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Beamdog Please Create Some Modules!!!

Well I have been playing the NWNEE Now since it went live, I Guess what? almost a month now. I heard Trent say on One of the Live Streams New Content is Kink....So Guys why not create Some new Modules to Play?? I Have a few Ideas I would Love to see Made into NWN Module. Baldur's Gate 2 Remake, IWD Remake, since we cant get the Source Code for a IWD2EE Why not do it on NWNEE.... Or how about some New Adventures Somewhere In the Forgotten Realms!!!!! Was wondering what Other Modules People would like to see????


  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    It isn’t live.
    Nwn has not been released yet.
    You are in a head start atm.

    There about hundreds of other modules you can play on nwvault.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited December 2017
    Try this list of lists of modules on the vault. There are well in excess of 3000 user made single player modules on there, so even these lists don't cover all of them but it is a pretty good starting point.

  • thruddthrudd Member Posts: 96
    Ohh I Know about the Vault I have been downloading Since the Beta went live Played Thus Far ( Eye of The Beholder, Against The Giants Just Started on BLACKGUARD Part 1.........) would just love to see some Great new Beamdog Modules as well. There is soooo Much content on NeverwinterVault its Crazy!!!!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Don't miss the Input board - . There's a card for a new premium module or campaign there :)
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    I expect that in time there will be BD or 3rd Party premium stuff for EE. I just put that link up so you had something to be going on with. If you do take a look at those lists I would suggest that you start with the list of Hall of Fame modules first. You are almost guaranteed to have a good time with those.

  • NytelockNytelock Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2017
    thrudd said:

    New Content is Kink....

    Only on Sinfar ;)

  • guitarbardguitarbard Member Posts: 6

    Don't miss the Input board - . There's a card for a new premium module or campaign there :)

    Oh thank goodness. I've been chomping at the bit for Witch's Wake to be finished. Shadowguard has potential, too. I also stumbled across a very old module called The Hex Coda that I haven't tried yet but that's piqued my interest. Maybe I'll install that now.
  • solod123solod123 Member Posts: 3
    After they start updating the tools and improving creation options, I think it would behoove Beamdog to release a module to show off the new design features. Kind of like the purpose of the original campaign that shipped with the game to show what the toolset was capable of.

    Since they are partnered with WOTC, how awesome would it be if they created a 5th edition campaign in NWN? My vote would be on starter set campaign, "The Lost Mines of Phandalin" or "Princes of the Apocalypse". Although I'm sure their is licensing issues so any new campaign set in the Forgotten Realms would be rad.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    My guess is that 5th edition would we way down the track given it would break a bunch of stuff, need new licensing, got all these bugs to fix, all these requests to sort out, etc.

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    @solod123 I agree, there's no point in releasing something with the same tools and same limitations as 1.69 but without even the PW enhancements. One of the streams mentioned NWN could look like Jade Empire at least and I think that would be the point to consider new content.

    I don't think 5e would be that hard to make obviously it wont be compatible with modules that use other rule systems. You can do most of it as a community mod just by deleting a large chunk of NWN classes, spells, and feats. Remove all skills and make a small set of proficiencies instead, set most spells to require concentration, remove metamagic, and lower spells known / spells per day, remove base attack bonus too. The hard part is defining when someone gets a feat/ability point and capping it at max 20 points without magic, since some things like feat/ability progression seem hard coded.
  • SaintPhillipSaintPhillip Member Posts: 59
    ...Ravenloft please =P
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited December 2017
    I don't want remakes of older adventures into a premium module (iwd, bg2) that's just stagnation for me.

    A big attraction of premium modules would be that they give creators access to more resources than they would have otherwise.
  • badstrrefbadstrref Member Posts: 124
    edited May 2018
    Post edited by badstrref on
  • cherryzerocherryzero Member Posts: 129
    badstrref said:

    I dont belive for a second that new premium modules would help make this game more popular, it will just diminish accusation of selling without added value. Im satisfied just by having master sever up and android/steam access will be enough as we only need humans to interact with in pw, tilesets and extras instead of modules, but beamdog do whatever they wanna do in the end

    In yesterday’s stream they said something along the lines of new beamdog created modules is one of the most requested features on trello.

    I could be wrong because I don’t have the data for it, but at least in its heyday- let’s say before the original vault closed down- single player content was the most popular part of the game.

    My guess would be more people prefer to load up a game and play awhile on their free time than commit to regular gaming sessions with a group of friends (as awesomely fun as that is).

