So what y'all doing?

Some of us are returning after a long absence.
Others never left.
Some are here to play alone or with friends.
Others still are here to create!
Others never left.
Some are here to play alone or with friends.
Others still are here to create!
How have you been?
Ain't seen you in a while. Take your shoes off and warm yourself by the fire.
It's nice to see you again. Whatcha been up to?
While we are debating about features and the future direction of our game I thought it might be nice to catch up on how we have been, what we have been up to and to have a bit of a natter.
There are so many old and new faces it would be nice to get reacquainted.
- Jamie
Pretty much the same as always: being a disrespectful menace who never helps anybody.
I have to maintain a reputation.
You do us all a service.
Once you have built for NWN you can never truly let it go. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people have something simmering on the back burner. What was the last thing you were working on? Something fun I hope!
I am hoping that with modern day' computers, we'll be able to compile faster and be able to have more 'stuff to put in the game. bigger areas/less lag and load times/ability for more placeables to be rendered etc.
My module takes from forgotten realms lore in the shining south. have fun writing/building everyone!
Errrr, these things happen when your PW goes down or the TV breaks
In other news, the module that I've been trying to make has had great progress: I made a variant for pretty much every animal and a bunch of NPC's for a town and then subsequently deleted them. Also made an town and an interior for one of its buildings - I then subsequently deleted the interior. It'll get done eventually.
However, don't put all that pressure on yourself to make your dream mod right off the bat!
When I returned to modding last year I was so overwhelmed by the toolset at first and I had spent literally thousands of hours in front of it when building for various PW's and personal projects.
So I just tried to achieve one little goal at a time. Make a few areas. Learn where stuff is in the tileset and the location of all the items. Try to dress a few areas by putting down placeables. Play with the music. Once I figured out where all things are then the logic of the toolset became second nature!
I can't wait to hear new updates on your progress! But panters are so sneekah sneekah!
I like how you did winners and losers brackets. Makes me think of EVO!
Buildings and NPC's come and go but virtual animal blood sport lasts a lifetime! Hitting those huge milestones feels so satisfying... Addictivly so. Someones I wonder if all builders are just chasing a dopamine high for completing ordered tasks?
Also refamiliarizing myself with the toolset. Maybe someday I'll make a complete module.
On the NWN
Working on New Carrion crawler model
Debating on should I put more into my base module for 1.69 like speak with dead spell and system or
jump completely over to EE version of it and grab all Vfx open face helmets model from the vault and get that system up and running.
or I can just eat a lot of food (mmm that pizza look good from EE stream)
Hope everyone having a good holiday time.
If you don't mind giving up trade secrets. How did you go about your implementation and what's the feature you are most proud of? I have yet to finish any official campaign in 15 years of playing.
I picked up the DD hoping it would encourage me to finish them but I am almost certain I am lying to myself.
Its a little less festive in here because of it.
However I have a festive fireplace going instead!
Do you have any cool WIP shots of your Carrion Crawler?
I'm seeing a lot of people want to get into the toolset and I'm wondering if it would be possible to create an online course in how to use the toolset. Perhaps even have guest professors come in and give a short lecture and demonstration on something they would like to teach?
We have a lot more tools to do such a thing in 2017 than we did in 2002.
I agree it's not really dopamine raising type of fun but it can make a survival and simulation style adventure interesting by raising problems. If the party kills the dragon it might have more copper and gold they can carry, when they come back for the rest an ogre warband might have decided they want to keep it.
Your currency system sounds wonderfully functional and effective! I can only begin to imagine all the adventure hooks and fluff you can build off it! When you supply more options, suddenly a thieves guild that only deals in gold is suddenly a lot more interesting.
I always loved the little flavor rules in D&D and was deeply saddened by modern D&D that it cut much of that away in favor of streamlining the entire process.
If there's one big resource D&D has it's lots and lots of tables with data. They even have tables to generate everything randomly in a dungeon, so if you just input it all into scripts you would essentially have a procedural generated dungeon system without even needing to think about it.
I've done item blueprint conversions for treasure before too but it can take a really long time especially if you're doing all the descriptions from the source books.
I've also found the old books have a lot of detailed solutions to problems ppl bring up today, so it's always interesting to go on an archaeological trip to and gain long forgotten insights into game design lol
There does seem to be a bunch of videos on youtube with tutorials for the toolset. I haven't watched any of them yet. It would be kind of cool for some of the beamdog employees to do some tutorials, though, and show everyone how the pros do it.
Well, with NWN: Fixing some things, adding some more things, keeping an eye on a deadline that I set for myself back in January.
Here's some pages with comparisons for different values, the traditional values varied more often like real coinage, while the newer simplified into decimal except for electrum.
Hangovers have been recovered from. Strangers kissed. Office work parties regretted.
Each of us has survived for one more trip around the burning sun... hopefully the RNG will be on our side this time around!
So what are everyones plans for 2018? Projects you want to begin or finish? Hobbies you are going to get into? New years resolutions you have already broken?
Tell us about your upcoming 2018!
- Jamie