a swashbuckler. I edited them back to unkitted versions because I think that archers are too powerful and I dislike the idea of making alora a swashie hence the fact that she doesn't act like one.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2017
    You know, come to think of it, Nalia would be (RP and setting-wise) be more believable as a bard - a noble born maiden, definitely taught music, dancing, manners, history and so on. A little magic would fit as well (well educated). Khalid is forever FM for me (and range DD only) as I sad, Xan with his sword and story feels more as FM too (though more melee oriented), Minsc definitely a berserk, Safana at least needs some kit (too ... everything (or just pretentious) for a simple thief), Aerie is a mage specialist (Enchanter?) for all her history and banters, Anomen had to switch class to become a Paladin if knighted and just a fighter if failed, Haxxat is more assassin than a thief, and Sarevok needs a special kit in some "black-anti-paladin" direction.

    Though, all of this just a feelings, the way I see our beloved companions.
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