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Give us a 'story mode' for the OC please

Some of the encounters in SoU are way too difficult, even on the easiest game setting. There's way too much debuffing and crowd-control from certain mobs (looking at you, Library encounters), and the henchmen are particularly useless here. It's frustrating, not fun. Make 'easy' easier, or give us a story mode please.


  • AncarionAncarion Member Posts: 155
    That might be too huge an undertaking, but there's always Debug mode... Type "~DebugMode 1" then "dm_god" and you're guaranteed to defeat any encounter, eventually.
  • oakheartoakheart Member Posts: 66
    That's a good tip, thanks
  • ZwerkulesZwerkules Member Posts: 112
    While you have debug mode activated you can also point at containers, doors and creatures and press ctrl and y to kill/destroy them. If this changes with keyboard layout, try ctrl and z.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    my issue with dm god is it tends to turn off during screen transitions. atlest it did that in 2.

    i know this iis about the first game but does ctrl y work in 2 as well?
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    If you want to do story mode, you can also just level up a character to 40 with PGCC (Pretty good character creator) and stock him with heal potions and uber items, then just import him into SoU and proceed to decimate the campaign.
  • KingSean17KingSean17 Member Posts: 6
    SoU is not hard. In fact, all the campaigns are extremely easy.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385

    SoU is not hard. In fact, all the campaigns are extremely easy.

    Some classes have a harder time in lower Levels than others, when I play I'm usually a Wizard or Wizard cross and depending on someone's choices they may not have what they need to survive.

    But I know what you mean most of the enemies are weak so last time I played the enemies bored me and so I upgraded most of them 1 or 2 Levels and gave them some gear and some enemies didn't even have proper stats so I changed that and I had a better experience, I did go overboard on the Dragons in the OC and upgraded their innate abilities and added more like Spell Breach and Lvl 6 Heal spell, I definitely had to work harder than.

    I also changed the lesser mobs so they had varied classes to support each other.
  • TorgrimmerTorgrimmer Member Posts: 331
    Personally i think story-mode takes a piece of the fun out of the game. I mean, I know some just want to enjoy the story and Lore, but story-mode is like the a sad excuse of today's generation of so-called safe spaces. The easy setting in NWN:EE, in my opinion compared to the story-modes in Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, ect. is about the same, it does not need to be dumb down any more, if you think it needs to be you may just be lazy in my opinion.
  • TorgrimmerTorgrimmer Member Posts: 331
    ildaron said:

    Personally i think story-mode takes a piece of the fun out of the game. I mean, I know some just want to enjoy the story and Lore, but story-mode is like the a sad excuse of today's generation of so-called safe spaces. The easy setting in NWN:EE, in my opinion compared to the story-modes in Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, ect. is about the same, it does not need to be dumb down any more, if you think it needs to be you may just be lazy in my opinion.

    I personally believe insulting others due to how they choose to play a single player game indicates an ego, slightly smaller than the average feline. If someone wants to simply play a game, what is it to you? Because Neverwinter Nights is old school, lets remember some old school advice from Thumper's Father, "If you do not have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all." :*
    Dude, I gave my opinion, here in America, i have the freedom of thought and expression, I do respect yours. I might not agree with yours and i will be honest, I dont, but you have the God given right to have it and I respect you to have it, now plz i expect you to not to step all over my rights, and give me the same respect, weather you agree with me or not.

    In the forums we have the right given my Beamdog to voice our agreement or disagreement with each other and I stand to my opinion that i believe story-mode is a waste of time, but i will say, the way i communicated it, I went over board and was disrespectful and for that I am sorry.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666

    ildaron said:

    Personally i think story-mode takes a piece of the fun out of the game. I mean, I know some just want to enjoy the story and Lore, but story-mode is like the a sad excuse of today's generation of so-called safe spaces. The easy setting in NWN:EE, in my opinion compared to the story-modes in Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, ect. is about the same, it does not need to be dumb down any more, if you think it needs to be you may just be lazy in my opinion.

    I personally believe insulting others due to how they choose to play a single player game indicates an ego, slightly smaller than the average feline. If someone wants to simply play a game, what is it to you? Because Neverwinter Nights is old school, lets remember some old school advice from Thumper's Father, "If you do not have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all." :*
    Dude, I gave my opinion, here in America, i have the freedom of thought and expression, I do respect yours. I might not agree with yours and i will be honest, I dont, but you have the God given right to have it and I respect you to have it, now plz i expect you to not to step all over my rights, and give me the same respect, weather you agree with me or not.

    In the forums we have the right given my Beamdog to voice our agreement or disagreement with each other and I stand to my opinion that i believe story-mode is a waste of time, but i will say, the way i communicated it, I went over board and was disrespectful and for that I am sorry.
    and i have the right to disagree with you.

    there is nothing wrong with adding a story diffculty. obsidean does it with both poe and tyrrany. and it's optional and won't effect you. let people play how they want or do you want god mod removed as well?
  • oakheartoakheart Member Posts: 66
    Leaving aside the 'that escalated quickly' comments, I still think there's a valid place for story mode, or equivalent, in the OC. Thanks to the constructive posters.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
  • Dreadlord_AnwynDreadlord_Anwyn Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2018
    One can also play through a mod geared for your class off the vault or whatnot and then save the character and start SOU with that character. If you're well into SOU and dont want to start over, you can godmode edit the character to get an extra level or boost their con to 20 or something, heh. I did that with a ranger assassin once but I overdid it, giving her scores of at least 18 in every ability score and like 100000 gold and enough levels to start as an assassin. Once I got the catharsis over with from the frustration I got bored quickly and found something else to do.
  • AlgusAlgus Member Posts: 2
    This game has some pretty robust debug tools. I don't disagree with the idea of story mode for those who want a simple toggle and can then enjoy the games but part of me feels like ya'll need to experience what it was like with PC games back in the day. If you weren't good enough to not get wrecked, you cheated your ass off with codes! :D
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited February 2018
    the debug mode is very annoying to use for me atlest. i'd rather have a story mode option as this is becoming norm in most crpg these days like it or not.
  • AnonySimonAnonySimon Member Posts: 28
    I personally wouldn't use the storymode, as it really isn't my style. But, I know alot of people who would appreciate it and as such would like to see it included as a difficulty setting.
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