hi all, i am so exciting to hear return of NWN1 and overwhelm with questions
will they have classic fan-made modules and custom creatures that were made years ago?
many are too awesome and hope to see them back.
i already put on Steam's wishlist to wait for official announcement.
will they work with old custom mod if i have stack of creator's projects on my dvd i saved from years ago? mostly light effects, crystals, and creatures that didnt made by Biowares, some are prefab buildings.
or it will be all newly rebuilt tool mods? it's that made my files outdated or not compatable?
there are few creatures that i like to see, strange floating robed being, wearing muse mask, in form of energy without flesh. if not i hope someone who can make them.
many are too awesome and hope to see them back.
i already put on Steam's wishlist to wait for official announcement.
will they work with old custom mod if i have stack of creator's projects on my dvd i saved from years ago? mostly light effects, crystals, and creatures that didnt made by Biowares, some are prefab buildings.
or it will be all newly rebuilt tool mods? it's that made my files outdated or not compatable?
there are few creatures that i like to see, strange floating robed being, wearing muse mask, in form of energy without flesh. if not i hope someone who can make them.
From what I've heard most things made for classic NWN should work with EE as well, and a lot of great stuff has also been made in the recent years. I think with the Alternate Combat Animations you could make a floating robed creature.
If you join the head start and purchase the game through beamdog, you can give feedback and requests about the game and their progress.
Once it releases officially, you can ask them for a Steam Key so it can be in your library there.