Did you SUSPECT?

We have Did you know, for legit truefax, we have Did you *actually* know, for *actually* legit truefax. Now for Did you suspect, for all those theories that may or may not actually be true, but they might be, and it's always fun to come up with a good conspiracy theory.
I'll start this off:
Gorion's entire relationship with CHARNAME was just a web of lies intended to manipulate their behaviour.
CHARNAME's heritage? Concealed for as long as possible, and CHARNAME kept in the safest, least murder-filled, location on the Sword Coast.
Identity of Imoen? Conceals it from CHARNAME while keeping them together.
Identity of CHARNAME's mother and his relationship with her? Lie, and a backup plan to manipulate CHARNAME beyond the grave.
Old friends with Jaheira and Khalid? Lie - Jaheira, according to her game bio, is at most twenty-one years old, and Gorion just spent the last two decades "raising" CHARNAME. Jaheira and Khalid may or may not have even met the man before he died.
What else could Gorion have lied about?
How about Shank and Carbos?
Think about it. Unlike every other assassin CHARNAME encounters, there is no bounty notice, and considering that both are basically naked idiots with a dagger how the heck would two completely incompetent boobs somehow managed to show up in Candlekeep, somehow bypassing incredible measures of security to enter in order to assassinate CHARNAME?
Gorion recruited them himself, brought them into the keep invisibly while he entered, and used them to lend weight to his narrative that Candlekeep is unsafe and to keep CHARNAME feeling threatened, fearful, and easily manipulated while on the road. The same motivation that led him to hand a pittance of coins to CHARNAME to prevent them from being adequately equipped for their journey to come.
Is Gorion even dead?
Considering that Gorion's body remains perfectly intact after being slain by Sarevok, and he is less than a day's travel from Candlekeep, where a priest of Oghma is perfectly capable of casting Raise Dead for a few hundred gold, why would they allow the highly respected sage to remain dead? Hull tells you they brought his body in, but doesn't explicitly say what they did with it.
Conclusion: Gorion was raised, as befits his status, and left without a word. He is now alive, well, and has moved onto another Harper project in sunny Cormyr. He occasionally thinks of his one-time ward, who he raised for decades, and he feels nothing.
What are some of your theories about things that happen in the game?
I'll start this off:
Gorion's entire relationship with CHARNAME was just a web of lies intended to manipulate their behaviour.
CHARNAME's heritage? Concealed for as long as possible, and CHARNAME kept in the safest, least murder-filled, location on the Sword Coast.
Identity of Imoen? Conceals it from CHARNAME while keeping them together.
Identity of CHARNAME's mother and his relationship with her? Lie, and a backup plan to manipulate CHARNAME beyond the grave.
Old friends with Jaheira and Khalid? Lie - Jaheira, according to her game bio, is at most twenty-one years old, and Gorion just spent the last two decades "raising" CHARNAME. Jaheira and Khalid may or may not have even met the man before he died.
What else could Gorion have lied about?
How about Shank and Carbos?
Think about it. Unlike every other assassin CHARNAME encounters, there is no bounty notice, and considering that both are basically naked idiots with a dagger how the heck would two completely incompetent boobs somehow managed to show up in Candlekeep, somehow bypassing incredible measures of security to enter in order to assassinate CHARNAME?
Gorion recruited them himself, brought them into the keep invisibly while he entered, and used them to lend weight to his narrative that Candlekeep is unsafe and to keep CHARNAME feeling threatened, fearful, and easily manipulated while on the road. The same motivation that led him to hand a pittance of coins to CHARNAME to prevent them from being adequately equipped for their journey to come.
Is Gorion even dead?
Considering that Gorion's body remains perfectly intact after being slain by Sarevok, and he is less than a day's travel from Candlekeep, where a priest of Oghma is perfectly capable of casting Raise Dead for a few hundred gold, why would they allow the highly respected sage to remain dead? Hull tells you they brought his body in, but doesn't explicitly say what they did with it.
Conclusion: Gorion was raised, as befits his status, and left without a word. He is now alive, well, and has moved onto another Harper project in sunny Cormyr. He occasionally thinks of his one-time ward, who he raised for decades, and he feels nothing.
What are some of your theories about things that happen in the game?
But being more serious: I like theory that the only reason Gorion leaves Candlekeep with Charname is to keep Gorion's Ward safe inside Candlekeep. We are the bait.
Notably, the Sandrah mods put a whole additional layer of content beside and around the original main plot. It connects the protagonist's story with the events around Bhaal's death and all those NPCs who were affected by those events. There is just too much to sum it up in a single post.