    And even on persistent worlds, if you’re not logging in regularly or logging in more regularly than the people you meet in game, the level difference eventually makes it difficult to run around adventuring together.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I think it's more a case of people having their own odd quirks. A lot of folks play every day on an MMO to enjoy it as a single player experience.

    You have ppl that refuse to install any mods or play any modules or even a PW and instead only play the OC and slam it on forums.

    You also have those that religiously commit over 8 hours a day on PWs for 15 years.

    Even among PW players you have those that take 5 or 10 minutes to use a servers installer to get all the many gigabytes of new content, and you have those that refuse to play anything but vanilla servers.

    Among vanilla server players you probably have those that think they game should stay as it has always been. Those that use visual overrides, and those that want Beamdog to make new content or install the good haks for them.

    The trello voting thing itself is a bit odd. The more voted cards are the ones that were placed at the front, some near the back you have to scroll down for are technically phrased and might be wanted but not everyone realizes.

    I don't think ppl want redone character models with the old graphics or a new premium module with only content from 10 years ago. It's possible they just expect that's all part of it but then don't vote on the individual cards.

    Then you also have people that buy and don't play games.
  • SaintPhillipSaintPhillip Member Posts: 59
    edited December 2017

    badstrref said:

    I dont belive for a second that new premium modules would help make this game more popular, it will just diminish accusation of selling without added value. Im satisfied just by having master sever up and android/steam access will be enough as we only need humans to interact with in pw, tilesets and extras instead of modules, but beamdog do whatever they wanna do in the end

    In yesterday’s stream they said something along the lines of new beamdog created modules is one of the most requested features on trello.

    I could be wrong because I don’t have the data for it, but at least in its heyday- let’s say before the original vault closed down- single player content was the most popular part of the game.

    My guess would be more people prefer to load up a game and play awhile on their free time than commit to regular gaming sessions with a group of friends (as awesomely fun as that is).

    And even on persistent worlds, if you’re not logging in regularly or logging in more regularly than the people you meet in game, the level difference eventually makes it difficult to run around adventuring together.
    And this is why I personally think having trello voting responsible for the dev choices is a terrible idea.

    This will ultimately lead to the most requested things being for persistent worlds (and modding/constuction tools) and the people who play on them- because that is what is left of this community more or less as the people who were more into this as a single player experience have long since moved on leaving only the hardcore and 'elitist's' who spend the bulk of their time in PW's and could care less about the other experience.

    I personally dont like the pw's and many others played this game how I did (single/multiplayer running through adventures) so anything being done to make pw's 'better' isnt going to do anything for my experience- On the flip side anything done for single player is not going to do anything for the experience of those that play pw's...The problem is, their voice is loudest because they are the bulk of what has been left of the community...And it makes sense because pw's gave this game longevity and the friendships they made kept them playing and in the community while the rest of us moved on.

    If the bulk of the changes/fixes/additions are going to be geared towards pw's and there will be no real graphic enhancements and such- The playerbase isnt going to grow a whole lot beyond people who already play pws or have played them in the past plus a tiny bit of new blood...But essentially most people buying this will already be owners of Diamond

    This game could be HUGE and could benefit all play styles but the single player experience and visuals have to be as much of a priority as mod tools and things for pws... There isnt going to be a mad influx of new people to the game dying to join pw's when these days almost all games are multiplayer and a ton have pw's (or similar) already- Modding games and running servers is now commonplace (and with modern graphics and huge playerbases to boot) and if thats where the majority of work goes to appease the bulk of the community then I imagine most will not see the benefit of buying this who already didnt plan on it.

    Thats my opinion for whatever its worth.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I'd be all for it, but it seems like getting the pricing right could be tricky. It'd have to be enough so beamdog can actually make some money for putting in the time, but low enough not to alienate users into thinking it's a cash grab and feel like they're getting their money's worth. It's tough to say, how much would you pay for a professionally done module that has, I don't know maybe 20 hours of content? $5, $10, $20? $10 is probably the max most people would be willing to pay, but I could be wrong. I also have no idea what makes sense from beamdogs perspective, like hours spent on it.
  • SaintPhillipSaintPhillip Member Posts: 59
    edited December 2017

    I'd be all for it, but it seems like getting the pricing right could be tricky. It'd have to be enough so beamdog can actually make some money for putting in the time, but low enough not to alienate users into thinking it's a cash grab and feel like they're getting their money's worth. It's tough to say, how much would you pay for a professionally done module that has, I don't know maybe 20 hours of content? $5, $10, $20? $10 is probably the max most people would be willing to pay, but I could be wrong. I also have no idea what makes sense from beamdogs perspective, like hours spent on it.

    I dont know... Its a good and valid question though. What will the market bear in the age of DLC's and Steam sales? 10 years ago I would have said $20 but these days spending even $20 on a full game is unusual for me thanks to Steam/Humble Bundle and digital distribution (no need for companies to pay for printing boxes/instructions/CDs/distribution that costs fuel and workers to pay in manufacturing of the product)

    If I were the one calling the shots I would be making SOMETHING new to add right into the EE and give people on the fence in regards to content a reason to spend anything- Since honestly for someone focused solely on single/small group play this isnt really adding much atm that they cant get from Diamond.

    Then maybe continue the story of the included adventure in small DLC for maybe $5-$10/pop (but it wouldnt have to be 20 hours either)

    -Is it worth it for them to do that? dunno- At least people not interested in pw's would see a reason to grab this for twice the price of diamond (or buy this if they already have diamond)

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    @SaintPhillip I think you're misunderstanding how much there is for a PW player in terms of new stuff as in actually not seen before stuff. It's about even with the single player except that some servers have in terms of features much more done by the community or their own staff than what is shipped with EE. Even a lot of the fixes were ported from community fixes or fixed individually on various servers. The main server list is nice but the community has at least 2 of their own up and running since not too long after the Gamespy one went down.

    It's not nothing but it's not a situation of a huge payoff for PW players and only crumbs for single players. As a matter of fact some will buy the EE but continue on the Diamond version instead for the time being. It's just not that black and white, certainly not PW players being elitists either.
  • SaintPhillipSaintPhillip Member Posts: 59

    @SaintPhillip I think you're misunderstanding how much there is for a PW player in terms of new stuff as in actually not seen before stuff. It's about even with the single player except that some servers have in terms of features much more done by the community or their own staff than what is shipped with EE. Even a lot of the fixes were ported from community fixes or fixed individually on various servers. The main server list is nice but the community has at least 2 of their own up and running since not too long after the Gamespy one went down.

    It's not nothing but it's not a situation of a huge payoff for PW players and only crumbs for single players. As a matter of fact some will buy the EE but continue on the Diamond version instead for the time being. It's just not that black and white, certainly not PW players being elitists either.

    I wasnt meaning 'elitist' in a negative way btw nor with sarcasm- I say 'elitist's' since the bulk of the community are longtime players who've mostly stuck by the game. I know thats often used as an insult but that wasnt my intent so you know- I would call the creators of mods and people playing PW for any length of time to be the elitists and nothing in a bad way.

    The very fact some pople would buy this and keep playing on diamond isnt really a good thing either unless there are technical reasons for doing so (which I personally havnt had since it runs fantastic thus far)

    I'm also certain theres always two sides to every issue and the 'grass is greener on the other side' and clearly I'm looking at things from my 'side' of the issue (as a single player) so might not be seeing the bigger picture, just my own perspective.

    Just wanted to make sure you knew I wasnt trying to say "pw players are acting elitist' as an insult or anything. I see why it may have come across that way though.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Ya, some included extra content might be a nice way to sell some extra copies of the EE. Don't know if continuing any of the included modules like the OC is the way to go, though. I think I'd rather have something new.

    The 20 hours thing was just an arbitrary number to throw out there for how much people might be willing to pay for content. The question could have been for how much you'd pay for 10 hours of professionally done content. I'd assume this means stuff like voice acting and the like. But ya, you could rephrase it for any number of hours, 5-40 or whatever. It is definitely a delicate line to walk in how much do you charge for that. If beamdog does do some custom content, I do hope they give a rough estimate of the time to play it, just to help with deciding if it's enough for people to want to pay for it. Even if it's vaguish on the amount, like 15-25 hours, depending on how much you do and read.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    @SaintPhillip I'm sorry I misunderstood your use of elitist then. You're right the modders and PW folk are very dedicated and continued to develop and support the game when official support ended.

    Dedicated modders and players have already had unofficial versions of some things new to EE for a while now. NWShader is an example, it has depth of field but also motion blur, bloom, high dynamic range, glow maps, normal maps, material effects, saturation and shader scripting. So it's good Beamdog has an official version now and hopefully it will be expanded, but at the moment from some perspectives it's not really "adding much" in the way of new things right now.

    Trent seems to have big plans for NWN EE so hopefully it will add a lot more entirely new things for everyone.
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